Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Syrian troops reach besieged airbase in Aleppo

Syrian troops on Tuesday reached the fences of a key airbase besieged by rebels since December 2012 in the northern province of Aleppo, a monitor group reported.

The Syrian troops backed by the Lebanese Hezbollah group and Iranian fighters managed to storm one of the fences of Kweiris airbase and opened a pathway between the army units and the Syrian soldiers trapped inside the airbase, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Meanwhile, a source told Xinhua that the Syrian units have yet to enter the besieged airbase, adding that "nothing is militarily preventing the army from entering the base, as the most important part of the operation has been achieved and what is left is no more than technical details."

He said families of the soldiers, who have been besieged inside the base, are awaiting the good news.

The Syrian army backed by the Russian airstrikes unleashed a wide-scale offensive in October in the southern countryside of Aleppo in hope of breaking the siege on the airbase and securing the international road connecting Aleppo with the Syrian coast and southern provinces.

  Xinhua - globaltimes.cn


  1. Syrie: l'armée brise le siège de l'EI autour d'un aéroport clé près d'Alep ...

    L'armée syrienne a brisé mardi le siège imposé par le groupe Etat islamique (EI) à l'aéroport militaire de Kweires, près d'Alep, selon un photographe de l'AFP sur place, une information confirmée par la télévision d'Etat.

    Des éclaireurs de l'armée sont entrés mardi en fin d'après-midi dans l'aéroport et des soldats tiraient en l'air en signe de célébration, a indiqué le photographe. Les militaires ont pu entrer dans l'aéroport par l'ouest mais des combattants de l'EI se trouvent toujours dans d'autres secteurs autour de l'aéroport, a-t-il précisé. "L'armée arabe syrienne fait la jonction avec les forces défendant la base aérienne (à) l'aéroport de Kweires", a indiqué de son côté la télévision publique dans un bandeau. Cet aéroport, à l'est d'Alep, est encerclé par les djihadistes de l'EI depuis le printemps 2014 et avant cette date par les rebelles...........http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_syrie-au-moins-22-personnes-tuees-par-des-obus-a-lattaquie?id=9132415

  2. Syrian regime troops on Tuesday broke a more than year-long siege by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group at a major military air base in the northern province of Aleppo...

    A group of soldiers broke through ISIS lines west of the Kweyris airport and reached government troops inside the base, an AFP photographer at the scene said.

    Troops fired into the air in celebration, he said.

    State television also reported the breakthrough and broadcast live from outside the airport, hailing the advance as a victory.

    It said a “large number of ISIS terrorists” were killed.

    Kweyris has been besieged by ISIS since spring 2014, but was surrounded by rebel groups before that.

    ISIS fighters are still present in other areas around the base.


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