Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Rescued Su-24 Co-Pilot Rules Out Turkish Space Violation 'Even for Second'

Rescued co-pilot from the downed Russian Su-24 jet said there were no visual or radio warnings issued by Turkey.

"There were no warnings. Not via the radio, not visually. There was no contact whatsoever. That's why we were keeping our combat course as usual. You have to understand what the cruising speed of a bomber is compared to an F-16. If they wanted to warn us, they could have shown themselves by heading on a parallel course. But there was nothing. And the rocket hit our tail completely unexpectedly. We didn't even see it in time to take evasive maneuvers."

Rescued co-pilot Captain Konstantin Murahtin said there was no violation of the Turkish airspace.

He also said the crew of the downed Russian bomber jet knew the area of the operation "like the back of their hands."

"Of course, having carried out numerous flights there we knew the region like the backs of our hands. We were conducting our sorties and returning back to base following the predetermined route. I’m a navigator, I know every altitude there. I can guide the aircraft there blindfolded," co-pilot said.

The co-pilot added that he wants to continue serving in the Russian aviation group in Syria.

"I can't wait until I get the all-clear from the medics, so that I can step back into the ranks. I'm going to ask our command to keep me on this base — I have a debt to repay, for my commander."...



  1. Geretteter Su-24-Pilot: Keine Vorwarnungen von Türkei bekommen...

    Der gerettete Pilot der von der Türkei abgeschossenen Su-24 hat die Informationen aus Ankara zurückgewiesen, laut denen das türkische Militär den russischen Kampfjet mehrmals vorgewarnt haben soll.

    „Es hat keine Vorwarnungen gegeben, weder per Funk noch visuell. Es hat überhaupt keinen Kontakt gegeben“, sagte der Pilot. Die türkische Rakete habe den russischen Jet „völlig unerwartet“ am Heck getroffen. „Wir haben sie nicht einmal gesehen und deshalb kein Ausweichmanöver eingeleitet.“

    Nach seinen Worten ist ein F16-Jäger schneller als ein Bomber. „Hätte der türkische Jet uns vorwarnen wollen, hätte er sich zeigen oder parallel fliegen können.“......

  2. The surviving crew member of a Russian fighter jet shot down by Turkey said on Wednesday the plane received no warnings from the Turkish Air Force and did not fly over Turkish air space, Russian news agencies reported


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