Thursday, August 13, 2015

Devastating warehouse blasts hit China's Tianjin

Explosions at a warehouse for dangerous materials in the northeastern Chinese port of Tianjin have killed at least 17 people and injured nearly 400 and sent a shockwave through the city.

Chinese state news said the blasts started late on Wednesday after a container of "hazardous material" exploded in a warehouse around midnight local time.

State broadcaster CCTV said that at least 17 people had died and 32 of the injured were in critical condition in hospital after the explosions. At least 36 firemen were also reported missing by the state news agency.

The blasts knocked doors off buildings in the area and shattered windows up to several miles away.

There was no indication of what caused the blasts, and no immediate sign of any large release of toxic chemicals into the air...............



  1. The northeastern Chinese port of Tianjin is operating as normal after two massive explosions ripped through an industrial area nearby overnight, a port official said on Thursday....

    "(The port is) operating as normal. We have not been affected," said an executive, who identified himself as the duty officer at Tianjin Port (Group) and gave his surname as Wei.

    Tianjin is one of the world's busiest container ports.

    Official Chinese media said the explosions killed 17 people and injured around 400. by REUTERS

  2. China explosions: Chemical specialists sent to Tianjin...

    China has sent a team of military specialists in handling chemicals to the northern city of Tianjin, after warehouse explosions left at least 50 dead, state media report.

    The blasts, late on Wednesday night, ripped through an industrial port area, destroying buildings, shipping containers and thousands of new cars.

    It is not known what caused the blasts, nor whether chemicals have leaked.

    More than 3,500 residents are spending the night in temporary shelters.

    State news agency Xinhua reports that rescue workers are "racing against the clock to save the injured and contain fires", 24 hours after the massive blasts.

    The warehouse that exploded is owned by a company called Ruihai Logistics, which handles toxic chemicals including sodium cyanide and toluene diisocyanate, according to reports.

    The People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Chinese Communist Party, reports that rescuers "are trying to remove all the 700 tons of sodium cyanide" stored at the site. Hydrogen peroxide had been prepared to detoxify the chemical, the paper says.................

  3. Chine: les explosions à Tianjin font au moins 50 morts et plus de 700 blessés ...

    De gigantesques explosions dans la métropole portuaire de Tianjin, dans l'est de la Chine, ont fait au moins 50 morts et plus de 700 blessés, selon un bilan officiel publié jeudi soir, et laissé derrière elles un paysage industriel dévasté.

    Les déflagrations sont survenues mercredi peu avant minuit dans le "nouveau quartier de Binhai", une vaste zone d'usines et d'entrepôts faisant la fierté de Tianjin, l'un des principaux ports de Chine, à 140 km de Pékin.

    Une boule de feu géante et des colonnes de flammes se sont élevées dans le ciel, propulsant des nuages de poussière et de débris à des dizaines de mètres dans les airs. Des images spectaculaires montraient des barrières de feu enveloppant les bâtiments, des rangées de voitures calcinées et d'imposants conteneurs éparpillés tels des briques de jeux d'enfants. Des bris de verre jonchaient les rues jusqu'à trois kilomètres autour du site du désastre.

    Les déflagrations sont parties d'un entrepôt de la zone portuaire de la ville, où étaient stockés des conteneurs de produits "dangereux" dont des produits chimiques, selon des médias d'Etat.

    La puissance de la deuxième explosion équivalait à la détonation de 21 tonnes de TNT, a indiqué le Centre chinois des réseaux de surveillance des séismes.

    Dans la zone portuaire, des dortoirs pour travailleurs migrants n'étaient plus que des carcasses de tôle écrasées contre terre...............

  4. China Tianjin blasts: Evacuations as sodium cyanide found...

    The Chinese authorities have ordered the evacuation of residents within a 3km radius of the Tianjin blast site over fears of chemical contamination.

    The evacuations came as police confirmed the highly toxic chemical sodium cyanide was found near the site.

    A man was found alive 50m from the blast core, Xinhua news agency said.

    Eighty-five people are now known to have died and hundreds were hurt in the giant blasts in the north-eastern Chinese port on Wednesday.

    People sheltering at a school used as a safe haven since the disaster have been asked to leave wearing masks and long trousers, reports say............


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