Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Greece presents 'realistic plan' to exit debt crisis

Greece has presented a "realistic plan" to exit the debt crisis to lenders and now awaits European leadership's decision on the dilemma between moving forward in unity or devide the continent, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Tuesday.

As Greek government sources were dismissing media reports that Athens received an ultimatum to accept a draft agreement proposal finalized during a meeting of European leaders and representatives of creditors in Berlin on Monday, Tsipras gave his Leftist government's response during a visit to the Ministry of Education in Athens.

"The Greek government negotiates with a plan and a strategy... We have submitted specific proposals and made concessions... We have tabled a realistic plan to exit the crisis," Tsipras said, before throwing the ball back to the lenders' court.

"Now the decision on the dilemma of whether we adapt to realism and exit the crisis or face the prospect of the division of Europe lies with Europe's leadership," Tsipras stressed.

The Greek leader concluded expressing optimism over the outcome, as time was pressing.

On Friday June 5 Greece needs to repay the next loan installment to International Monetary Fund and more installments by July. Greek officials have said that Athens will not manage it without international financing.

But after four months of tough negotiations with creditors over the needed reforms in return of cash, the gap between the interlocutors regarding key issues has not closed and fears of an imminent credit event and Grexit have fueled.

On Monday night German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted French President Francois Hollande, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and European Central Bank head Mario Draghi to discuss developments on the Greek issue. The talks ended with a call for stepped up efforts to reach a compromise agreement.

  Xinhua - china.org.cn 


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    Alexis Tspiras said it was now up to the leaders of Europe, who are Greece's main creditors, to accept a deal or risk potentially disastrous consequences for the region.

    But the European Union said the sides were "not there yet."

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    Greece's leftist government has put forward first proposals for pension reform as debt talks with international creditors reach a crunch point this week with Athens' cash running out, the European Union's economics chief said on Tuesday.

    The report came after the leaders of Germany, France, the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank agreed at an emergency meeting in Berlin on Monday night to work with "real intensity" to try to wrap up the long-running negotiations in the coming days.

    The surprise talks hosted by German Chancellor Angela Merkel showed that heads of state and international organisations have taken the battle to keep Greece in the euro zone into their own hands after months of insisting it was a matter for technical negotiations among experts.

    Failure to reach agreement this month could trigger a Greek default and lead to the imposition of capital controls and a potential exit from the euro zone, dealing a blow to Europe's supposedly irreversible single currency.......Reuters

  4. La Grecia presenta il piano: "Ora spetta ai leader europei"...

    Una mossa che arriva al termine del vertice notturno tenuto a Berlino dal premier francese Francois Hollande, dalla cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel e dal direttore generale del Fmi Christine Lagarde. il primo ministro greco non ha dato dettagli sul documento presentato, si è limitato a dire che contiene "proposte realistiche". "Ora - ha chiosato ai microfoni dall’emittente statale Nerit Tv - la decisione spetta alla leadership politica dell’Europa". Fonti del governo ateniese hanno, però, assicurato i 300 milioni di euro dovuti al Fmi saranno saldati venerdì 5 giugno, anche qualora la Grecia non dovesse ricevere in tempo ulteriori aiuti, se entro quel giorno sarà raggiunto l'accordo.

    La partita greca è alle battute finali. L'ipotesi di un default venerdì, quando scade la nuova rata Fmi, spaventa a tal punto da costringere i vertici dell'Unione europea a scendere in campo. Ieri sera il governatore della Bce Mario Draghi ha raggiunto, a sorpresa, Merkel e Hollande, già riuniti a Berlino, per trovare una soluzione all'impasse e mettere fine a quei negoziati tecnici che finora hanno fatto pochi progressi e portato via troppo tempo. Dopo i molti avvertimenti dell’Europa ad Atene, il tempo ora sta per scadere sul serio, nonostante la Commissione europea, mediatrice nella partita tra Atene e le altre capitali, abbia spostato la scadenza a fine giugno per far guadagnare tempo ai negoziati. Ma il default della Grecia, incubo per tutta l’Eurozona, potrebbe scattare già venerdì se non si corre ai ripari: Atene deve rimborsare 300 milioni di euro al Fmi, ma ancora non sa come e se quel giorno riuscirà a pagare. Ha detto che lo farà, ma la fiducia dei creditori è molto scarsa, visto che già per l’ultima rata ha dovuto accedere ai fondi d’emergenza depositati presso il Fondo, che ha autorizzato l’operazione purché venga rimborsato entro un mese............http://www.ilgiornale.it/news/economia/grecia-presenta-piano-ora-spetta-ai-leader-europei-1135870.html

  5. Την ολοκλήρωση της πρότασης των εταίρων προς την ελληνική κυβέρνηση επιβεβαιώνουν ευρωπαίοι αξιωματούχοι στην “Κ”...

    Η πρόταση το μεσημέρι της Τρίτης δεν είχε αποσταλεί ακόμα στην Αθήνα καθώς δεν ήταν σαφές με ποιο τρόπο θα έπρεπε να επικοινωνηθεί στην Αθήνα, μέσω τηλεδιάσκεψης με το Μέγαρο Μαξίμου ή με φυσική συνάντηση. Από την στιγμή που θα αποσταλεί όμως οι εταίροι περιμένουν μία γρήγορη απάντηση από την Αθήνα.

    Συγχρόνως ευρωπαϊκές πηγές επιβεβαιώνουν έγγραφο- πρόταση που στάλθηκε από την Αθήνα χθες το βράδυ. Οι ίδιες πηγές μιλάνε για ένα έγγραφο μάλλον ασαφές και όχι όσο επεξεργασμένο όσο αυτό των θεσμών.......kathimerini.com.cy


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