Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ESM approves third program for Greece (official statement)

The Board of Governors of the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) approved the ESM Managing Director’s proposal for a Financial Assistance Facility Agreement (FFA) with Greece in the amount up to 86 bln euro, the ESM said in its official statement on Wednesday.

"The ESM will provide up to €86 billion in financial assistance to Greece over three years," the document said.

"The ESM funds will be used for budgetary expenditures, arrears clearance and the build-up of cash buffers, debt service, and banking sector recapitalization," the document said. "The precise amount of financial assistance from the ESM will depend on the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) decision regarding the extent of its participation in financing the programme. The IMF will take this decision following the completion of the first programme review," the ESM Board of Governors said.

The total amount of financial assistance will also depend "on Greece’s success in implementing policy reforms, which are designed to ensure that Greece returns to market financing," the document said. Privatization proceeds may additionally reduce the amount of financial assistance needed.

  • According to information available the first tranche within the third aid program framework will total €26 bln. Funds will be transferred by October and the first installment of €13 bln may be paid already on Wednesday. The decision on them was already made by the European Group at the extraordinary meeting on August 14.

"The ESM Board of Governors has approved a programme that will allow Greece to turn the tide and follow the success of other euro area Member States [Ireland, Portugal, and Cyprus] that have benefitted from ESM support," ESM Managing Director Klaus Regling said. 

"Pension and tax reforms, structural reforms to stimulate growth and investment, a strengthened privatisation programme, as well as measures designed to make public administration more efficient" will be required from Greece to implement the program, Regling said. "The ESM will make these reforms possible by ensuring financing for the Greek government," he added.

"This agreement [between Greece and lenders] provides perspective for the Greek economy and a basis for sustainable growth. The Greek government is bound to implementing this wide-ranging reform package with determination and we will monitor the process closely," Chairperson of the ESM Board of Governors Jeroen Dijsselbloem said.



  1. El Consejo de Administración del Mecanismo Europeo de Estabilidad ha aprobado la asignación del primer tramo de la ayuda financiera a Grecia en el marco del tercer programa internacional, informa la agencia TASS...

    La cantidad total del tramo se estima en 26.000 millones de euros, que, según se prevé, Grecia la recibirá antes de este octubre. La asignación de los primeros 13.000 millones podría ser efectuada este jueves.

    Los fondos restantes del tercer programa de asistencia a Atenas, que es de 86.000 millones de euros, se asignarán durante los tres próximos años "en la medida que se realicen las reformas estructurales en este país".

  2. Grèce - La zone euro débloque une première tranche d'aide de 23 milliards d'euros...

    (Belga) Les ministres des Finances de la zone euro ont approuvé mercredi soir le déblocage d'une première tranche de l'aide à la Grèce, qui lui permettra de rembourser dès jeudi 3,4 milliards d'euros dus à la Banque centrale européenne, a annoncé dans un communiqué le Mécanisme européen de stabilité (MES).

    Le conseil d'administration du MES, composé des ministres des Finances des 19, "a approuvé le programme pour la Grèce", indique le communiqué. La Grèce va recevoir immédiatement une somme de 23 milliards d'euros, a confirmé une source proche du dossier. Les 19 attendaient, avant de donner leur feu vert définitif à ce versement, que les Parlement nationaux appelés à se prononcer sur le nouveau programme d'aide à la Grèce l'aient

  3. EZB-Kredite: Griechenland zahlt 3,4 Milliarden zurück...

    Die griechische Regierung hat die ersten Milliardenhilfen aus dem dritten Hilfspaket überwiesen bekommen. Das Geld hat sie genutzt, um die Schulden bei der Europäischen Zentralbank zu begleichen.

    Griechenland hat die ersten 13 Milliarden Euro aus dem neuen Hilfsprogramm der Euro-Partner erhalten. Das Geld sei am Donnerstagmorgen überwiesen worden, teilte der Eurorettungsfonds ESM in Luxemburg mit.
    Nach der ersten Sofortzahlung aus dem neuen Hilfspaket hat Griechenland fällige Schulden bei der Europäischen Zentralbank (EZB) beglichen. Athen habe der EZB 3,4 Milliarden Euro zurückgezahlt, verlautete am Donnerstag aus Regierungskreisen in Athen. Die Rückzahlung von 3,2 Milliarden Euro Schulden und 200 Millionen Euro Zinsen wurde damit fristgerecht geleistet................


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