Saturday, March 14, 2015

Mass destruction feared after cyclone hits Vanuatu. (UN prepares response units saying it "fears the worst"...)

Widespread casualties are feared after a powerful cyclone battered Vanuatu overnight, triggering flash floods and knocking out telephone lines in the isolated Pacific island nation, aid officials have said.
The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) said on Saturday that there was an unconfirmed report that 44 people had died in Vanuatu's northeastern Penama province.

At least one person has been confirmed dead in Papua New Guinea, one of several other Pacific island nations also affected by the destructive storm, named Pam, which hit the region on Friday.

The UN is preparing to deploy emergency rapid response units to Vanuatu on Sunday.

"We fear the worst," Sune Gudnitz, the regional head of UNOCHA, said, speaking from Fiji.

Gudnitz said that with average wind speeds of up to 270 kilometres per hour, the Category 5 cyclone's power was comparable to Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated the Philippines in 2013.

At present, he said, the only information available from Vanuatu has come from isolated reports on social media, describing a terrifying scene as Pam hit the capital, Port Vila, late on Friday.

  • "Vanuatu is a very vulnerable place because of its location in the middle of the ocean," Gudnitz said. "It is possible that there will be a death toll that could be high. I can't give any numbers. I think it is a well-grounded fear."

The UN will attempt to deploy self-reliant rapid response units to Vanuatu, but weather could yet prevent them from landing, he said.

The International Red Cross told Al Jazeera that there was a shortage of shelter, water and food in the island nation after the storm. It added that the main hospital was damaged but the airport runway appeared undamaged.
Poor construction

Vanuatu has a population of around 260,000 and infrastructure there is poor, especially in the outlying islands.

"We know that traditionally in the Pacific people are not that keen on leaving for evacuation centres," Gudnitz said.

As the storm bore down on Vanuatu, aid officials warned that poor construction could put thousands at risk from flash floods and buildings collapsing.

In addition to Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea, the storm has affected the Solomon Islands.

An official with the International Organisation for Migration said a team surveying damage in Papua New Guinea's offshore New Britain region said at least one person was known to have died there.

"The floods have destroyed livelihoods and infrastructure. A lot of the damage to houses has come from fallen trees," said George Gigauri, the IOM's head of mission in Papua New Guinea.



  1. Violent cyclone au Vanuatu: premier bilan "plutôt rassurant"...

    Un très violent cyclone tropical a frappé l'archipel de Vanuatu, dans le Pacifique Sud. Il n'aurait cependant pas engendré de dégâts majeurs et le premier bilan est "plutôt rassurant", selon la sécurité civile de l'archipel. Cependant, selon des informations encore partielles ce samedi, le bilan ferait état d'une dizaine de morts et d'énormes destructions...............

  2. L'achipel de Vanuatu balayé par un violent cyclone, l'ONU craint "le pire"...

    Un cyclone très violent s'est abattu vendredi soir sur l'archipel de Vanuatu. Bien qu'aucun bilan ne soit connu, l'ONU craint un nombre important de victimes et des dégâts d'ampleur.

    "On a eu l'impression que c'était la fin du monde". C'est ainsi qu'Alice Clements, porte-parole du Fonds des Nations unies pour l'enfance (Unicef), a décrit le passage sur le Vanuatu vendredi 13 mars de Pam, un cyclone de catégorie 5 (la plus élevée). Il pourrait avoir causé d'énormes destructions et des dizaines de morts. C'était "quinze ou trente minutes de terreur absolue", ajoute-t-elle.

    "Bien qu'il soit encore trop tôt pour en être sûr, les premières informations indiquent que cette catastrophe naturelle pourrait être l'une des pires dans l'histoire du Pacifique", a déclaré dans un communiqué Vivien Maidaborn, directrice exécutive de l'Unicef Nouvelle-Zélande...............

  3. Vanuatu president calls for help after cyclone destruction...

    Vanuatu's President Baldwin Lonsdale has called for international help after Cyclone Pam ripped through the Pacific archipelago.

    Describing it as a "calamity", he said he spoke with a "heavy heart".

    Aid agencies say the cyclone, which veered off its expected course on Saturday and struck populated areas, has caused "complete devastation".

    Save the Children says eight people are confirmed dead but it is feared dozens more may have been killed.

    Many residents are spending a second night in emergency shelters after finding their homes destroyed.

    Mr Lonsdale was speaking in Japan at the UN's World Conference on Disaster Risk and Reduction.

    "I stand to appeal on behalf of the government and the people of Vanuatu that the global community give a lending hand in responding to these very current calamities...that have struck us," he said.............

  4. Cyclone Pam : les premiers secours attendus dimanche...

    Une réunion de coordination a eu lieu ce samedi à Nouméa. Les premiers secours sont attendus dimanche. Hasard du calendrier, la communauté internationale est aussi réunie ce samedi au Japon pour mieux prévenir les catastrophes naturelles.

    Fauteuils de jardinTrouvez le meilleur des fauteuils de jardin !
    Je craque

    Comment aider l'archipel Vanuatu, durement frappé par Pam, un des cyclones les plus violent de l'histoire ? C'était l'objet d'une réunion de coordination qui a eu lieu samedi à Nouméa pour anticiper l'envoi de secours au Vanuatu a indiqué le haut-commissariat de la République. «Il s'agissait de faire un état des lieux de nos capacités et des dispositions à prendre pour intervenir, dès lors que le gouvernement du Vanuatu sollicitera officiellement l'aide de la France», a déclaré Paul-Marie Claudon, directeur de cabinet du haut-commissaire. Les forces armées en Nouvelle-Calédonie, la Croix-Rouge ainsi que les consulats d'Australie et de Nouvelle-Zélande ont participé à cette réunion. L'Australie s'est en effet dite prête à participer immédiatement aux secours..............


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