Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Israel: Foreign Ministry dismisses Swiss team's findings on Arafat's death. -"more soap opera than science".

Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor on Wednesday dismissed findings of the Swiss forensic team that concluded Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was poisoned, after finding traces of polonium in samples of his remains.

Palmor said the findings were "more soap opera than science" and said it was part of the ongoing battle between Arafat's widow and the Palestinian Authority.

While Suha Arafat commissioned the Swiss Institute to investigate, Palmor said that the Palestinian Authority turned to a Russian team which last month concluded that no traces of polonium were found.

"It is all very, very confused and unclear," Palmor said. "What is clear is that there are huge holes in the theory, more holes than in Swiss cheese." He said that the Swiss report was made without the team looking for traces of radioactivity at Arafat's former office in Ramallah or in the French hospital where Arafat was hospitalized. Nor, he said, did they have access to Arafat's medical files.

"How can you determine the cause of death without all the necessary information," he asked. "This is not serious."



  1. Vergifteter Jassir Arafat: Rückschlag für die Friedenshoffnungen...

    Palästinenserführer Jassir Arafat ist offenbar vergiftet worden. Auch wenn der Verantwortliche nicht feststeht, dürfte dies die Friedenschancen für den Nahen Osten weiter schmälern.

    Das war ein schwarzer Tag für die Friedensaussichten im Nahen Osten: Erst wurde US-Außenminister John Kerry mit der palästinensischen Drohung konfrontiert, die von ihm mühsam initiierten Verhandlungen wegen der israelischen Siedlungspolitik scheitern zu lassen. Dann ebnete ein richterlicher Freispruch dem erklärten Versöhnungsgegner Avigdor Lieberman den Weg zurück ins israelische Außenminisiterium. Und schließlich ließ der TV-Sender Al-Dschasira die Bombe platzen: Der legendäre Palästinenserführer Jassir Arafat starb an einer heimtückischen Vergiftung......

  2. Former FM insists Israel had no hand in Arafat’s death....

    If we’d wanted to kill him, the easiest thing would have been to prevent him leaving West Bank for treatment, says Silvan Shalom, after report claims PLO leader was poisoned.

    Silvan Shalom, who served as Israel’s foreign minister in 2004 when Yasser Arafat died, insisted Thursday that Israel had “nothing whatsoever” to do with the death of the Palestinian leader. Had Israel wanted to kill Arafat, Shalom said, it would have been “the simplest thing” not to permit him to leave Ramallah for medical treatment in Paris.

    When Israel was told that Arafat had been taken ill, said Shalom, there was some debate in the government about whether this was a ruse by Arafat, intended to enable him to break out of his Ramallah confinement. But “we decided to let him go to Paris. If we had wanted to harm him physically, the simplest thing would have been not to let him go to Paris.”

    Shalom branded the report ostensibly pointing to Arafat’s death by poisoning as “superficial” and unpersuasive. But if the PLO leader was poisoned “it certainly wasn’t by Israel.”

    Al Jazeera said Wednesday it obtained an exclusive copy of the 108-page report by the University Centre of Legal Medicine in Lausanne, Switzerland. “The level of polonium in Yasser Arafat’s rib… is about 900 milibecquerels,” British forensics expert Dave Barclay told Al Jazeera. “That is either 18 or 36 times the average, depending on the literature.”........

  3. Yasser Arafat's widow says his successors must seek justice...

    RAMALLAH, West Bank: Yasser Arafat's widow says the Palestinian leadership must seek justice for her husband after Swiss scientists found evidence suggesting he was poisoned by the radioactive substance polonium-210.

    Suha Arafat spoke to the The Associated Press from Qatar on Thursday after she received the results of an examination of her husband's remains.

    Arafat died in 2004 in France, a month after falling ill at his Israeli-besieged West Bank compound. Palestinian officials have alleged Israel poisoned Arafat, a claim Israel denies.

    On Thursday, Suha Arafat did not mention Israel, but said that only countries with nuclear capabilities have access to polonium. She says her husband's death was a crime and that his successors "have to find the tools and pursue the legal case", in international courts.

    Palestinian officials have planned a news conference on Friday.

  4. Angebliche Polonium-Vergiftung Arafats: Israel weist Schuld von sich...

    Israel hat die Schuld an der möglichen Vergiftung des Ex-Palästinenserführers Arafat zurückgewiesen. Schweizer Forscher wollen sich heute zu ihrer Untersuchung äußern. Beobachter hoffen, so den Widerspruch zu einer russischen Untersuchung auszuräumen.

    Von Peter Kapern, ARD-Hörfunkstudio Tel Aviv
    Es sei ein Jahrhundertverbrechen, für das die Israelis bezahlen müssten - das sagte Quais Abdulkarim am Vormittag im arabischen Nachrichtensender Al Jazeera. Abdulkarim ist Mitglied im Exekutiv-Rat der PLO. Und er stützt sein Verdikt auf den Bericht der Schweizer Mediziner zum Tod von Ex-Palästinenser-Chef Jassir Arafat.

    Die Wissenschaftler kommen nach der Untersuchung von Gewebeproben vom Leichnam Arafats zu dem "einigermaßen sicheren Schluss", dass er mit hoher Sicherheit an einer Vergiftung mit Polonium 210 gestorben ist.......


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