Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Colombia and FARC rebels ask UN to observe ceasefire

Colombia's government and FARC rebels say they have asked the United Nations to monitor the eventual end of their five-decade conflict and the disarmament of the armed group.

"We have decided to ask the UN Security Council to create [a mission] of unarmed observers for a period of 12 months" to oversee the end of the conflict, the two sides said at peace talks in Cuba's capital Havana on Tuesday.

They said the mission would guarantee that a ceasefire and disarmament would be genuine and permanent, calling the announcement a "transcendental" moment in the years-long peace process.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said last year he would make such a request of the UN.

That the rebels agreed to make the request jointly with the government is a sign of progress as the two sides aim to reach a comprehensive peace agreement before a March 23 deadline that negotiators set last year.

  • The announcement came two days after Cuban President Raul Castro met negotiators from both sides.

Rebel leaders also travelled to Colombia last week to brief combatants in the mountains and jungles on the state of talks.

Many Colombians continue to be sceptical about the peace talks.

FARC has negotiated with the government on three previous occasions and every time it ended in failure...
Source: Al Jazeera and agencies




  1. Colombie: Farc et gouvernement demandent à l'ONU de superviser la fin du conflit ...

    La guérilla des Farc et le gouvernement colombien ont demandé mardi aux Nations unies de superviser le processus de désarmement de la rébellion et le cessez-le feu lorsqu'ils auront signé un accord de paix, ont annoncé les négociateurs.

    "Nous avons décidé de demander au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU la création" d'une mission "d'observateurs non armés pour une période de 12 mois" qui supervisera la fin du conflit aux côtés des parties, ont annoncé les représentants de la rébellion et du gouvernement, alors que des pourparlers se déroulent depuis novembre 2012 à La Havane.

  2. The United Nations Security Council on Monday approved the creation of a U.N. mission of unarmed international observers to monitor disarmament should Colombia's government and leftist FARC rebels reach a deal to end Latin America's longest war...

    The 15-member council unanimously adopted a British-drafted resolution that would establish a political mission for 12 months "to monitor and verify the definitive bilateral ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, and the laying down of arms."

    Colombia's government and FARC jointly asked the Security Council to help monitor and verify rebel disarmament should the two sides reach a deal to end their 50-year-old war, which has killed 220,000 people and displaced millions, by a March 23 deadline...Reuters..voanews.com


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