Saturday, November 14, 2015

Obama to Convene National Security Council Following Paris Attacks

According to the White House, US President Barack Obama is planning to convene his National Security Council to review the latest intelligence surrounding the attacks in Paris.

US President Barack Obama will convene the US National Security Council on Saturday in the wake of multiple terror attacks in the French capital, a White House official said.

"The president would convene his National Security Council before departing for the G20 Summit to review the latest intelligence surrounding the attacks in Paris," the official told reporters.

On November 15-16, the Turkish city of Antalya will host the 10th G20 summit. A number of expert and ministerial meetings is scheduled to take place during the event.

Obama will leave for Turkey to attend the G20 meetings later in the day.

French leader Francois Hollande cancelled his participation in the G20 summit following the Friday night terrorist attacks and held an urgent Defense Council meeting on Saturday morning.



  1. Nach Anschlägen in Paris: London hebt Sicherheitsstufe wegen Terrorgefahr nicht an...

    Die britische Regierung wird die Sicherheitsstufe für die Abwehr von Terroranschlägen wegen dem Massaker in Paris mit mehr als 100 Toten nicht anheben, wie Großbritanniens Premier David Cameron mitteilte.

    „Bei einem Treffen mit den Regierungsmitgliedern haben wir die Frage der terroristischen Bedrohung behandelt. Die Gefahr bleibt auf dem gleichen Niveau, das als „ernst“ bewertet wird. Die Polizei und Geheimdienste werden die notwendigen Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen durchführen, um das Reagieren auf verschiedene Szenarien zu üben“, sagte Cameron.

    Der Grad der terroristischen Bedrohung wurde in Großbritannien im August revidiert. Damals wurde die Gefahr als „ernst“ eingestuft, die vorletzte Stufe vor einer akuten Gefahr. Das bedeutet, dass Terroranschläge im Land für möglich gehalten werden.....

  2. French Authorities Fear More ‘Soldierly’ Assaults ...

    Witnesses say the assailants who struck Paris late Friday evening were well-trained and calm and likely rehearsed their coordinated attacks across the French capital, prompting French counterterrorist officials to believe they were veterans of the Syrian civil war or had been trained by experienced jihadists.

    French intelligence and counterterror analysts are scrambling to identify the eight assailants and to establish their connections to other militants. They say speed is critical because other attacks may be in the offing, either in France or neighboring European countries.

    Speaking on condition of anonymity, a counterterror official told VOA that some of the gunmen have been identified but are not being named at this stage. Police said they found a Syrian passport near the body of one attacker, although fake Syrian passports are often carried by would-be migrants into Europe..........


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