Wednesday, February 11, 2015

200 migrants missing in new Mediterranean boat tragedy

More than 200 migrants are missing after their boats sank in the Mediterranean Sea, according to survivors of the latest tragedy in the area, international agencies said today...

Nine survivors landed on the Italian island of Lampedusa today, out of more than 200 who had left Libya on Saturday in two rubber dinghies, the International Organisation for Migration said.

"Nine were saved after four days at sea. The other 203 were swallowed by the waves," UNHCR spokeswoman in Italy, Carlotta Sami, said on Twitter.

The IOM said the surviving migrants spoke French, so probably came from west African nations such as Ivory Coast and Senegal.

"Because of the bad weather conditions, the two dinghies collapsed and the people fell at sea. Many drowned," IOM official Flavio Di Giacomo said.

He said the migrants had left with another dinghy carrying a group of Africans, 29 of whom were killed by exposure trying to make the short but perilous crossing from Libya to Lampedusa.  



  1. Over 300 migrants who left Libya for Italy in four dinghies are now confirmed missing, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said Wednesday...

    "Reports gathered by UNHCR from the Italian Coast Guard and the survivors in Lampedusa now suggest some 300 people are confirmed missing," the UNHCR said in a statement.

    The agency said it was "shocked at new information emerging on the actual scale of the tragedy", reiterating its concern about the lack of a strong search and rescue operation in the Mediterranean................

  2. At least 203 people are believed to have drowned after two inflatable boats carrying them across the Mediterranean Sea sank, the UNHCR's spokeswoman in Italy has reported in a series of tweets...

    Carlotta Sami said on Twitter on Wednesday that nine survivors had managed to reach the Italian island of Lampedusa after spending "days and nights at sea."

    Sami said in a series of tweets: "The tragedy is horrible and enormous.

    "Nine are safe after four days at sea. The other 203 were swallowed by the waves.".................

  3. São mais de 300 os migrantes desaparecidos em naufrágio no Mediterrâneo...

    Inicialmente, e com base em testemunhos de nove sobreviventes, o Alto Comissariado da ONU para os Refugiados (ACNUR) e a Organização Internacional para as Migrações (OIM) disseram que o número de desaparecidos rondava os 200 migrantes.

    As vítimas eram migrantes, principalmente na África subsaariana, que partiram da costa da Líbia em quatro pequenas embarcações, disse o ACNUR.

    "Esta é uma tragédia de enorme escala e um forte aviso de que mais vidas podem ser perdidas se aqueles que procuram segurança forem deixados à mercê do mar", advertiu o diretor do ACNUR para a Europa, Vincent Cochetel, numa declaração...................

  4. Lampedusa, testimoni: oltre 300 morti nel naufragio. Disperso un quarto gommone...

    Sarebbero oltre 300 le persone morte nel naufragio di due gommoni avvenuto due giorni fa davanti alle coste libiche.
    A raccontarlo sono stati i nove superstiti raccolti da un mercantile italiano e giunti stamane a Lampedusa con una motovedetta della Guardia Costiera. I migranti erano in 105 e 107 sui due gommoni che sono stati travolti dalle onde del mare in tempesta......


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