Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Catherine Ashton condemns violence, state buildings seizure in Ukraine. -She called on the Ukrainian government to eradicate the key reasons

EU foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, has condemned violence in Kiev, particularly the seizure of state buildings while commenting on the situation in Uktaine earlier today.
"I’m seriously concerned about the escalation of violence in Kiev and the reports about victims. I condemn all forms of violence, including the seizure of state and Party buildings," Ashton wrote in her communiqué.

She called on the Ukrainian government to eradicate the key reasons of the crisis.

"Political decisions should be taken within Parliament and Ukraine should return to the parliamentary process. Political leaders should share responsibility in order to restore confidence and create conditions for finding an effective solution to the crisis," Ashton added.

She thinks that in order to resolve the crisis Ukraine should "establish a pluralistic government, make progress in the constitutional reform and organize transparent and democratic presidential elections."

"The EU is ready to help Ukraine," Catherine Ashton said.

Voice of Russia, TASS



  1. Ukraine: Two jet aircrafts appear over Maidan ...

    Two jet aircrafts, presumably military, have appeared over Maidan in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, the mass media report.

    Five civilians dead in Kiev clashes - police

    Five people died on Tuesday as anti-government protesters clashed with security forces in central Kiev, a police spokeswoman said.

    "Five civilians died as a result of the mass unrest in Kiev," said Kiev police department spokeswoman Olga Bilyk.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax, AFP

  2. NATO Secretary General warns against violence in Ukraine...

    BRUSSELS, February 18. /ITAR-TASS/. NATO’s Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has urged all parties to the conflict in Ukraine to refrain from violence, as follows from a news release issued in Brussels.

  3. US demands Ukrainian President Yanukovych to 'end' violence in Kiev...

    The United States called Feb. 18 on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to "end" violence in Kiev, saying it was appalled by clashes between riot police and demonstrators that killed five people.

    "We are appalled by the violence taking place in downtown Kiev. We urge President Yanukovych to immediately de-escalate the situation and end the confrontation at Maidan," the city's Independence Square, said Laura Lucas Magnuson, a spokeswoman for the National Security Council.

    Magnuson said the excessive use of force on either side of Ukraine's political divide would not resolve the crisis. She also urged the president to start a dialogue with the opposition immediately.

    At least five people were killed and scores injured as anti-government protestors battled riot police in Kiev in the first outbreak of violence in weeks.

    Security forces issued an ultimatum that they would use "grave actions" if violence did not cease by 1600 GMT. Tuesday's violence marked the first such outburst since mid-January in the Ukrainian capital, which has been wracked by anti-government demonstrations since Yanukovych in November rejected a European Union pact in favor of closer ties with historical master Russia.............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/us-demands-ukrainian-president-yanukovych-to-end-violence-in-kiev.aspx?pageID=238&nID=62657&NewsCatID=359

  4. Реакция европейских политиков на обострение ситуации на Украине....

    БРЮССЕЛЬ, 18 февраля. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Ася Арутюнян/. Использование насилия ставит под угрозу будущее Украины. Об этом заявил в Брюсселе еврокомиссар по расширению и политике соседства Штефан Фюле, комментируя обострение ситуации в Киеве.

    "Сожалею о гибели людей и раненых в Киеве. Не раз говорил, что насилие и конфронтация ставят под угрозу будущее страны. Единственный выход из кризиса - диалог", - отметил еврокомиссар.

    Штефан Фюле трижды побывал в Киеве за последние несколько недель. В ходе своих визитов еврокомиссар встречался как с президентом Украины Виктором Януковичем, так и лидерами оппозиции "с целью содействия выходу страны из политического кризиса".

    Конфликтующие стороны на Украине должны продолжить диалог и поиск путей политического урегулирования, заявил глава МИД ФРГ Франк-Вальтер Штайнмайер после телефонного разговора с исполняющим обязанности министра иностранных дел Украины Леонидом Кожарой.................http://itar-tass.com/mezhdunarodnaya-panorama/981705

  5. Alemania amenza con 'sanciones' al responsable del 'baño de sangre'...

    1. La Unión Europea y EEUU piden el fin de la violencia y la vuelta al diálogo parlamentario
    2. El secretario general de la OTAN asegura estar 'gravemente preocupado' por la situación
    Las reacciones al fuerte choque entre manifestantes y policías sucedido en Kiev no han tardado en llegar desde todo el mundo. La batalla campal se ha saldado con al menos nueve muertos y un centenar de heridos y ha provocado que la jefa de la diplomacia de la Unión Europea (UE), Catherine Ashton, haya pedido a los líderes ucranianos que vuelvan lo antes posible al "proceso parlamentario".

    "Urjo a los dirigentes de Ucrania a afrontar las causas de raíz de la crisis. Se deben tomar decisiones políticas en el Parlamento y Ucrania debe urgentemente volver al proceso parlamentario", enfatizó Ashton en un comunicado.

    En ese contexto, condenó "todo uso de la violencia", incluyendo aquella dirigida contra edificios públicos o de partidos. Además, recalcó que "la UE está dispuesta a asistir a Ucrania en este proceso".

    Asimismo, el ministro de Asuntos Exteriores alemán, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, ha amenazado al presidente Viktor Yanukovich con "sanciones personales" para los responsables de "un baño de sangre" en Kiev. "Todos deben mantenerse alejados de cualquier forma de provocación en Kiev en estos momentos de tensión. Una escalada de la violencia es lo último que el país necesita" manifestó Steinmeier en un comunicado..................http://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2014/02/18/53039b47e2704e7c118b457d.html

    1. En direct : la place Maïdan assiégée, l'UE envisage des sanctions contre Kiev...

      Les troupes antiémeutes ont lancé un nouvel assaut mercredi sur la place centrale de Kiev, occupée depuis trois mois par des manifestants, et en ont repris en partie le contrôle. Depuis mardi, au moins 25 personnes sont mortes dans les violences.

      Mercredi au petit matin, les troupes antiémeutes ukrainiennes ont lancé un nouvel assaut contre les manifestants réunis sur la place centrale de Kiev, au lendemain d'une journée de violences. Après plusieurs jours d'accalmie, ces nouveaux affrontements entre manifestants et forces de l'ordre ont fait au moins 25 morts, a annoncé mercredi matin le ministère de l'Intérieur ukrainien. Vivez les évènements en direct sur notre liveblogging....................http://www.france24.com/fr/20140219-direct-nouvel-assaut-police-maidan-kiev-liveblogging-ukraine/

  6. Außenminister Steinmeier zur aktuellen Lage in Kiew...

    Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier erklärte heute Abend (18.02.) zur Lage in Kiew:

    "Es sind dramatische Stunden, die wir in Kiew im Augenblick erleben. Die Nachrichten von einer neuerlichen Eskalation der Gewalt sind bestürzend. Dass es Tote und Verletzte im Laufe des heutigen Tages gegeben hat, erschüttert uns.

    Ich verurteile alle Formen von Gewalt. Wer immer der Meinung sein sollte, dass die Anwendung von Gewalt in der Ukraine ein Ausweg aus der gegenwärtigen Situation sein könnte, der unterliegt einer Fehleinschätzung.

    Es hat Gewalt und Gegengewalt gegeben im Laufe des Tages. Aber es obliegt den Sicherheitskräften, jetzt dafür zu sorgen, dass eine Deeskalation stattfindet und dass die Gewaltanwendung nicht noch ausgeweitet wird.

    Ich sage ausdrücklich: Wer in diesen Stunden Entscheidungen zu verantworten hat, die zu weiterem Blutvergießen führen, der muss auch wissen, dass die Zurückhaltung, die sich Europa bei der Entscheidung über persönliche Sanktionen auferlegt hat, mit Sicherheit überdacht werden wird."

  7. EU mulling sanctions against those behind Ukraine 'repression' - Ashton....

    The European Union is to consider sanctions against those behind the deadly unrest in Ukraine, foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said Wednesday.

    Ashton said in a statement she has called a meeting of the EU's political and security Committee. "All possible options will be explored, including restrictive measures against those responsible for repression and human rights violations."

    Voice of Russia, AFP


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