Monday, October 12, 2015

Flight MH17: Lavrov refuses to comment on initiatives of five countries regarding Boeing crash

The investigation conducted by five countries (the Netherlands, Malaysia, Belgium, Australia and Ukraine) into the tragedy with Boeing contains so many weird aspects that there is no sense in commenting on their new initiatives, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday after his talks with OSCE’s Secretary General Lamberto Zannier.

"We have presented many times our opinion about all the weird aspects of that work, which the five countries have organized," he said. "In the very beginning Malaysia — the plane’s owner — was not invited for six months, they worked without it. ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) was not invited to the leading role, like it is done always. The aircraft debris and bodies were not evacuated, then some were evacuated and some remained there; no answers were given to Russia; they refused to talk to Almaz-Antei representatives, though the investigators say the plane was downed by a missile the company produces; then they remember about the UN Security Council as they wanted to establish a tribunal. I would not even name many and many weird aspects."

Russia "is the only country, which offered data from its satellites," he said. "The US, having this data, would not give them; the Ukrainians would not present recordings of dispatchers. All these things have been in numerous interviews, and still some noise about it does continue."

"Several days earlier they say about the missile’s debris — not parts of the warhead, but the missile itself — in the bodies. How come they are publishing it only now:"

"You know what, speaking about trials and judges, about the investigative group — God will judge that group."





  1. Dutch Safety Board Ignores Russian Data on MH17 Crash, Pushes Own Version...

    The Dutch Safety Board is ignoring the information provided by Russia for an investigation into last year’s flight MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine as the it is only interested in pushing forward its own version of events, experts told Sputnik.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Niemoller cited a recent letter from Russia’s Federal Air Transport Agency to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), criticizing Dutch investigators over their inquiry methods into the MH17 airplane crash.

    "What I know of, DSB [isn’t] interested in anything else but a Buk [missile] scenario. Which is logical, because in reality it's a Dutch/[Ukraine] investigation. They are ignoring all other information," Joost Niemoller, a Dutch journalist and author of "MH-17: The Cover-up Deal" book, said.

    Malaysia’s New Straits Times newspaper said Sunday it had seen a letter by Russian agency chief Oleg Storchevoi to ICAO president Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu lambasting the Dutch Safety Board (DSB) in charge of the crash probe for going against the "principle of sequence of conclusions" in blaming the crash on a Buk missile strike, before analyzing damage to the aircraft.

    Earlier in the day, the Russian Air Transport Agency confirmed it had sent the complaint.

    "The report cannot arrive at a final, conclusive decision since the investigators were not at the crash scene immediately after the crash," British historian Martin McCauley told Sputnik. "They [investigators] assumed that Russian evidence would be provided to absolve Russia of any blame. Russia would not provide material which pointed to Russian involvement."......

  2. The Dutch Safety Board is to publish a final report on why Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 broke up over Ukraine in 2014, killing all 298 on board...

    Preliminary findings say it was hit by "high-energy objects from outside the aircraft", fuelling speculation that a surface-to-air missile was responsible.

    The West and Ukraine say Russian-backed rebels brought down the Boeing 777, while Russia blames Ukraine. But the report will not say who was to blame.

    Moscow is to issue its own report.....BBC

  3. MH17: "L'avion abattu par un missile russe BUK" selon le rapport final ...

    Quinze mois après le crash du vol MH17 dans l'est de l'Ukraine et la mort de ses 298 occupants, les enquêteurs néerlandais doivent publier mardi leur rapport final, qui pourrait exacerber les tensions entre l'Occident et Moscou.

    Alors que le Bureau néerlandais pour la sécurité (OVV) finalisait ses préparations pour la publication très attendue de son rapport, Moscou a préparé sa contre-offensive, après avoir démenti de manière véhémente tout rôle dans les événements du 17 juillet 2014.

    L'OVV, qui mène l'enquête depuis que le Boeing 777 de la Malaysia Airlines a disparu des radars, doit présenter ses conclusions vers 13H15 (11H15 GMT) sur la base aérienne de Gilze-Rijen, dans le sud des

  4. Hersteller: MH17 mit alter Rakete abgeschossen - Russland hat keine solchen Raketen...

    Die malaysische Verkehrsmaschine Boeing Flug MH17, die im Juli 2014 mit 298 Menschen an Bord in der Ost-Ukraine abgestützt ist, wurde nach Erkenntnissen des russischen Rüstungskonzerns Almaz-Antey mit einer alten Rakete des Typs Buk 9М38 abgeschossen, die aus einem von den Regierungstruppen kontrollierten Gebiet abgefeuert worden war.

    Die Produktion solcher Raketen war bereits zu Sowjetzeiten eingestellt worden, teilte Almaz-Antey am Dienstag mit. Der Konzern hat eine eigene Untersuchung zur MH17-Absturzursache durchgeführt und sogar als Experiment eine ausgediente Boeing gesprengt. Bei diesem Experiment konnte laut Konzernchef Jan Nowikow der Typ der Rakete genau festgestellt werden.

    „Wir haben bewiesen, dass es eine Rakete vom Typ Buk 9М38 war, die die Boeing vom Himmel geholt hat. Und dass sie aus dem Raum Saroschtschenskoje abgefeuert worden war“, teilte Nowikow am Dienstag auf einer Pressekonferenz mit. „Die letzte solche Rakete war im Jahr 1986 in der Sowjetunion gebaut worden." Die russischen Streitkräfte hätten bereits 2011 diese Buk-Modifikation ausgemustert. Saroschtschenskoje stand zum Zeitpunkt des MH17-Absturzes unter Kontrolle des ukrainischen Militärs.

  5. Le vol MH17 de Malaysia Airlines a été abattu depuis un territoire contrôlé par les forces gouvernementales ukrainiennes, selon une étude du groupe russe Almaz-Anteï...

    Le vol MH17 de Malaysia Airlines a été abattu depuis un territoire contrôlé par les forces gouvernementales ukrainiennes, selon une étude réalisée par le groupe russe Almaz-Anteï.

    Le vol MH17, avec 298 personnes à son bord, s'est écrasé dans le Donbass ukrainien, alors théâtre d'intenses combats entre les indépendantistes des "républiques populaires" de Donetsk et de Lougansk et les forces gouvernementales.

    Les autorités de Kiev ont par la suite accusé les insurgés d'avoir abattu l'avion à l'aide d'un système de missiles Bouk dont la provenance reste cependant mystérieuse. Pour leur part, les indépendantistes démentent toute implication dans la catastrophe.

    Le consortium russe Almaz-Anteï, producteur des missiles sol-air Bouk, a mené sa propre enquête sur la catastrophe du Boeing 777 (vol MH17) en Ukraine, en organisant une expérience grandeur nature. Le groupe a fait exploser l'ogive d'un Bouk près d'un Boeing retiré du service, dans l'espoir de déterminer les circonstances du crash.

    Le groupe affirme en outre que le Boeing a été abattu par un missile 9M38-M1 du système Bouk-M1 en dotation dans l'armée ukrainienne.


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