Monday, December 9, 2013

In call to Ukrainian President, Ban urges peaceful means to diffuse political tensions

8 December 2013 – With hundreds of thousands of protestors reportedly rallying anew in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, General Ban Ki-moon today appealed directly to President Victor Yanukovich for peaceful dialogue to defuse ongoing political tensions in the country.
In a telephone call with the President, Mr. Ban expressed his grave concern and emphasised that there must be no resort to violence.
He also welcomed President Yanukovich's assurances that consultations would be initiated to defuse the situation, according to a readout of the conversation from Mr. Ban's spokesperson.

The wave of demonstrations was sparked by a Government decision on 21 November to not sign an agreement on broader integration with the European Union. 

Following the protests that followed, Mr. Ban appealed to all parties to act with restraint, avoid any further violence and to uphold the democratic principles of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly.

In today's call, the top UN official also congratulated Mr. Yanukovich on a successful chairmanship during this year of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Chairmanship and of the ministerial meeting held on 5 and 6 December in Kyiv.
  • The meeting, attended by representatives of the 57 participating states, focused on addressing protracted conflicts, energy and the environment, and efforts to address transnational issues, such as religious freedoms and Roma, according to the OSCE website.
  • Γιατσενιούκ: Η νύχτα και η αυριανή μέρα θα είναι καθοριστικές 

Ο επικεφαλής της κοινοβουλευτικής παράταξης «Μπατκόβσινα» Αρσένι Γιατσενιούκ απευθύνθηκε προς τα ΜΜΕ με έκκληση να ενημερώσουν τους πολίτες του Κιέβου, ότι «αυτή η νύχτα και η αυριανή μέρα θα είναι καθοριστικές»: «Ανακοινώσαμε την επέκταση της δράσης. Τώρα όλο το Κίεβο είναι πρακτικά η Πλατεία Ανεξαρτησίας. Καλούμε όλους από τις 5 το πρωί να συγκεντρωθούν στην Πλατεία Ανεξαρτησίας και να διαδηλώνουν κατά των κυβερνητικών οργάνων».

«Θα θέλαμε να συγχαρούμε όλη την Ουκρανία και όλους τους Ουκρανούς για τον τρόπο που διεξήχθη σήμερα η διαδήλωση», - δήλωσε ο ίδιος. Ο Γιατσενιούκ τόνισε ότι είναι μία ειρηνική διαδήλωση: «Είπαμε ότι δεν θα υπάρξει καμία βία, ότι δεν θα υποκύψουμε σε καμία προβοκάτσια. Είμαστε εξ ολοκλήρου στο πλευρό του νόμου και του ουκρανικού Συντάγματος».


  1. Ukraine police dismantle Kiev protest camps...

    Ukrainian police have begun dismantling protest camps in front of government buildings in Kiev.

    The protesters, who are demanding the government's resignation, had been given until Tuesday to leave. No clashes have been reported.

    Opposition leaders have urged their supporters to defend Independence Square, the main site of the protest.

    The tense stand-off follows weeks of demonstrations after a U-turn on a free-trade deal with the EU.

    President Viktor Yanukovych has said he will discuss the crisis with three former presidents on Tuesday to try to find a compromise.

    The protesters have given Mr Yanukovych 48 hours to dismiss the government and are demanding new elections for the presidency and government.

    They are blockading government buildings with cars, barricades and tents.

    The demonstrators have condemned Mr Yanukovych for refusing to sign an association agreement with the EU last month. He said he shelved it because it would put trade with Russia at risk.

    EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton will be in Ukraine on Tuesday and Wednesday "to support a way out of the political crisis".

  2. Two thousand soldiers deployed in Kiev to maintain law and order...

    Center of the Ukrainian capital, Kiev has been blocked by protesters, who since the 21st of November are continuing with their protests in reply to the authorities' decision to suspend an association agreement with the EU.

    Vehicular traffic in the city center has been virtually paralyzed; the opposition has occupied the mayor's office and the trade union building. They are demanding of premature presidential and parliamentary elections and of the government’s resignation. By Monday morning, the protesters managed to spread out their barricades, blocking a city quarter housing several government buildings. About 2 thousand interior ministry troops have been deployed to maintain law and order in Kiev.
    Read more:

  3. Nervenkrieg im ukrainischen Machtkampf: Die Vaterlandspartei der inhaftierten Oppositionsführerin Timoschenko wirft den Sicherheitskräften vor, sie hätten ihr Hauptquartier in Kiew gestürmt. Die Polizei bestreitet das......

    Die EU-Außenbeauftragte Catherine Ashton will von Dienstag an in Kiew zwischen Regierung und Opposition vermitteln. Ashton werde sich sowohl mit Vertretern der Führung um Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch als auch mit den Regierungsgegnern um Boxweltmeister Vitali Klitschko treffen, kündigte ihre Sprecherin an. Janukowitsch will zudem mit seinen drei Vorgängern die Situation in der früheren Sowjetrepublik besprechen.

    Den Anzeichen für Verhandlungsbereitschaft zum Trotz hat die Polizei in Ukraine am Montagabend offenbar den Sitz der oppositionellen Vaterlandspartei der inhaftierten Oppositionsführerin Julia Timoschenko gestürmt. Sondereinsatzkräfte seien mit Gewalt in den Parteisitz eingedrungen, teilte die Parteisprecherin Marina Soroka mit. Die Polizei wies die Angaben zurück. Eine unabhängige Bestätigung für ein gewaltsames Vorgehen der Behörden gegen die Vaterlandspartei (Batkiwschtschina) gab es zunächst nicht.

    Die proeuropäische Vaterlandspartei führt die seit Wochen andauernden Proteste gegen Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch mit an..................


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