Friday, October 11, 2013

Λαμπεντούζα: Νέο ναυάγιο πλοιάριου με 200 μετανάστες. -Εμπόδιο τα ρατσιστικά τείχη σκοτώνουν.

Ένα πλοίο που μετέφερε «παράνομους» μετανάστες αναποδογύρισε ενώ έπλεε στα ανοιχτά της Λαμπεντούζας, μεταξύ Σικελίας και Τυνησίας, και τουλάχιστον 200 άνθρωποι έχουν βρεθεί στη θάλασσα, ανακοίνωσε απόψε το ιταλικό Πολεμικό Ναυτικό.

Στην περιοχή έχουν σπεύσει σκάφη του Πολεμικού Ναυτικού και ελικόπτερα για να βοηθήσουν τους ναυαγούς.
Ένας δημοσιογράφος της δημόσιας τηλεόρασης RAI είπε ότι είδε πολλά σκάφη της υπηρεσίας έρευνας και διάσωσης να αναχωρούν εσπευσμένα από τη Λαμπεντούζα.
Το νέο αυτό ναυάγιο σημειώνεται μόλις μία εβδομάδα μετά τη βύθιση ενός πλοίου που μετέφερε εκατοντάδες μετανάστες από την Ερυθραία και τη Σομαλία, που είχε ως αποτέλεσμα να χάσουν τη ζωή τους περισσότεροι από 300 άνθρωποι, στα ανοιχτά του νησιού αυτού.

Κάτοικοι της Λαμπεντούζα αποδοκίμασαν πριν δυο ημέρες τον πρόεδρο της Κομισιόν Ζοζέ Μανουέλ Μπαρόζο κατά την άφιξή του στο νησί, προκαλώντας αλλαγή στο πρόγραμμά του, στο οποίο προστέθηκε και επίσκεψη στο ασφυκτικά γεμάτο κέντρο κράτησης μεταναστών και προσφύγων. 

Η πολιτική των κλειστών συνόρων που οδηγεί σε τραγωδίες σαν τη Λαμπετούζα μένει στο απυρόβλητο, καθώς στη σύνοδο της ΕΕ πίσω από τα κροκοδείλια δάκρυα τα τείχη του περιορισμού παραμένουν, δίνοντας τροφή στην ακροδεξία στην Ευρώπη, όπως συνέβη στην Ελλάδα με τους νεοναζί της Χρυσής Αυγής.



  1. Boat with 200 migrants capsizes off Lampedusa...

    ROME (AP) — A boat carrying an estimated 200 migrants has capsized off the Sicilian island of Lampedusa where a shipwreck last week left more than 300 dead.

    Italian coast guard and Maltese government officials say a search and rescue operation is underway. The capsizing occurred Friday in waters where Malta has search and rescue responsibilities.

    Italian coast guard spokesman Marco Di Milla said an Italian ship was sent to help. A Maltese armed forces aircraft spotted the wreckage initially and asked for Italy's help.

    Last week, a ship carrying some 500 people capsized off Lampedusa, killing more than 300 people. The deaths have prompted calls for the European Union to do more to better patrol the southern Mediterranean and prevent such tragedies.

    Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

  2. 'Migrant' boat capsizes off Sicily...

    A boat carrying more than 200 people believed to be migrants heading for Europe is in trouble in waters off Sicily, officials say.

    Local media reports suggest the vessel capsized and may have sunk between Sicily and Tunisia.

    Italian ships - backed by helicopters - are assisting at the scene. A number of people have already been rescued.

    Last week more than 300 people drowned when a boat carrying African migrants sank near the island of Lampedusa.

    Details about Friday's rescue operation remain unclear.

    Italy's coast guard and Maltese officials said the boat capsized in waters where Malta had search and rescue responsibilities, according to the Associated Press.

    The vessel was reportedly first spotted by the Maltese air force who then requested Italy's help.

    At least 120 people are believed to have been rescued.

    Italy's Ansa news agency reports that bodies were seen in the water - but this has not been officially confirmed.

  3. 200 migrants à la mer après le naufrage d'une embarcation au large de Malte...Une cinquantaine d'entre eux sont morts, selon l'agence italienne Ansa.....

    Après le naufrage de Lampedusa, nouveau drame en Méditerrannée. La marine italienne a annoncé, vendredi 11 octobre, qu'un bateau transportant des migrants avait chaviré dans les eaux territoriales maltaises. Environ 200 passagers ont été jetés à la mer. Des bâtiments de la marine et des hélicoptères sont sur place pour porter secours aux naufragés. L'agence italienne Ansa dénombre environ 50 morts, dont une dizaine d'enfants.

    Dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, déjà, plus de 500 migrants ont été secourus dans le canal de Sicile, au cours de plusieurs opérations distinctes coordonnées par les garde-côtes italiens, ont annoncé les autorités.
    Qu'est-il arrivé à cette embarcation ?

    "Selon les dernières indications que nous avons eues, le bateau, qui a environ 200 immigrés à bord, s'est retourné, selon Filippo Marini, commandant des garde-côtes italiens. Il s'agit d'un naufrage dans les eaux territoriales maltaises. Nous apportons notre aide aux autorités de Malte. On ne sait pas encore s'il y a des morts."

    "Nous avons envoyé nos bateaux de secours et des hélicoptères sur le site à quelque 70 milles au nord de Malte. Nous avons des informations selon lesquelles le bateau aurait coulé et des migrants seraient à la mer, mais nous ne pouvons en dire plus à ce stade", a déclaré de son côté un responsable de la marine italienne. Selon l'agence Ansa, des corps auraient été aperçus aux abords de l'embarcation, qui aurait transporté environ 250 personnes.
    Que sait-on des autres navires ?

    Dans la nuit de jeudi à vendredi, une première opération a permis de sauver 109 et 101 migrants. A bord de deux canots pneumatiques, ils avaient lancé un SOS, via un téléphone satellitaire, alors qu'ils se trouvaient encore dans les eaux libyennes. C'est un navire maltais qui les a récupérés et emmenés à Trapani, en Sicile.

    Un bateau battant pavillon des Bahamas, a sauvé pour sa part 118 migrants, qui ont été conduits à Porto Empedocle, un autre port sicilien.

    Deux embarcations, avec respectivement 65 et 110 migrants à bord, ont enfin été arraisonnées par un bateau de la marine, qui a fait appel à un remorqueur pour récupérer les réfugiés puis les amener à Syracuse.[lestitres]

  4. Malta warns EU waters 'a cemetery' after fresh tragedy...

    Maltese PM Joseph Muscat says European waters close to Africa are turning into a cemetery, after another boat laden with migrants capsized.

    Mr Muscat said Malta felt "abandoned" by the rest of Europe and insisted that the EU had to take action.

    Malta and Italy launched a rescue operation after a boat capsized on Friday, leaving at least 27 dead.

    It happened 120km (70 miles) off Lampedusa, the Italian island where at least 300 migrants drowned last week.

    The loss of life has renewed the debate within EU member states on migration rules.

    In the latest incident, the vessel carrying more than 200 migrants is believed to have encountered difficulties in Maltese waters just before sunset on Friday.

    The migrants used a satellite phone to raise the alarm but the boat capsized when passengers crowded to one side as they tried to get the attention of a passing aircraft, the Maltese navy said.

    Earlier on Friday, at least 500 other migrants travelling in separate boats were rescued in coastguard operations near the Italian island of Sicily.

    Also on Friday, a separate boat accident off the Egyptian port of Alexandria claimed the lives of at least 12 migrants.

    Egyptian security officials said 116 people, mostly Palestinians and Syrians, were pulled from the water.

    Mr Muscat said prompt action between Malta and Italy had saved lives, but he complained that "from the European side we have heard only talk, empty talk really".

    "Right now politicians are thinking about tightening or loosening migration rules. In our case our main concern is these people at sea," he said.......

  5. Lampedusa, altri sbarchi dopo la strage soccorsi due barconi: salvi 250 migranti...

    A poche ore dall'ennesima tragedia nel mare di Lampedusa non si fermano gli sbarchi dei "clandestini". Altri due barconi in difficoltà sono stati soccorsi a largo di Lampedusa dalle motovedette della Guardia Costiera, ancora impegnate nei soccorsi dei migranti naufragati ieri nel Canale di Sicilia quando un altro barcone di disperati, a 70 miglia da Malta, è affondato in mare provocando cinquanta tra morti e dispersi.

    In particolare, questa mattina, alle prime luci dell'alba un gruppo di 85 immigrati su un gommone che avevano lanciato l'Sos sono stati raccolti ad una ottantina di miglia a Sud dell'isola. Mentre un altro barcone con 183 profughi, tra i quali 34 donne e 49 bambini, è stato agganciato in prossimità dell'imboccatura del porto.

    Anche in questo caso i migranti stanno per essere trasferiti nel Centro di prima accoglienza che in questi giorni è stato al collasso per la presenza di un numero di persone di gran lunga superiore alle sue capacità.

    LE VITTIME DEL NAUFRAGIO DI IERI Intanto si aggiorna la lista del naufragio avvenuto ieri: sono complessivamente 206 i superstiti del naufragio nel Canale di Sicilia, tra Lampedusa e Malta; 34 i cadaveri recuperati, in gran parte donne e bambini, mentre non è ancora possibile ipotizzare si vi siano dispersi.

    Sul barcone, secondo le testimonianze dei sopravvissuti, viaggiavano infatti circa 250 migranti. I corpi delle prime 22 vittime sono già stato sbarcati sul molo Favaloro di Lampedusa dalle motovedette della Guardia di Finanza. Un'altra motovedetta con 151 superstiti e quattro cadaveri sta facendo rotta verso Malta. Gli altri sopravvissuti sono stati invece presi a bordo della nave militare Lybra che sta facendo rotta verso Porto Empedocle.

    Non è stato ancora possibile fare un bilancio ufficiale della tragedia anche perchè le unità della Guardia Costiera, della Guardia di Finanza e della Marina Militare sono state impegnate nei soccorsi di altri barconi diretti verso Lampedusa.

    Intanto è arrivata al porto di Lampedusa la nave militare «Cassiopea» che dovrà trasferire a Porto Empedocle le 339 salme delle vittime del naufragio dello scorso 3 ottobre dell'isola dei Conigli.

  6. Italy to step up patrols in hope of saving migrants from shipwreck...

    (Reuters) - Italy is to step up naval and air patrols in the southern Mediterranean to try to prevent repeats of the shipwrecks which have drowned hundreds of African migrants this month.

    Prime Minister Enrico Letta said late on Saturday an "air and naval package" would be put in place south of Sicily, where tens of thousands of migrants in flimsy, overcrowded boats have made the crossing from Africa so far this year.

    Italian officials have been increasingly worried by the uncontrolled arrivals from a region destabilized by the civil war in Syria, chaos in Libya and unrest in Egypt and elsewhere.

    "We intend to triple our presence, in terms of both men and means in the southern Mediterranean, for a military-humanitarian mission that has been made necessary in part by the fact that Libya is currently a 'non-state'," Defence Minister Mario Mauro told the daily Avvenire newspaper.

    He said operational and financial details of the deployment were being worked out and could involve more patrol vessels or more powerful ships with greater surveillance capacity.

    "We need strong action to stop these shipwrecks out to sea," Mauro told the newspaper.

    Italian media reported that unmanned drone aircraft based in Sicily could also be used to identify boats in trouble.

    In addition to coastguard and frontier police vessels, the Italian navy currently has three vessels supported by four helicopters patrolling the area, and two surveillance aircraft with night vision capabilities in support.

    Italy and Malta, which have borne the brunt of the crisis, have asked for more funds from the European Union and called for the migrant emergency to be put on the agenda of the next European Council meeting on October 24-25.


    "The fact is that as things stand, we are just building a cemetery within our Mediterranean Sea," Malta's Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said in an interview with the BBC......

  7. Lampedusa desnuda a Europa....La tragedia de los naufragios evidencia la ineficacia de la UE frente a la inmigración....

    Los inmigrantes muertos este mes en las costas de Italia son solo una pequeña parte de los que perecen a las puertas del sueño europeo. Unos 1.500 se ahogan cada año en el Mediterráneo, la mayor parte en las costas del norte de África, según datos de Naciones Unidas, sin que Europa tenga siquiera constancia. Las dos últimas tragedias han sacudido la conciencia europea, pero los líderes políticos están lejos de resolver el problema fundamental: la falta de un enfoque común y eficaz sobre el fenómeno de la inmigración, antes percibido como una fuente de progreso y hoy visto como amenaza para Europa.

    Con las imágenes del primer naufragio aún en la retina, los ministros europeos de Interior se mostraron el pasado martes incapaces de comprometer recursos para nutrir una operación de salvamento en el Mediterráneo que les proponía la Comisión. Es solo una muestra de la lentitud que caracteriza las decisiones comunitarias. En este caso, agravada por el temor que suscita entre los gobernantes abordar sin demagogia la inmigración. El auge de los populismos que les pisan los talones los vacunan contra un enfoque blando de este problema.

    Hacia esas contradicciones solo apuntan de manera descarnada los mandatarios que sufren la tragedia de manera directa. El primer ministro maltés, Joseph Muscat, dijo ayer sentirse “abandonado” por el resto de la UE y pidió a los países que se movilicen para pactar “cambios en las normas. No cambiar equivale a hacer del Mediterráneo un cementerio”......

  8. Flüchtlingskatastrophe...Italien will das Mittelmeer stärker überwachen...

    Auch am Sonntag ist ein Flüchtlingsboot in Seenot geraten. Malta warnt vor einem "Friedhof für Migranten". Italien verdreifacht die Einsatzkräfte vor seinen Küsten.

    Im Mittelmeer ist am Sonntag offenbar erneut ein Flüchtlingsboot in Seenot geraten. Medienberichten zufolge waren am Nachmittag zwei Schiffe an einem Rettungseinsatz beteiligt. Ein Boot mit 400 Flüchtlingen an Bord hatte demnach zuvor einen Hilferuf abgesetzt. Zuletzt waren am Freitag bei einem Schiffsunglück zwischen Malta und der italienischen Mittelmeerinsel Lampedusa mindestens 35 Bootsflüchtlinge ums Leben gekommen. Ebenfalls am Freitag war ein weiteres Flüchtlingsboot auf dem Weg nach Europa vor der Küste Ägyptens gesunken, zwölf der rund 150 Menschen an Bord starben. Erst am 3. Oktober waren vor Lampedusa 362 Flüchtlinge ums Leben gekommen.

    Als Reaktion hat Italien angekündigt, von diesem Montag an die Überwachung im Mittelmeer zu verstärken. Die Einsatzkräfte von Marine und Luftwaffe in der Straße von Sizilien würden verdreifacht, kündigte Ministerpräsident Enrico Letta an.....


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