Saturday, December 21, 2013

Έκκληση Σόιμπλε να μην επιβραδυνθεί η τραπεζική ενοποίηση. -Συνέντευξη στην Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Έγκειται στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο να αναλάβει τις ευθύνες του ώστε να ολοκληρωθεί η ευρωπαϊκή νομοθεσία πριν τις ευρωεκλογές, δήλωσε ο γερμανός υπουργός Οικονομικών, Β. Σόιμπλε, αναφερόμενος στο σχέδιο τραπεζικής ενοποίησης.

Σε συνέντευξη που έδωσε στην Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, o κ. Σόιμπλε δήλωσε πολύ ικανοποιημένος από τη σχετική συμφωνία που επετεύχθη το βράδυ της Τετάρτης από τους ευρωπαίους υπουργούς Οικονομικών, με σκοπό την αποφυγή μίας νέας κρίσης.

Η συμφωνία αυτή πρόκειται να επιτρέψει τη δημιουργία ενός ενιαίου μηχανισμού, αρμόδιου να αποφασίζει πώς θα διαχειριστεί τράπεζες της ευρωζώνης που αντιμετωπίζουν προβλήματα και να οργανώνει ενδεχομένως την πτώχευσή τους.

Σημειώνεται ότι ο πρόεδρος του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου, Μάρτιν Σουλτς υποσχέθηκε την Πέμπτη πολύ μακρές διαπραγματεύσεις με τους ευρωβουλευτές, κρίνοντας το κείμενο ανησυχητικό και πολύ μακριά από τις προσδοκίες των ευρωπαίων βουλευτών.


  1. Schäuble faz apelo ao Parlamento Europeu...

    O ministro das Finanças da Alemanha, Wolfgang Schäuble, apelou ao Parlamento Europeu para não atrasar o projecto da União Bancária, de modo a que possa ser adoptado no início do próximo ano.

    "Estou muito satisfeito com o que foi decidido sobre a união bancária (...) Agora, cabe ao Parlamento Europeu assumir as suas responsabilidades para que possamos fechar a legislação europeia antes das próximas eleições europeias de Maio" de 2014, disse o ministro alemão ao jornal Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, numa entrevista que será publicada domingo, adianta a AFP.

    Os ministros das Finanças europeus chegaram a acordo esta semana, após negociações de mais de 12 horas, sobre a união bancária. Este acordo permitirá a criação do mecanismo único de resolução, que será responsável pela falência organizada dos bancos da zona euro.

    O presidente do Parlamento Europeu, o alemão Martin Schulz, antecipou que se seguem "longas negociações" entre os deputados europeus.

    Schulz criticou especificamente a complexidade do mecanismo proposto: a criação de um fundo comum com contribuições de bancos destinado a financiar eventuais liquidações e uma "autoridade de resolução" encarregada de tomar as decisões, mas que está no entanto dependente, em último recurso, dos governos nacionais.

    Para Schulz seria "inaceitável" que o Parlamento perdesse as suas prerrogativas legislativas em favor de um mecanismo puramente intergovernamental.

    O projecto da União Bancária implica três pilares. Além do mecanismo único de resolução, é composta pelo mecanismo único de supervisão - que está confiada ao Banco Central Europeu e entrará em vigor no outono de 2014 - e o esquema comum de garantia depósitos, sobre o qual ainda não há acordo na Europa.

  2. Schäuble warnt EU-Parlament vor Blockade der Bankenunion...

    Berlin (dpa) - Bundesfinanzminister Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) hat das Europäische Parlament dazu aufgefordert, die Einigung über die Bankenunion nicht zu blockieren. «Ich bin mit dem, was wir bei der Bankenunion erreicht haben, sehr zufrieden», sagte Schäuble der «Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung». Man habe in der vergangenen Woche einen großen Fortschritt erzielt. «Jetzt muss allerdings auch das Europäische Parlament seiner Verantwortung nachkommen, damit wir die europäische Gesetzgebung noch vor den Europaparlamentswahlen im Mai abschließen können», so der Minister.

    Parlamentspräsident Martin Schulz hatte die Einigung der Ressortchefs heftig kritisiert und angekündigt, die Volksvertretung werde den Vorschlägen in ihrer jetzigen Form nicht zustimmen. Schulz moniert, dass die Nationalstaaten das letzte Wort haben sollen - die Rolle der EU sei dabei zu klein. Er will der EU-Kommission mehr Rechte einräumen. Zudem seien zu viele Stellen involviert, um eine schnelle Entscheidung zu treffen. Würde man die Beschlüsse umsetzen, wäre dies «der größte Fehler in der Krisenbewältigung bislang», hatte Schulz beim EU-Gipfel am Donnerstag in Brüssel gesagt.

    Das Parlament hat ein Mitentscheidungsrecht. Nach dem Beschluss der Minister beginnen nun die Verhandlungen der EU-Staaten mit dem Parlament. Die Finanzminister hatten sich am Mittwochabend nach Marathonverhandlungen auf einen weiteren Pfeiler der Bankenunion, das Regelwerk für die Schließung oder Sanierung von Pleitebanken, geeinigt. Die EU will mit der Bankenunion Sparer besser schützen und Steuerzahler bei Zusammenbrüchen von Geldhäusern schonen. Kernstück ist ein gemeinsamer Topf, der über zehn Jahre hinweg mit Bankengeldern aufgebaut wird.

  3. Schäuble to Schultz: Do not slow down the banking union...

    German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble calls on the European Parliament not to slow the banking union so it can be adopted at the beginning of next year, in an interview in the Sunday edition of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

    "I am very happy about what has been decided for the banking union. Now is the European Parliament’s turn to take responsibility so that we can complete the European legislation before the next elections in May 2014," Schäuble added.

    European finance ministers ended up Wednesday night in a major agreement for the banking union, in order to avoid a new crisis in the Eurozone. This agreement will allow the creation of a single decision mechanism in charge of organizing the eventual bankruptcy of Eurozone banks.

    However, the German Parliament President Martin Schulz promised "very lengthy negotiations" with MEPs on Thursday, considering the relevant text as "disturbing" and "far away" from the expectations of European parliamentarians.

    Schultz was particularly critical of the complexity of the proposed mechanism: Creation of a common fund to be financed by banks and in turn will finance any liquidations, and a "Decision Authority" empowered to take decisions that will be subjected to national government judgments as a last resort.

    For Schultz, it would be "unacceptable" for the European Parliament to lose its legislative prerogatives in favor of a purely intergovernmental organization.

  4. EU banking union too complicated, too slow....

    An EU system to prevent a repeat of the massive bank bailouts which crippled the economy is a major step but it is also too complicated when speed is absolutely essential, analysts said.

    "From the moment a bank is identified as being at risk, up to the moment it is closed, the new system might require approvals from as many as 100 people," said Annalisa Piazza of Newedge.

    The authorities must wind up a failing bank as quickly as possible, and above all, while the markets are closed if they want to limit the fallout and the possibility of a run on deposits.

    Fail to do that and the risk is one problem bank will bring down others, setting off a disastrous chain reaction and sucking in governments, as in Ireland, which eventually had to seek an international bailout.

    EU finance ministers agreed Wednesday a Single Resolution Mechanism to close problem banks, with the cost covered by a special bank levy to be phased in by 2025.

    The SRM will work alongside an already agreed new supervisory regime run by the European Central Bank.

    The last element, a common deposit guarantee system to reassure nervous savers, was put in place Tuesday after European Parliament approval.

    This banking union system was drawn up in response to the financial and then debt crises which brought down many banks and drove the eurozone into a deep and damaging recession.

    It involves possibly the biggest transfer of national sovereignty to Brussels since the euro was created and as a result, required painful compromises which show up clearly in its workings.

    For example, some countries such as EU powerhouse Germany were reluctant to give Brussels too much power over their banking system.

    France, in contrast, pushed for a fully centralised 'single system' covering all eurozone banks, not just the larger ones, arguing that problems often arise first in the smaller lenders.

    For Paris, it was the European Commission that should oversee the SRM and so have the last word on a bank closure decision.

    In the event, an SRM board will decide and while the Commission has the right to object, it will have to get the EU finance ministers to back it up -- a process likely to take much too long to be a practical option.

    A Berenberg Bank research report said the banking union was a "historic step" but also a compromise between countries "worried about the stability of their banks and those unwilling to put their taxpayers' money at risk".

    In the end, it was the latter -- championed by Germany -- which largely won out but with the result that there are "certain weaknesses in the small print of the plan," it said.

    "The Single Resolution Mechanism is 'single' only in name compared with the Single Supervisory Mechanism at the ECB," said Nicolas Veron of the Bruegel Institute in Brussels.

    "In the supervision system, there is real pooling of sovereignty but (with the SRM), it is still everyone for themselves," Veron said.

    Martin Schulz, head of the European Parliament which must now approve the accord, warned bluntly the SRM could not work fast enough, precisely because the Commission has been effectively sidelined.................


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