Thursday, August 31, 2023

Drone flying toward Moscow shot down in Moscow Region, 40 flights were delayed

A drone flyting toward Moscow was shot down by air defense forces in the Voskresensk district of the Moscow Region; no one was hurt, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said on Thursday.

"Today, air defense forces destroyed a drone in the Voskresensk district, which was flying toward Moscow," he wrote on his Telegram channel.

According to preliminary data, no one was hurt, no damage was done, he added.

 Russian media reported earlier that more than 40 flights were delayed on Thursday morning at Moscow’s Vnukovo and Domodedovo airports, the Kommersant daily reported, citing a flight tracking website, with no reason given for the delays.


  1. Российская система противовоздушной обороны (ПВО) уничтожила беспилотник, который летел по направлению к Москве. Об этом 31 августа сообщил мэр столицы Сергей Собянин.

    «Сегодня силами ПВО в Воскресенском районе уничтожен беспилотник, летевший по направлению к Москве», — написал он в своем Telegram-канале.

    По предварительным данным, пострадавших и разрушений нет. В настоящий момент на месте происшествия работают экстренные службы.

  2. Число задержанных рейсов в аэропортах московского региона "Внуково", "Домодедово" и "Шереметьево" утром в четверг возросло до 59, следует из данных сервиса "Яндекс. Расписание".

  3. Kiev on Thursday made yet another attempt to attack Russian facilities with the use of a drone that was intercepted over the Moscow Region, the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters.

    This morning, "yet another terrorist attack by the Kiev regime against facilities on Russian soil with the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was thwarted. Air defenses on duty destroyed a UAV over the Voskresensk Disctrict of the Moscow Region," the ministry said.


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