Sunday, November 29, 2015

EU reaches $3bn deal with Turkey to curb refugee crisis. "This 3bn euros are not given to Turkey. It's given to Syrian refugees."

The European Union has struck a deal with Turkey in Brussels that aims to limit the flow of refugees into the continent.

Leaders from 28 EU members states met with Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu on Sunday, finalising an agreement that offered Ankara $3.2bn, along with closer ties with the EU, in return for handling the refugees from war-torn countries on its territory.

"Our agreement sets out the clear plans for the timely reestablishment of all our shared frontier," said Donald Tusk, the European Council president, after the meeting.

"We will also step up our assistance to Syrian refugees in Turkey through a new refugee facility of 3bn euros."

Tusk also said Turkey's accession process to the EU bloc would be "re-energised".

"But let me stress that we are not rewritting our enlargement policy. The negotiating framework and conclusions remain to apply, including its merit-based nature and the respect for the European values and also on human rights," he said.

"This is a historic day," Davutoglu said after the talks, thanking the leaders for the "fruitful meeting".

He added: "This 3bn euros are not given to Turkey. It's given to Syrian refugees."..................

  • European Commission - Statement: Meeting of heads of state or government with Turkey - EU-Turkey statement, 29/11/2015....

Meeting of heads of state or government with Turkey - EU-Turkey statement, 29/11/2015
  1. Today the Leaders of the European Union met in Brussels with their Turkish counterpart. Turkey has been a candidate since 1999 and negotiating for accession since 2005.
  2. Turkey and the EU discussed the importance of overcoming the common challenges ahead. In line with the conclusions of the European Council of 15 October, they agreed that the accession process needs to be re-energized. They are committed to carry further their existing ties and solidarity and adopt result-oriented action to prepare their common future. They are determined to confront and surmount the existing risks and threats in a concerted manner to reinforce the European Project. Recalling the final declaration of the last G20 in Antalya, as well as the 2249 UNSC resolution, Turkey and the EU reaffirm that the fight against terrorism remains a priority.
  3. For this purpose it was agreed that a structured and more frequent high-level dialogue is essential to explore the vast potential of Turkey-EU relations, which has not been realised fully yet. In this framework, both sides agreed to have regular Summits twice a year, in an appropriate format. Regular summits will provide a platform to assess the development of Turkey-EU relations and discuss international issues. Regular discussions and cooperation on foreign and security policy should be enhanced including on counter-terrorism against the background of serious security challenges notably the rising threat of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations. In this context, the two sides agreed to have comprehensive regular political dialogue meetings at Ministerial/High Representative/Commissioner level. These will be in addition to the regular Association Council meetings. High level dialogues should also be conducted on key thematic issues.
  4. Both sides welcomed the announcement to hold the Intergovernmental Conference on 14 December 2015 for opening of chapter 17. Furthermore, they noted the European Commission's commitment to complete, in the first quarter of 2016, the preparatory work for the opening of a number of chapters without prejudice to the position of Member States. Preparatory work could subsequently begin also on further chapters.
  5. The EU welcomed the commitment by Turkey to accelerate the fulfilment of the Visa Roadmap benchmarks vis-à-vis all participating Member States. The European Commission will present the second progress report on the implementation by Turkey of the visa liberalisation roadmap by early March 2016. Both sides agree that the EU-Turkey readmission agreement will become fully applicable from June 2016 in order for the Commission to be able to present its third progress report in autumn 2016 with a view to completing the visa liberalisation process i.e. the lifting of visa requirements for Turkish citizens in the Schengen zone by October 2016 once the requirements of the Roadmap are met.
  6. The EU will provide immediate and continuous humanitarian assistance in Turkey. It will also expand significantly its overall financial support. A Refugee Facility for Turkey was established by the Commission to coordinate and streamline actions financed in order to deliver efficient and complementary support to Syrians under temporary protection and host communities in Turkey. The EU is committed to provide an initial 3 billion euro of additional resources. The need for and nature of this funding will be reviewed in the light of the developing situation. As Turkey hosts more than 2.2 million Syrians and as it has spent 8 billion US Dollars, the EU thus underlined the importance of burden-sharing within the framework of Turkey-EU cooperation. In this context, they underlined the contribution by Member State and existing EU resettlement schemes and programmes.
  7. Turkey and the EU have decided to activate the Joint Action Plan that had been agreed until now ad referenda on 15 October 2015, to step up their cooperation for support of Syrians under temporary protection and migration management to address the crisis created by the situation in Syria. Results must be achieved in particular in stemming the influx of irregular migrants. The EU and Turkey agreed to implement the Joint Action Plan which will bring order into migratory flows and help to stem irregular migration.  As a consequence, both sides will, as agreed and with immediate effect, step up their active cooperation on migrants who are not in need of international protection, preventing travel to Turkey and the EU, ensuring the application of the established bilateral readmission provisions and swiftly returning migrants who are not in need of international protection to their countries of origin. Equally, they welcomed the intention of Turkey to adopt immediately measures to further improve the socio-economic situation of the Syrians under temporary protection. Both sides underlined their shared commitment to take decisive and swift action to enhance the fight against criminal smuggling networks.
  8. As stipulated in the European Council Conclusions on Enlargement of December 2014, Turkey and the EU have been working on the establishment of a High Level Economic Dialogue Mechanism which will contribute to further enhancement of economic relations and create a business platform to bring business circles together. They agreed to launch it in the first quarter of 2016.
  9. They welcomed the establishment of a High Level Energy Dialogue and Strategic Energy Cooperation, which had been launched in Ankara on 16 March 2015. A regular exchange of information on energy cooperation at the global and regional level  serves to the benefit of both sides. They agreed to hold the second meeting of this kind in the first quarter of 2016.
  10. They took note of the launching of preparatory steps for upgrading the Customs Union. After completion of this preparatory work by both sides, formal negotiations could be launched towards the end of 2016.
  11. All these elements will have to be taken forward in parallel and monitored closely. Turkey and the EU are determined to advance together the widespread spectrum of their actual agenda to ensure that this fresh impetus yields concrete results.


  1. Turkey and European leaders have struck a deal to try to control the flow of migrants to Europe...

    Turkey will receive €3bn (£2.1bn) and political concessions in return for clamping down on its borders and keeping refugees in the country.

    Talks on Turkey's accession to the European Union will also be revived.

    Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said it was a "historic day" in Turkey's relations with the EU.

    Under the deal, Turkish citizens may be able to travel without visas in Europe's Schengen zone, which allows free movement between many European countries, by October 2016.

    However, the rules will be relaxed only if Turkey meets certain conditions...........

  2. Sommet UE-Turquie : accord sur les migrants et le processus d'adhésion à l'UE...

    Les dirigeants de l'UE et le Premier ministre turc sont tombés d'accord, dimanche, sur un plan de coopération en matière migratoire, trois milliards d'euros d'aide européenne et une relance des négociations d'adhésion de la Turquie à l'UE.

    Les dirigeants européens et la Turquie ont trouvé un terrain d’entente, dimanche 29 novembre, dans le cadre d'un vaste accord qui comprend à la fois un fonds de 3 milliards d'euros pour aider la Turquie à accueillir des réfugiés syriens, un "plan d'action commun" pour endiguer l'afflux de ces mêmes réfugiés et une reprise des négociations en vue d'une adhésion d’Ankara à l'Union européenne (UE).

    "Nous avons accepté une relance du processus d'adhésion de la Turquie", a notamment déclaré le président du Conseil européen, Donald Tusk lors d'une conférence de presse organisée en présence du président de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, et du Premier ministre turc, Ahmet Davutoglu. Ce dernier a ajouté qu’auront lieu dorénavant chaque année deux sommets entre l’UE et Turquie.

    Elle aussi présente à Bruxelles, la chancelière allemande, Angela Merkel a déclaré que l'accord annoncé dimanche permettrait de fournir 3 milliards d'euros d'aide en direction des réfugiés syriens installés en Turquie.

    Encore quelques réticences

    Avant l’annonce de l’accord, quelques réticences subsistaient, notamment du côté de la Grèce et de Chypre. D'autres États membres craignaient aussi de donner l'impression à la Turquie et à l'opinion publique que l'Europe abaisse ses exigences en matière de droits de l’Homme, selon des sources diplomatiques..............

  3. Les Européens ont scellé dimanche un plan d'action avec la Turquie pour freiner le flux de migrants vers l'UE, en se gardant d'être trop précis sur les contreparties aux Turcs, venus décrocher une relance de leur processus d'adhésion...

    L'ambiguïté des promesses du sommet réuni à Bruxelles n'a pas empêché la Turquie de saluer un "jour historique" sur le chemin de son adhésion à l'UE, alors que le pays est montré du doigt pour ses violations des droits de l'homme.

    Cette rencontre inédite entre les 28 membres de l'UE et la Turquie a en tout cas entériné l'aide de trois milliards d'euros que les Européens verseront pour aider Ankara à mieux accueillir les réfugiés syriens. Et pour éviter qu'ils cherchent à rejoindre l'Europe, dont l'unité vacille sous la pression migratoire.

    En quatre ans et demi, la guerre en Syrie a fait plus de 250.000 morts et près de 12 millions de déplacés et réfugiés. La Turquie - qui en accueille déjà plus de 2,2 millions - a donc obtenu la garantie qu'elle ne porterait plus seule ce fardeau financier.

    "Nous allons contrôler très précisément l'utilisation des 3 milliards d'euros", a promis le président de la Commission européenne, Jean-Claude Juncker, dont l'exécutif a négocié le plan d'action commun "activé" dimanche entre les deux parties.......

  4. EU schließt Pakt mit der Türkei...

    Die EU und die Türkei haben sich auf einen Aktionsplan zur Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise geeinigt. Die EU stellt drei Milliarden Euro zu Verfügung. Dafür soll die Türkei dafür sorgen, dass weniger Flüchtlinge in die EU kommen.

    Bei einem Sondergipfel in Brüssel haben die EU und die Türkei einen Aktionsplan beschlossen, mit dem der Zustrom der Flüchtlinge nach Europa strenger reguliert werden soll.

    EU-Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker betonte, es werde keine Lösung der Flüchtlingskrise geben ohne eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen der EU und der Türkei. Er bestätigte, zur Versorgung der Flüchtlinge in ihrem Land sollten der Türkei drei Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Damit ist nach den Worten von EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk eine konkrete Erwartung verbunden, und zwar "eine sofortige und erhebliche Reduzierung der irregulären Migranten, die in Europa ankommen".

    Zudem sagte die EU zu, den Prozess zur Aufnahme der Türkei in die EU zu beschleunigen. Auch sollen die Visabestimmungen für türkische Bürger gelockert werden. Offenbar können türkische Staatsbürger darauf hoffen, ab Oktober 2016 ohne Visum nach Europa reisen zu dürfen. Das wurde am Rande des Gipfels bekannt. Bislang gab es dafür kein Datum. Die Visafreiheit würde für den Schengen-Raum gelten, dem die meisten EU-Staaten angehören.
    Türkei soll Flüchtlinge zurücknehmen

    Die Türkei sichert im Gegenzug zu, ab kommenden Juli ein Rückübernahmeabkommen anzuwenden. Das Land müsste dann illegal in die EU eingereiste Flüchtlinge aus Drittstaaten wieder zurücknehmen. Außerdem soll die Türkei ihre Küsten besser kontrollieren und gegen Schlepper vorgehen..............

  5. EU divided over refugee deal as Merkel leads breakaway coalition...

    Months of European negotiations to come up with a solution to the migrant crisis came undone on Sunday when Germany led a “coalition of the willing” of nine EU countries taking in most refugees from the Middle East, splitting the union on the issues of mandatory refugee-sharing and funding, the Guardian reports.

    Turkey and the European Union agreed at a summit on Sunday on a "historic" three-billion-euro ($3.2 billion) aid deal to stem the flow of Syrian refugees and other migrants to Europe.

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel, frustrated by the resistance in Europe to her policies, convened a separate mini-summit with seven other leaders to push a fast-track deal with the Turks and to implement a new policy of taking in and sharing hundreds of thousands of refugees a year from Turkey. The move suggests that Merkel has given up on trying to persuade her mostly eastern European opponents to take part in mandatory refugee quotas across the continent.

    Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European commission, said of the mini-summit: “This is a meeting of those states which are prepared to take in large numbers of refugees from Turkey legally.” However he later added that the agreement was non-binding.

    Agreement between Turkey and the EU includes the kickstarting of Ankara's bid for membership of the union in return for its cooperation in preventing the 2.2 million Syrian refugees it hosts from coming to Europe, EU president Donald Tusk said......AFP.......

  6. Канцлер Австрии Вернер Файман выступил с предложением созвать 17 декабря в Брюсселе встречу стран-добровольцев ЕС с Турцией по защите внешних границ Евросоюза....

    Об этом со ссылкой на представителя главы австрийского кабинета министров Сузанну Энк сообщает 5 декабря национальное информационное агентство АПА.

    Как ожидается, в совещании примут участие главы правительств Австрии, Германии, Голландии, Люксембурга, Швеции, Финляндии и Греции, а также президент Еврокомиссии Жан-Клод Юнкер. Турецкую делегацию возглавит премьер-министр Ахмет Давутоглу.

    В начале недели венгерский премьер заявлял, что Евросоюз и Турция заключили негласное соглашение о переселении с турецкой территории в страны ЕС 400-500 тыс. сирийских беженцев. По его словам, такой план обсуждался на саммите Евросоюза по вопросам миграции на Мальте в ноябре, однако эта инициатива не получила достаточной поддержки. Австрийские СМИ при этом прогнозировали, что инициаторами с европейкой стороны выступит не Брюссель, а группа "стран- добровольцев".

  7. The EU executive proposed a new scheme on Tuesday to resettle Syrian refugees from Turkey to Europe, responding to calls led by Germany arguing that it would help Turkey and those now risking dangerous sea crossings to Greece.

    But it offers no minimum number of Syrian refugees that member states would take in from 2016 to 2020 from Turkey, where some 2.3 million Syrians are now sheltering. There has been speculation in recent weeks that EU countries ready to take part in the scheme could offer hundreds of thousands of places.

    The proposal comes after the EU agreed to revive Ankara's long-stalled membership bid and offer financial assistance in exchange for Turkish help to curb the flow of migrants to by Reuters


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