Saturday, October 31, 2015

Moscow warns against using incorrect information about situation with Russian plane

Russian Foreign Ministry has warned against using incorrect information about the situation with the Russian passenger jet, official spokesperson Maria Zakharova told Rossiya 24 TV channel on Saturday.

"As soon as we can provide verified information, we will do it via the Embassy in Egypt or [Foreign Ministry’s] department of information and media," Zakharova said.

Zakahrova earlier wrote on her Facebook page that the Russian Embassy in Egypt is working on clarifying the situation with the Russian plane belonging to Kogalymavia air company.

"The staff of the Russian Embassy in Egypt are clarifying the situation around Russia’s Kogalymavia plane. 

As soon as verified information is received, it will reported to the media," she wrote.


  1. There were no indications that a Russian passenger plane that crashed in Egypt's Sinai peninsula on Saturday was shot down, Egyptian security sources said...

    Egypt's North Sinai is home to a two-year-old Islamist insurgency and militants affiliated to Islamic State have killed hundreds of soldiers and police.

    (Reporting by Ahmed Mohamed Hassan; Writing by Ahmed Aboulenein; Editing by Toby Chopra)
    - Reuters

  2. Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared national day of mourning on November 1 over Russian plane crash in Egypt, the Kremlin press service said on Saturday....

    "On the day of mourning, Russian national flags will be flown at half-mast across the country. Cultural institutions and television and radio broadcasters should cancel entertaining events and programs on the day of mourning. The Russian government, together with local authorities, should take appropriate measures to provide assistance to the families of the victims," the press service cited the presidential decree as saying.

  3. IS group in Egypt claims it downed Russian airliner; all 224 aboard 'killed'...

    The Islamic State group's affiliate in Egypt claimed it had downed the Russian passenger plane that crashed Saturday in the Sinai Peninsula, where the jihadists are waging an insurgency, killing all on board.

    "The soldiers of the caliphate succeeded in bringing down a Russian plane in Sinai," said the statement circulated on social media.

    The Russian charter plane carrying 224 people crashed in a mountainous part of the Sinai, killing all on board, Egyptian security and medical officials said...........

  4. Crash d'un avion civil russe en Egypte : le groupe Etat islamique en Egypte affirme avoir abattu l'avion...

    (Belga) La branche égyptienne du groupe djihadiste Etat islamique (EI) a affirmé samedi sur Twitter être responsable du crash de l'avion charter russe qui s'est écrasé dans le Sinaï, à l'est de l'Egypte, faisant 224 morts.

    "Les soldats du Califat ont réussi à faire tomber un avion russe dans la province du Sinaï transportant plus de 220 croisés qui ont tous été tués", a affirmé le groupe extrémiste dans un communiqué posté ses comptes habituels Twitter, indiquant avoir agi en représailles à l'intervention russe en Syrie. (Belga)

  5. War es ein Terroranschlag?....ISIS bekennt sich zu Flugzeug-Abschuss im Sinai!...

    Die Terrorzelle hat ein Statement auf ihrem Twitter-Konto veröffentlicht, in dem sie sich zum Abschuss des russischen Passagierflugzeugs bekennt. Die "Soldaten des Kalifats haben es geschafft, ein russisches Flugzeug in der Provinz Sinai" abzuschießen, erklärte die IS-Gruppe. Die Terroristen geben an, die Maschine aus Rache für die russischen Luftschläge gegen ISIS in Syrien abgeschossen zu haben.

    Ob die Terror-Organisation jedoch zu so einem Anschlag fähig ist, wird durch Beobachter bezweifelt Zwar soll die ISIS-Zelle im Sinai im Besitz von Luftabwehrraketen sein, jedoch befand sich das Flugzeug bereits auf 30 000 Fuß und war somit zu hoch für die Luftabwehrwaffen der Terrormiliz.

    Handelt es sich beim Bekennerschreiben nur um reine Propaganda? In der Vergangenheit hatte sich die Terrormiliz noch nie fälschlicherweise zu Groß-Anschlägen bekannt.....................


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