Saturday, November 14, 2015

At least 120 dead in multiple attacks across Paris

At least 85 people were killed at the Bataclan concert hall in Paris, as well as several others in locations around the city following an unprecedented wave of simultaneous terror attacks. 

Several people were killed in a number of gun attacks across the city. Police stormed the Bataclan concert hall where scores of civilians were held hostage. Around 85 people died in the concert hall siege.

A number of militants were killed during the police operation at the concert hall.

French President Francois Hollande travelled to the concert hall after the siege ended with France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls, as well as the interior and justice ministers.  

Elsewhere, several people were killed in a number of separate gun attacks. At least 200 other people have been injured, 80 of them seriously............



  1. Gunmen killed more than 120 people in a wave of attacks across Paris on Friday, shouting "Allahu akbar" as they massacred scores of diners and concert-goers and launched suicide attacks outside the national stadium...

    Four black-clad gunmen wearing suicide vests and wielding AK-47s stormed into the Bataclan venue in eastern Paris and fired calmly and methodically at hundreds of screaming concert-goers.

    At least 120 people were killed and 200 injured across six locations around the French capital, which is still reeling from jihadist attacks in January.

    Investigators said at least eight attackers were dead by the end of the violence -- the bloodiest in Europe since the Madrid train bombings in 2004 -- with seven of them having blown themselves up.

    The Bataclan lies just 200 meters from the former offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine which was one of the targets of those attacks...............

  2. Readout of the President's Call with President Francois Hollande of France...

    President Obama spoke by phone this evening with President Hollande of France to offer the condolences of the American people for the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris earlier this evening. The President reiterated the United States' steadfast, unwavering support for the people of France, our oldest ally and friend, and reaffirmed the offer of any necessary support to the French investigation. The two leaders pledged to work together, and with nations around the world, to defeat the scourge of terrorism.

  3. François Hollande décrète l'état d'urgence, 1500 militaires mobilisés ...

    Le président français s'est exprimé peu de temps après l'annonce des attaques terroristes dont la France est victime ce vendredi soir : "Une attaque terroriste d'un ampleur sans précédent est en cours dans la région parisienne. Il y a beaucoup de morts et de blessés, c'est une horreur !", a-t-il déclaré avec une émotion pour le moins perceptible.

    "Toutes les forces possibles sont mobilisées", a-t-il ajouté avant d'annoncer que l'état d'urgence allait être décrété et que les frontières allaient être fermées.

    Les militaires ont été appelés en renfort : "Ils sont actuellement sur l'agglomération parisienne pour éviter toute nouvelle attaque".

    "Face à la terreur, la France doit être forte", a-t-il conclu..........

  4. Paris endeuillée par les attentats les plus meurtriers de son histoire...

    Plusieurs attentats ont frappé Paris vendredi. Des fusillades ont eu lieu dans l’est de la capitale, notamment dans la salle de concert du Bataclan, et des explosions ont retenti près du Stade de France. Au moins 120 personnes ont été tuées.

    Des attaques sans précédent ont frappé la capitale française vendredi 13 novembre. Au moins 120 personnes ont été tuées dans des fusillades et explosions à Paris et aux abords du Stade de France. Ce sont les attentats les plus meurtriers qu’ait connus la France ces dernières décennies...

    Des hommes ont tiré des rafales d'armes automatiques peu après 21 heures dans plusieurs rues d’un quartier très fréquenté de l’est de Paris. Des témoins ont rapporté avoir vu des hommes masqués ouvrir le feu sur des terrasses de cafés et restaurants.Parmi les cibles, des lieux particulièrement populaires comme le bar Le Carillon et le Petit Cambodge dans le XIe arrondissement ou le bar La Belle équipe dans le Xe............

  5. American Airlines, the world's biggest carrier by passenger traffic, has said it has suspended flights to Paris until further notice.

    “Currently Charles de Gaulle International Airport is open, however, we are holding our remaining departures this evening to Paris until we have additional information,” American Airlines spokesman Joshua Freed said.

    Other American airlines are believed to operating flights to Paris as normal at this time

  6. China strongly condemns the terrorist attacks in Paris that killed more than 100 people and wounded many others on Friday night, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei said Saturday...

    "China is greatly shocked by the terrorist attacks that has caused massive casualties. China strongly condemns these attacks," Hong said.

    "China expresses deep condolences to the victims and extends sincere sympathies to the families of the dead and injured," Hong said.

    Describing terrorism as a common challenge facing mankind, Hong said China firmly supports France to maintain national security and stability and combat terrorism.

    Several shootings and bombings took place across Paris Friday night with one of which turned to hostage taking at the Bataclan concert hall where hundreds of people were attending a rock concert.

    During anti-terrorist forces assault at the hall, more than 100 people died and four suspected attackers were killed, according to local media..............

  7. Attentats à Paris - Le parc Disneyland Paris fermé samedi...

    (Belga) Le parc d'attractions Disneyland Paris n'ouvrira pas ses portes au public ce samedi après les attentats survenus vendredi à Paris, a-t-il annoncé.

    "Compte tenu de la gravité des événements survenus en France, et par solidarité avec le gouvernement français et les victimes de ces odieuses attaques, Disneyland Paris a décidé de ne pas ouvrir le samedi 14 novembre", peut-on lire sur le site du parc. "Nos pensées et prières vont vers tous ceux qui ont été touchés par ces horribles événements." (Belga)


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