Tuesday, October 27, 2015

No accord within US-led coalition on Syria terrorist threat — (Russia FM)

There is no consensus within the US-led coalition on who is the terrorist threat in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

According to him, at a meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Vienna on October 23 he realised that "there is no consensus within the American coalition on who is the terrorist threat." "We urge the partners to come to uniform understanding who should be regarded as terrorist organization as there is no such understanding," the foreign minister said.

  • Isolated groups of external players unviable on Syria

According to Lavrov isolated groups of external players are unviable on Syria.

"There were attempts to establish an isolated club of external players without participation of other key countries that influence the situation ‘on the ground’ in Syria. It is probably easier to make such speculative schemes that are close and understandable for them. Since such schemes face opposition from other countries that promote different positions and approaches, such schemes are artificial, and they are not viable," Lavrov explained.

  • Moscow hopes Iran will join Syria talks on Friday

The minister noted that he hoped Iran and other countries of the region would join the negotiations on Syria on Friday.

"We hope that not only Iran, but also other countries will be invited to the next round of talks. Reportedly, this Friday," the minister said.

  • First response in sight from Russia’s contacts with moderate Syrian opposition

According to the diplomat there has been a first response from the efforts to establish contacts between Russia and the moderate opposition in Syria.

"We would like and would be willing to help, as our president put it, not only the army of the Syrian government, but also all opposition forces confronting terrorists ‘on the ground,’ on the territory of Syria. We contacted Americans as the leaders of a respective coalition, even though it was created to work in the skies over Syria illegally without the consent of the Syrian government and the UN Security Council," he said. "We asked the countries in the region to render assistance in getting in touch with the people who may represent the moderate and anti-terrorist opposition in Syria."

"It was hard to achieve them. We are pushing ahead with these efforts. There have been the first responses. I hope that the contacts that may be established will bear fruit," he said.




1 comment:

  1. Le ministère russe de la Défense a demandé aux pays de l'Otan ainsi qu'à l'Arabie saoudite de s'expliquer sur leurs accusations selon lesquelles l'aviation russe aurait mené des frappes sur les hôpitaux syriens, a déclaré le vice-ministre de la Défense Anatoly Antonov...

    "Nous avons invité aujourd'hui des attachés militaires des USA, du Royaume-Uni, de France, d'Allemagne, d'Italie, d'Arabie saoudite, de Turquie et de l'OTAN de justifier officiellement les accusations prononcées ou bien à les démentir", a annoncé M. Antonov.

    "Cela concerne surtout les déclarations scandaleuses sur les prétendues attaques d'hôpitaux qui ont été publiées dans plusieurs médias anglophones", a-t-il poursuivi.

    Selon lui, la communauté internationale assiste dernièrement à des attaques médiatiques de plus en plus fréquentes portant sur les actions de l'Armée de l'air russe en Syrie.

    "Nous sommes accusés de frapper l'opposition modérée, ainsi que des objets civils tels que des hôpitaux, des mosquées et des écoles. Par conséquent, comme rapportent les médias occidentaux, il y a des victimes parmi les civils", a précisé M. Antonov.

    Le vice-ministre de la Défense a également exprimé son regret face à des déclarations similaires de la part de certains hauts responsables et hommes politiques.

    Il a rappelé, par exemple, les discours du secrétaire d'Etat des Etats-Unis John Kerry, des ministres de la Défense américain et britannique Ashton Carter et Michael Fallon, du secrétaire général de l'OTAN Jens Stoltenberg, et d'autres.

    Désormais, le ministère russe de la Défense s'emploie à "surveiller et analyser des déclarations pareilles", selon M. Antonov.........http://sptnkne.ws/Yb8


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