Friday, September 25, 2015

Volkswagen emission manipulations affect 2.8 million vehicles in Germany

German Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt said on Friday that 2.8 million vehicles in Germany were affected by Volkswagen emission manipulations which involved not only passenger cars, but also light commercial vehicles.

Dobrindt told German lawmakers here that vehicles with 1.6 and 2 liter diesel engines in Germany were affected by the manipulations. Vehicles with 1.2 liter diesel engines were also possibly involved in the scandal.

He urged the German auto giant to further clarify the situation and find technical solutions. "We expect a binding timetable as to when there will be a technical solution, and by when it can be implemented," the minister said.

A commission appointed by Dobrindt is conducting inquiries at Volkswagen's headquarters in Wolfsburg. On Thursday, the German government was informed that Volkswagen also cheated in in emission tests of its diesel vehicles in Europe as it did in the United States.

The automaker admitted earlier this week that it manipulated emissions in some 11 million cars.

 Xinhua -


1 comment:

  1. Dobrindt: 2,8 Millionen Autos in Deutschland manipuliert...

    Der Skandal um von Volkswagen manipulierte Abgaswerte greift wohl weiter um sich. Verkehrsminister Dobrindt sagt nun, dass auch leichte Nutzfahrzeuge davon betroffen seien. In Wolfsburg tagt der Aufsichtsrat.

    Volkswagen hat angeblich noch mehr Abgaswerte verfälscht als bislang angenommen. Bundesverkehrsminister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU), der mittlerweile eine Untersuchungs-Kommission in der Sache eingesetzt hat, sagte an diesem Freitag, nach Kenntnis seines Ministeriums seien neben Personenwagen auch leichte Nutzfahrzeuge betroffen. Um welche es sich handeln soll, wurde noch nicht bekannt. Dobrindt sagte, insgesamt gehe es in Deutschland um 2,8 Millionen Fahrzeuge. In Deutschland sind derzeit rund 54 Millionen Kraftfahrzeuge


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