Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Weißes Haus versichert: Kein Abhören von Merkels Telefonaten.

US-Präsident Barack Obama hat Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel versichert, dass die US-Geheimdienste ihre Telefonate nicht überwacht haben, teilte der offizielle Sprecher des Weißen Hauses, Jay Carney, am Mittwoch in Washington mit. 

Der Präsident hat mit der Kanzlerin gesprochen und versichert, dass die USA ihre Gespräche nicht überwacht haben und dies auch jetzt nicht tun“, so Carney. 

Zuvor hatte Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert mitgeteilt, das Handy der Bundeskanzlerin sei vermutlich von US-Geheimdiensten überwacht worden. 

Merkel habe am Mittwoch mit Obama telefoniert und betont, dass sie „solche Praktiken, wenn sich die Hinweise bewahrheiten sollten, unmissverständlich missbilligt und als völlig inakzeptabel ansieht“.

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  1. Merkel calls Obama over suspicion U.S. monitored her phone...

    (Reuters) - The German government has obtained information that the United States may have monitored the mobile phone of Chancellor Angela Merkel and she called President Barack Obama on Wednesday to demand an immediate clarification, her spokesman said.

    White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama had assured Merkel that the United States was not monitoring the communications of the chancellor.

    But the strongly worded statement by Merkel's spokesman suggested that Germany was not fully satisfied. It demanded an "immediate and comprehensive" clarification of U.S. surveillance practices.

    "She made clear that she views such practices, if proven true, as completely unacceptable and condemns them unequivocally," the statement read.

    "Between close friends and partners, as Germany and the U.S. have been for decades, there should not be such monitoring of the communications of a government leader. This would be a grave breach of trust. Such practices should be immediately stopped."

    The news broke as Secretary of State John Kerry, on a visit to Rome, faced fresh questions about mass spying on European allies, based on revelations from Edward Snowden, the fugitive ex-U.S. intelligence operative granted asylum in Russia.

    French President Francois Hollande is pressing for the U.S. spying issue to be put on the agenda of a summit of European leaders starting on Thursday. French newspaper Le Monde reported earlier this week that the National Security Agency (NSA) had collected tens of thousands of French phone records.

    Just four months ago, Obama defended U.S. anti-terrorism tactics on a visit to Berlin, telling Germans at a news conference with Merkel that Washington was not spying on ordinary citizens.

    Revelations before the trip of a covert U.S. Internet surveillance program, code-named Prism, caused outrage in a country where memories of the eavesdropping East German Stasi secret police are still fresh.

    (Writing by Noah Barkin and Sarah Marsh; Editing by Will Waterman)

  2. Germany demands explanation from the US regarding possible tapping of Merkel’s cellphone...

    BERLIN, October 23 (Itar-Tass) - The German government has obtained the information that German Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cellphone was wiretapped by the U.S. security services. Following these findings, Merkel asked the White House “to give immediate and full explanation,” spokesman for the German government Steffen Seibert said Wednesday.

    Source of the information was not reported.

    U.S. may spy on European allies

    According to available information, Merkel already had a telephone conversation with U.S. President Barack Obama on this issue. “The Chancellor put it clearly that if this information is proven true, she does not approve such action and finds it absolutely unacceptable,” Seibert said.

    Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary, has officially announced that the NSA has not spied on Germany’s Chancellor through her phone.

    Earlier this week, a similar scandal erupted over alleged spying on French officials and citizens. Speaking on air at the Europe 1 radio station, France’s Interior Minister Manuel Valls called information regarding mass wiretapping of the National Surveillance Agency of French citizens “shocking.”

    U.S. neighbors

    U.S. relations with its southern neighbors have also been compromised due to leaks regarding NSA activity.

    “The Mexican government strongly condemns the spying practice over communication tools and internet activity of the country’s state agencies and its citizens,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement. It added that such cases were completely unacceptable, unlawful and contrary to international legislation.

    Previosuly, Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil has postponed her official visit to the U.S. which was initially scheduled for October 23, over allegations of American digital espionage.

    More to come

    This Tuesday, Former Guardian newspaper journalist Glenn Greenwald, who released data from U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) fugitive Edward Snowden, told the Inter American Press Association (Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa) in Denver, Colorado that he was preparing new revelations of U.S. surveillance activity.

  3. Merkel sospecha que fue espiada....La canciller ha telefoneado a Obama para pedir “un inmediato y completo esclarecimiento”....

    La canciller Angela Merkel protestó el miércoles ante el presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, por el posible espionaje de su teléfono móvil por parte de los servicios secretos estadounidenses. Según su portavoz Steffen Seibert, la jefa del Gobierno alemán advirtió a Obama que “rechaza categóricamente estas prácticas, que considera inaceptables”. Seibert confirmó el miércoles por la tarde que Alemania reclamó “un inmediato y completo esclarecimiento” del asunto, después de obtener “indicios sólidos” de que los espías de Washington vigilan las comunicaciones del teléfono celular de la canciller. Seibert añadió que, de confirmarse, el espionaje “supone un grave abuso de confianza” que debería “detenerse de inmediato”. Merkel es una usuaria constante de su teléfono móvil, con el que envía frecuentes mensajes de texto a sus ministros y consejeros. Hasta ahora, el Gobierno alemán había dicho confiar en la privacidad de sus comunicaciones. Jay Carney, portavoz de Obama, aseguró el miércoles que “Estados Unidos no vigila ni vigilará las comunicaciones de la canciller”. No negó Carney que hayan sido espiadas en el pasado.

    La drástica reacción alemana tiene su origen en diversas informaciones del semanario de Hamburgo Der Spiegel, que este verano detalló el espionaje masivo de la Agencia de Seguridad Nacional (NSA) sobre las comunicaciones europeas. Tras comprobar estas sospechas, los servicios secretos alemanes alertaron al Gobierno. Ven indicios plausibles de que Merkel está en el punto de mira de los espías al servicio de la Casa Blanca......

  4. Spähverdacht – Merkel beschwert sich bei Obama....

    Die Bundesregierung hat Informationen, wonach Merkels privates Mobiltelefon möglicherweise durch amerikanische Geheimdienste überwacht wurde. Die Kanzlerin beschwerte sich bei US-Präsident Obama.

    Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel war möglicherweise über mehrere Jahre hinweg Ziel US-amerikanischer Geheimdienste. Das geht aus einer Mitteilung von Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert hervor. Demnach habe die deutsche Regierung Informationen erhalten, dass das private Mobiltelefon der Bundeskanzlerin überwacht wird. Merkel habe sich darüber bereits bei US-Präsident Barack Obama persönlich beschwert.

    In einem Telefongespräch mit Obama forderte Merkel eine umfassende Aufklärung der Vorwürfe. Merkel habe laut Seibert deutlich gemacht, "dass sie solche Praktiken, wenn sich die Hinweise bewahrheiten sollten, unmissverständlich missbilligt und als völlig inakzeptabel ansieht". Obama wies die Vorwürfe allerdings zurück. Das teilte das Weiße Haus am Mittwoch mit.

    Nach Angaben des Weißen Hauses versicherte Obama in einem Telefonat mit Merkel am Mittwoch, dass die USA die Kommunikation der Kanzlerin "nicht überwachen und nicht überwachen werden". Die Vereinigten Staaten würden ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland "sehr schätzen", sagte Obamas Sprecher Jay Carney.

    In einer ausführlichen Mitteilung des deutschen Regierungssprechers heißt es: "Unter engen Freunden und Partnern, wie es die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die USA seit Jahrzehnten sind, dürfe es solche Überwachung der Kommunikation eines Regierungschefs nicht geben. Dies wäre ein gravierender Vertrauensbruch. Solche Praktiken müssten unverzüglich unterbunden werden."....................

  5. Nsa, “spiato” il cellulare della Merkel....Lei: “È inaccettabile”. Obama smentisce....

    Dopo la Francia, scoppia il caso in Germania: «Forse anche il telefono della cancelliera è sotto controllo»

    La Germania accusa gli Usa di aver spiato il cellulare della cancelliera Merkel. La Casa Bianca smentisce di aver messo sotto controllo il telefono della «donna più potente del mondo». Ma il caso è destinato a far discutere.

    Il governo tedesco ha saputo che il telefono cellulare del cancelliere Angela Merkel sarebbe stato intercettato dagli Stati Uniti. A denunciarlo il portavoce, Steffen Seibert. Del caso la cancelliera tedesca Angela Merkel ha parlato oggi con il presidente americano Barack Obama chiedendo una «immediata e chiara spiegazione» sul presunto controllo del suo cellulare. Secondo la cancelliera questo sarebbe «del tutto inaccettabile», riferisce sempre il portavoce del governo tedesco. Seibert ha precisato che il governo federale è in possesso di informazioni che confermerebbero uno spionaggio del telefonino della cancelliera. Abbiamo «pregato il governo americano di fornirci immediata e completa chiarezza», ha detto. La notizia del possibile spionaggio del cellulare della donna più potente del mondo era stata data da Spiegel online.

    Il presidente americano, Barack Obama, ha assicurato alla cancelliera Angela Merkel che il suo telefono non è mai stato monitorato. Lo ha detto il portavoce della Casa Bianca, Jay Carney

  6. Germany summons US ambassador over spying....Envoy called in following claims that American intelligence may have tapped Chancellor Merkel's mobile phone.....

    Germany's Foreign Ministry has summoned the US ambassador following allegations that American intelligence may have tapped Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone.

    A senior lawmaker on Thursday expressed concern at the White House's statement that it is not monitoring and would not monitor Merkel's communications, a response that did not address what might have happened in the past.

    The defence minister added that Europe cannot simply return to business as usual in trans-Atlantic ties following a string of reports that the US was spying on its allies.

    Merkel's government said she complained to President Barack Obama on Wednesday after receiving information her mobile phone may have been monitored.

    It would not elaborate, but German news magazine Der Spiegel, which has published material from National Security Agency (NSA) leaker Edward Snowden, said its research triggered the response.

    The Foreign Ministry said US Ambassador John B Emerson was expected to meet on Thursday afternoon Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle, who would "spell out the position of the German government".

    'Completely unacceptable'

    Merkel called Obama to demand an immediate clarification, her spokesman said in a statement.......

  7. Spying row: Merkel urges US to restore trust at EU summit....

    Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel has said it is "really not on" for friends to spy on each other, referring to alleged US snooping on her phone calls.

    On arrival at an EU summit in Brussels Mrs Merkel said "we need trust between allies and partners, and such trust needs to be restored".

    She said she had given that message to US President Barack Obama when they spoke on Wednesday.

    Other EU leaders also voiced concern about the scale of US surveillance.

    The spying row threatens to overshadow EU talks on the economy and migration. Mrs Merkel has demanded a "complete explanation" of the claims, which came out in the German media......

  8. Estados Unidos espió a Merkel desde 1999 hasta 2013...

    1. El número de teléfono móvil de la canciller alemana está en los papeles de Snowden
    2. La NSA habría pinchado el teléfono de Merkel: primero un Nokia y luego una Blackberry
    La prensa alemana ha desvelado los "indicios plausibles" que llevaron a Angela Merkel a levantar el teléfono y pedir explicaciones a Obama en medio de un enfado monumental. Su número de teléfono móvil, el que usa "para todo", está en los papeles de Edward Snowden, el ex analista de la agencia de inteligencia estadounidense NSA, según el diario 'Die Welt', con acceso a estos papeles que tiene en su poder 'Der spiegel'. Fue el semanario el que acudió a la Cancillería con el dato y el resto es historia.

    Según esa documentación, la NSA habría tenido pinchado el teléfono Nokia 63 que Merkel utilizaba desde 1999 y el Nokia 71 que comenzó a utilizar en 2009, interrumpiéndose el espionaje solamente cuando, a raíz del escándalo del espionaje norteamericano, su número de teléfono fue eliminado. Desde entonces, la canciller se comunica a través de un teléfono Blackberry con un nuevo número que no habría sido espiado.

    Los indicios de espionaje han sido tomados en serio tanto por los servicios de inteligencia alemanes como por el Gobierno de Merkel, que este jueves convocó al embajador estadounidense en Berlín para pedir explicaciones.

    La propia jefa del Gobierno alemán, que se encuentra en Bruselas para una cumbre europea informal, subrayó que "el espionaje entre amigos no puede darse en absoluto" ya que mina los lazos bilaterales y dejó la pelota en el tejado estadounidense.............


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