Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Οι ΗΠΑ και η Μεγάλη Βρετανία σταματούν την παροχή μη στρατιωτικής βοήθειας στη Συρία. /МИД РФ: 10 декабря два самолета МЧС России доставили в г.Латакию 44 тонны срочной гуманитарной помощи для сирийского населения

Η Ουάσιγκτον προσωρινά σταματά να παρέχει τη μη στρατιωτική βοήθεια στην αντιπολίτευση της βόρειας Συρίας μετά από την κατάληψη από τους ριζοσπαστικούς ισλαμιστές της διέλευσης συνόρων και των οπλοστασίων, ανέφερε την Τετάρτη εκπρόσωπος της πρεσβείας των ΗΠΑ στην Τουρκία.

Τα δυτικά ΜΜΕ, επικαλούμενα εκπρόσωπο της πρεσβείας της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας στην Άγκυρα αναφέρουν ότι το Λονδίνο επίσης σταμάτησε την παροχή της μη στρατιωτικής βοήθειας.

«Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι οι ΗΠΑ «νίπτουν τας χείρας». Θα συνεχίζουμε να εργαζόμαστε μέσω ανθρωπιστικών και διπλωματικών οδών. Αυτό το βήμα δεν σημαίνει ότι αρνούμαστε να υποστηρίζουμε τη μετριοπαθή αντιπολίτευση», είπε εκπρόσωπος της κυβέρνησης των ΗΠΑ.

  • Britain and America suspend aid to Syria just as refugees displaced by war face onset of freezing winter.....
1. Free Syrian Army group says that the US and UK move is 'rushed and mistaken'
2. The US and Britain have in the past offered radios, body armour, medical supplies to rebels

Britain and the US has suspended all non-lethal aid to rebel fighters in northern Syria after Islamist fighters seized Western-backed rebel weapons warehouses, highlighting fears that supplies could end up in the wrong hands.

The news comes as a winter storm is sweeping through the area where millions of Syrian refugees live in rudimentary tent camps.

Storm Alexa has brought high winds and freezing temperatures to areas where displaced Syrians are already struggling to survive.

The rebel Free Syrian Army fighting President Bashar al-Assad said the US and British moves were rushed and mistaken.

FSA spokesman Louay Meqdad said: 'We hope our friends will rethink and wait for a few days when things will be clearer.' ............

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  • СООБЩЕНИЕ ДЛЯ СМИ: О доставке гуманитарной помощи Сирии и содействии в отъезде на родину граждан России.....

10 декабря два самолета МЧС России доставили в г.Латакию 44 тонны срочной гуманитарной помощи для сирийского населения. Речь идет о палатках, одеялах, продуктах питания, медикаментах и других предметах первой необходимости. Обратным рейсом в Москву прибыли постоянно проживающие в Сирии российские граждане и члены их семей, а также граждане ряда стран СНГ, пожелавшие покинуть зону конфликта (всего 37 человек).
Российская Федерация будет и впредь оказывать в различных формах гуманитарное содействие сирийскому населению, испытывающему тяготы вооруженного противостояния. Имеется в виду делать это в отношении внутренне перемещенных лиц в САР, а также сирийских беженцев в соседних странах.


  1. Kerry: Syria non-lethal aid to resume quickly...

    Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday he expects the resumption of non-lethal aid to Syria, which was suspended last week following the seizure of a warehouse by Islamists, to resume very quickly.

    In an interview on ABC’s This Week, Kerry warned of the heightened humanitarian crisis in Syria.

    When asked when the non-lethal aid to Syria would resume, Kerry answered: “very quickly.”

    “We’ve already had some proffers who have the warehouse protected and other kinds of things. But I think people want to be careful, have the meetings that we need to have and make certain we can proceed forward thoughtfully. Nobody wants to just build a warehouse up again and have it taken over again. That doesn’t make sense.”

    “We have a massive humanitarian crisis. ... You know, look, these things are complicated.

    “How do you go in and get the humanitarian assistance if the (President Bashar) al-Assad regime is preventing it from happening? No one in America wants to put American troops on the ground. We could get the food in there very quickly if we did that. But that choice isn’t available,” Kerry said.

    “And no one really wants to go to war in Syria because it’s a huge sectarian, you know, mess, with all kinds of implications. So you have to work with the tools that you have that are permissible.”

    The Secretary of State has blamed the warehouse incident on infighting within the opposition, which may be fueled by Syria’s president.

    “And this is the nature of the beast that has been unleashed by Bashar al-Assad, who probably is feeding some of it himself, because he likes to try to play the card that he is the better alternative to these extremists,” he said.

    The U.S. and Britain said Wednesday they were suspending deliveries of nonlethal aid to rebels in northern Syria. The aid includes communications equipment and laptops after some of the gear was seized by Islamic militants.

    In his interview with the American channel, Kerry also talked about bringing together the Syrian opposition for talks.

    “We’ve had conversations constantly — I’ve talked this week with foreign ministers in the region. We’re working — there’s a meeting that’s going to take place, I think next week. People will be coming together,” he said.

    “We are aiming toward the Geneva 2 Conference, which will take place in January, in the latter part of January,” Kerry added.

    “We are committed to try to bring people together, a strong representation of the opposition together with the Assad regime representatives and with maybe 30 or so other countries and all try to work in the same direction, which is to get a political settlement out of Syria.”

    “It’s hard, but that’s the only way you’re ever going to end the fighting and establish some kind of a governance structure that builds a future for the Syrian people.”

    The U.N.-backed Geneva II peace talks aims to bring representatives of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government and the opposition to the negotiating table in a bid to end the bloody 32-month civil conflict, which has so far claimed 126,000 lives.

    The opposition has agreed to attend the talks on condition that they lead to a transitional period excluding Assad and his regime.

  2. Damaskus erstaunt über Bereitschaft der USA zu Gesprächen mit Terroristen...

    Das Außenministerium Syriens hat sich Medienberichten zufolge erstaunt über die Bereitschaft des offiziellen Washington gezeigt, Verhandlungen mit der Aufständischengruppierung „Islamische Front“ aufzunehmen, die Damaskus als eine Terrororganisation einstuft.

    „Die Position der USA läuft ihren Verpflichtungen zuwider, die sie als ständiges Mitglied des Weltsicherheitsrates übernommen haben. Laut diesen Verpflichtungen haben die USA entsprechenden Resolutionen des UN-Sicherheitsrates zur Bekämpfung des Terrorismus zu folgen“, zitierte die syrische Nachrichtenagentur SANA aus einer Erklärung des Außenamtes.

    Zuvor hatte US-Außenminister John Kerry erklärt, dass er einen Dialog mit den Islamisten nicht ausschließt. Arabische Medien berichteten unter Berufung auf einen Vertreter der „Islamischen Front“, dass die Gruppierung von den USA zu Gesprächen aufgefordert worden war. Am Mittwoch teilte der US-Botschafter in Syrien, Robert Ford, mit, dass die Islamisten auf ein Treffen mit Vertretern der US-Behörden verzichtet hatten.

    Die „Islamische Front“ war vor etwa einem Monat gegründet worden. Medienberichten zufolge hatte die Organisation vor kurzem mehrere Depots und Objekte der Freien Syrischen Armee unter ihre Kontrolle gebracht, die von westlichen Ländern unterstützt wird. In diesem Zusammenhang stellten die USA und Großbritannien die Militärhilfe für die Opposition aus Angst ein, dass Waffen in die Hände radikaler Islamisten gelangen.

  3. Russian plane brings supplies for Syrian refugees...

    A Russian cargo plane carrying tons of humanitarian aid arrived at Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport on Wednesday. The Ilyushin Il-76 plane was carrying food and basic supplies for the estimated 1.4 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

    "This is the first of three planes that will arrive in Lebanon within the next month to bring supplies to the (Syrian) refugees. We are also cooperating with the High Relief Committee in this matter," said Russian Ambassador to Lebanon Alexander Zasypkin.

    Security problems in Lebanon have been compounded by the huge economic burden caused by the Syrian refugees, who are fleeing the violence in their country. Lebanese authorities have warned that humanitarian aid could no longer sustain the massive influx of refugees over the past week.

    The government estimates there are some 1.4 million Syrians in Lebanon. The UN has registered about 850,000, but many more enter illegally or have never registered.

  4. Syrian refugees in Lebanon denied aid....Syrian refugees in Lebanon are complaining that aid is not being distributed to them at camps.....

    It has been claimed that Syrian refugees in Lebanon are not receiving the aid that is being sent to them.

    Some refugees at the ‘Arab Rajab’ camp in the city of Bekaa have said that the aid delivered to them is not being distributed to them. Instead, it is being used for the personal benefit of certain individuals.

    One particular refugee claimed that an entire truck-load of blankets was recently seized by the authorities. Having been left in the cold with no protection from the harsh wintry conditions, some refugees have resorted to burning their shoes for warmth.

    One Syrian Kurd by the name of Sharif Darwish told reporters that since the Assad regime never gave Syrian Kurds citizenship, they have been unable to benefit from the refugee camps.

    However, the local municipality of Al-Maraj has denied the accusations, with municipality head Nazim Salih saying that aid was only prevented from being distributed once because of heavy snow. He also said that aid including 150 heaters, 400 blankets and 300 carpets had been distributed by charities.

    According to the UN, there are around 850,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon, while Lebanese sources estime the figure to be closer to 1.2 million.

  5. U.S. nonlethal aid to Syrian rebels considered ....

    Washington is considering resuming its nonlethal military aid to the Syrian opposition as Islamist rebels, which the United States feared would receive some of the aid, are proving to be more moderate, the New York Times reported Thursday.

    Citing senior U.S. officials, the New York Times reported that Washington could resume its aid even if some of it ends up going to Islamist groups that are allied with the moderates. These groups have in recent days been battling against the al-Qaeda linked Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

    Both Britain and the U.S. suspended aid to the Syrian rebel forces on Dec. 11, fearing that the aid might fall into the hands of hardline Islamists. This happened when warehouses of equipment were seized by the Islamic Front, an alliance of Islamist fighters who ceded from the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army.

    The officials said their fears and doubts were eased when these Islamist rebels, including those from the Islamic Front, fought against ISIL, the newspaper reported.

    It is said that ISIL is seeking to set up a Sunni religious state straddling Iraq and Syria..............


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