Thursday, September 24, 2015

Hajj: 150 dead and 400 injured in Mina stampede

Saudi Arabia’s civil defense says that at least 150 pilgrims have died while 400 others were injured when a stampede broke out in the tent city of Mina, reported Al Arabiya News.

Rescue operations are currently under way, the service said on Twitter, after the stampede in Mina near Mecca, where hundreds of thousands of pilgrims were taking part in the 'stoning of the devil', last major rite of the Hajj pilgrimage.
[Developing story]

  • At least 150 people taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage have been killed in a stampede near the Islamic holy city of Mecca, officials in Saudi Arabia say...

The civil defence authority said on Twitter that another 400 people were injured in the incident at Mina, about 5km (3 miles) from Mecca.

Rescue operations were under way, it added.

The stampede occurred on the first day of Eid al-Adha, or the Feast of the Sacrifice.


  • Hajj: 220 dead and 450 injured in Mina stampede...

Saudi Arabia’s civil defense says that at least 150 pilgrims have died while 400 others were injured when a stampede broke out in the tent city of Mina, reported Al Arabiya News.

Rescue operations are currently under way, the service said on Twitter, after the stampede in Mina near Mecca, where hundreds of thousands of pilgrims were taking part in the 'stoning of the devil', last major rite of the Hajj pilgrimage.

Al Arabiya News Channel’s correspondent Abdulrahman Al-Osaimi reporting from Mina emergency hospital said the stampede happened at the entrance of the Jamarat bridge near Street 204, not inside of the area where the stoning pillars are.

“The injured have been distributed to four other hospitals in the Mina area. Some of the injured have been evacuated by helicopters to hospitals in Makkah city,” our reporter said.

The civil defense team also said that their teams on the ground are leading pilgrims to safer routes away from the stampede through alternate routes and that rescue operations are still underway.

Footage from the scene show people lying on the floor while emergency crews tend to the injured. Images shared on Twitter also show neighboring hospitals in the area getting ready.


  1. Saudi Arabia’s civil defense says that at least 310 pilgrims have died while 450 others were injured when a stampede broke out in the tent city of Mina, reported Al Arabiya News....

    Rescue operations are currently under way, the service said on Twitter, after the stampede in Mina near Mecca, where hundreds of thousands of pilgrims were taking part in the 'stoning of the devil', last major rite of the Hajj pilgrimage.

    Al Arabiya News Channel’s correspondent Abdulrahman Al-Osaimi reporting from Mina emergency hospital said the stampede happened at the entrance of the Jamarat bridge near Street 204, not inside of the area where the stoning pillars are.

    “The injured have been distributed to four other hospitals in the Mina area. Some of the injured have been evacuated by helicopters to hospitals in Makkah city,” our reporter said.

    The civil defense team also said that their teams on the ground are leading pilgrims to safer routes away from the stampede through alternate routes and that rescue operations are still underway.

    Footage from the scene show people lying on the floor while emergency crews tend to the injured. Images shared on Twitter also show neighboring hospitals in the area getting ready.

  2. At least 310 people taking part in the Hajj pilgrimage have been killed in a stampede near the Islamic holy city of Mecca, officials in Saudi Arabia say...

    Another 450 people were injured in the incident at Mina, which occurred as two million pilgrims were taking part in the Hajj's last major rite.

    They converge on Mina to throw stones at pillars representing the devil.

    Preparations for the Hajj were marred when a crane collapsed at Mecca's Grand Mosque this month, killing 109 people.....BBC

  3. Bousculade meurtrière à La Mecque, plusieurs centaines de morts....

    Une bousculade a entraîné la mort de plusieurs centaines de personnes, jeudi, à Mina, près de La Mecque, au premier jour de la fête de l'Aïd el-Kebir. Près de deux millions de musulmans participent au pèlerinage.

    Plus de 220 personnes ont trouvé la mort et 450 autres ont été blessées dans une bousculade de pèlerins, jeudi 24 septembre, à Mina, près de La Mecque, selon un bilan de la défense civile saoudienne. Des opérations de secours sont en cours.

    Au premier jour de la fête de l'Aïd el-Kebir, les pèlerins, près de deux millions de personnes selon des statistiques publiées mercredi soir, ont commencé leur pèlerinage dans la vallée de Mina, dans l'ouest de l'Arabie saoudite.

    La Mecque avait déjà été le théâtre d'un tragique accident avant le début du hajj, lorsqu'une grue s'était effondrée à la Grande mosquée le 11 septembre tuant plus de 100 personnes.
    Avec AFP et Reuters

  4. Pilger in Mekka: Mindestens 310 Tote bei Massenpanik...

    Bei einer Massenpanik während der islamischen Wallfahrt Hadsch sind nahe Mekka mindestens 310 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. 450 Gläubige seien verletzt worden, meldete der Zivilschutz des Landes am Donnerstag.

    Zu dem Unglück kam es demnach in der Nähe des Ortes Mina, wo die Gläubigen am dritten Tag der Wallfahrt symbolisch den Teufel steinigen. Dort hatte es in den vergangenen Jahren mehrere Baumaßnahmen gegeben, die für einen reibungslosen Strom der Pilger sorgen und einen Massenandrang verhindern sollen. Nach Angaben saudischer Medien haben sich in diesem Jahr mehr als zwei Millionen Menschen auf die Pilgerfahrt nach Mekka gemacht, darunter fast 1,4 Millionen aus anderen Ländern.

    Immer wieder kommt es in Mekka während der Pilgerfahrt zu Unglücken. Erst wenige Tage vor Beginn der diesjährigen Wallfahrt waren bei mehr als 100 Menschen ums Leben gekommen, als ein Kran bei einem schweren Unwetter auf die Große Moschee stürzte. 2006 waren bei einem Massenandrang rund 350 Gläubige gestorben.


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