Sunday, October 25, 2015

Saudi, Egypt see ‘no place’ for Assad in Syria

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel Jubair said on Sunday both Cairo and Riyadh have a “similar” stance on Syria during his visit to Egypt, Al Arabiya News Channel reported.

In a joint press conference with his Egyptian counterpart, Jubair said Saudi and Egypt do not see a “a place” for embattled Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in a future and post-civil war Syria.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said there were “no differences” between Riyadh and Cairo on Syria and emphasized that they both have a “similar” position.

Jubair's statement comes after his comments on Thursday saying that Assad's clinging to power is working as a “magnet” by allowing foreign militants to recruit more fighters, and he must go to rid Syria of ISIS.

Meanwhile, the foreign minister said international talks to find a solution to the conflict in Syria had yielded some progress but more consultations were required.

“I believe that there has been some progress and positions have moved closer on finding a solution to the Syrian crisis, but I cannot say that we have reached an agreement. We still need more consultations ... to reach this point," he told a news conference in Cairo after meeting his Egyptian counterpart. by Reuters

1 comment:

  1. Egipto y Arabia Saudí no tienen discrepancias en torno al arreglo de la crisis siria, declaró el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores egipcio, Sameh Shukri, en una conferencia de prensa conjunta con su homólogo saudí...

    Este domingo el canciller saudí, Adel al Jubeir, llegó a la capital egipcia para analizar las cuestiones regionales clave con la jefatura del país.

    “No hay discrepancias entre nosotros ni en el pasado, ni ahora; nuestras posiciones son similares”, indicó Shukri al contestar a la pregunta si hay desacuerdos entre los dos países en torno al arreglo de la crisis siria.

    Añadió que “coordinamos de una manera estrecha en lo que toca al arreglo de la crisis siria y nos esforzamos en obtener los mismos objetivos y el mismo modo que llevará a la seguridad y estabilidad en Siria”,

    Por su parte Jubeir también subrayó la similitud de las posiciones de los dos Estados en torno a Siria.

    “La posición de Egipto en torno a Siria es idéntica al enfoque saudí: todos nosotros queremos que allí se lleve a cabo un periodo de transición, que se conserven las instituciones civiles y militares y que la población siria pueda decidir su destino en el futuro”, dijo el canciller saudí........


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