Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Russia will not tolerate such crimes as attack against its Sukhoi-24 plane (Putin)

Russia's Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft was downed with an air-to-air missile launched from a Turkish F-16 fighter, Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday.

The Russian leader stressed that the Russian Su-24 fighter-bomber was posing no threat to Turkey.

"Anyway, our pilots and jet posed no threat to the Turkish Republic. This is obvious. They were conducting an operation against ISIL," Putin said at the meeting with King Abdallah II of Jordan.

Putin called the attack a crime and stressed that Russia would not tolerate it. According to the president, the Su-24 plane crash in Syria goes beyond normal struggle against terrorism, and it is "a stab in Russia’s back delivered by terrorist accomplices."

"Today’s loss is linked with a stab in our back delivered by terrorism accomplices. I can’t characterize otherwise what has happened today," the Russian leader said.

The Russian bomber was shot down over Syria by an air-to-air surface fired from a Turkish F-16 plane when the bomber was at an altitude of 6,000 meters at a distance of 1 km from the Turkish bomber." Putin said.

The president said the attack on the Russian jet will have tragic consequences to Russia-Turkey ties.

Turkey's military attache in Russia has been summoned to the Russian Defense Ministry.



  1. The Russian Sukhoi Su-24 warplane was downed when returning to Syria’s Hmeimim airbase, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Tuesday....

    "The Russian Su-24 warplane was downed in Syria’s territory by a Turkish F-16 fighter jet. The objective control data analysis has shown unmistakably that Turkey’s air space was not violated," the ministry said.

    The Russian plane was downed by an air-to-air missile fired by a Turkish F-16 fighter when it was at an altitude of 6,000 meters at a distance from the Turkish border. The Defense Ministry said earlier that pilots had managed to eject from the aircraft. Their whereabouts were being established.............http://tass.ru/en/defense/838852

  2. Turkey downing of Russia jet 'stab in the back' - Putin...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has bitterly condemned the downing of a Russian jet on the Turkey-Syria border.

    He described it as a "stab in the back" committed by "accomplices of terrorists".

    Turkey says its jets shot at the plane after warning that it was violating Turkish airspace. But Moscow says it never strayed from Syrian airspace.

    Nato is to hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss the incident at Turkey's request.

    Mr Putin warned there would be "serious consequences" for Moscow's relations with Turkey.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said he was cancelling his visit to Turkey, where he was due on Wednesday, over the incident.

    He also advised Russians not to visit Turkey and said the threat of terrorism there was the no less than in Egypt, where a bomb attack brought down a Russian passenger plane last month..........BBC

  3. Un groupe rebelle annonce la mort d'un pilote russe..

    Le porte-parole d'un groupe rebelle syrien a annoncé la mort d'un pilote russe après le crash. Les images envoyées par ce groupuscule ont été publiées par l'agence Reuters. Sur cette vidéo, on peut voir un homme à terre, immobile et portant la trace de graves blessures. "Un pilote russe", "Allah Akbar", entend-on dire en arabe.....http://www.rtbf.be/info/dossier/la-syrie-entre-contestation-et-repression/detail_un-avion-militaire-russe-abattu-par-l-aviation-turque-a-la-frontiere-syrienne?id=9145857

  4. Le chef de la diplomatie russe annule sa visite en Turquie...

    Le chef de la diplomatie Russe Sergueï Lavrov a pris la décision d'annuler sa visite de travail en Turquie, prévue pour mercredi prochain, sur fond de tensions liées à l'avion russe Su-24 abattu par l'aviation turque.

    En outre, le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères a recommandé aux Russes de ne pas se rendre dans ce pays, a indiqué M. Lavrov, jugeant la menace d'attentats aussi élevée dans ce pays qu'en Egypte, où un avion de ligne russe avait été détruit en octobre dernier dans un attentat à la bombe au-dessus de la péninsule du Sinaï.

    "Il a été décidé d'annuler la rencontre qui devait réunir demain à Istanbul les ministres des Affaires étrangères russe et turc", a annoncé M.Lavrov s'adressant à la presse à Sotchi........http://sptnkne.ws/agNk


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