Wednesday, February 19, 2014

French, German, Polish FMs to visit Ukraine. -At the request of European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.

France’s Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius will arrive in Kiev, Ukraine, on Thursday along with his Polish and German counterparts.
Earlier reports said that Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski would travel to Kiev on Thursday at the request of European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton.

Mass street protests resumed in Kiev on Tuesday as the Verkhovna Rada met in a bid to work out a solution to the crisis. The opposition demanded a reinstatement of the 2004 constitution and parliamentary rule.

Aggressive crowds attempted to break through to the House of Parliament. Radicals burst into buildings, smashed windows, burnt tyres and threw stones and Molotov cocktails at police. Some protesters used firearms.

Voice of Russia, RIA


  1. Presidente do Parlamento Europeu defende novas eleições na Ucrânia...

    O presidente do Parlamento Europeu afirmou, esta quarta-feira, que a escalada da violência na Ucrânia é inaceitável e revela que as autoridades estão a perder a autoridade, pedindo sanções para os envolvidos em violações de direitos humanos.

    "Há uma tragédia a acontecer na Ucrânia, o falhanço das autoridades em alcançar um diálogo genuíno levou a uma nova onda de violência e à morte de muitos manifestantes e polícias. Isto é chocante e inaceitável e requer uma ação forte e urgente", afirmou Martin Schulz, numa mensagem enviada à Imprensa.

    O responsável alemão considerou que é preciso evitar a todo o custo "novos banhos de sangue" e que os acontecimentos de terça-feira mostram que as autoridades estão a perder "toda a legitimidade".

    Na missiva, o chefe do Parlamento Europeu adiantou ter convocado para quinta-feira uma discussão sobre a Ucrânia na conferência de líderes parlamentares europeus, em que deverá estar presente o comissário do Alargamento, Stefan Fule..............

  2. Phone call between President Barroso and President Yanukovych on the situation in Ukraine...

    President Barroso spoke today on the phone with President Yanukovych. He conveyed his shock and dismay with the recent clashes in Ukraine which led to the death and injury of a number of people. He called for an immediate end to the violence and firmly condemned the use of force to solve the political crisis. He recalled the special responsibility of the Ukrainian government to avoid violence and respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. He stressed the importance of all actors committing to a political process without pre-conditions in a spirit of shared responsibility. He referred to the fact that while the EU remains ready to assist and facilitate this process it will react firmly to the deterioration of the situation. The Foreign Affairs Council will meet tomorrow to discuss targeted measures against those responsible for the violence.

  3. Laurent Fabius se rendra à Kiev jeudi matin...

    La journée de mardi a été particulièrement meurtrière à Kiev, où les manifestants contestent le pouvoir du président ukrainien, Viktor Ianoukovitch, depuis maintenant trois mois. Vingt-six personnes sont mortes dans les violents affrontements entre manifestants et policiers.

    • Ce mercredi matin, manifestants et police anti-émeute continuent à se faire face dans le centre de la ville.

    • Le président Viktor Ianoukovitch justifie le recours à la force par le jusqu'auboutisme des manifestants. Les Européens haussent le ton et menacent de sanctions les dirigeants ukrainiens. La Russie dénonce de son côté une tentative de coup d'Etat.

  4. Ukraine: Seventeen protesters killed as EU talks begin...

    At least 17 protesters have been killed in renewed clashes with police in central Kiev after a truce agreed on Wednesday broke down, eyewitnesses say.

    Witnesses reported live rounds, petrol bombs and water cannon at the main protest site, Independence Square.

    A meeting between EU foreign ministers and President Viktor Yanukovych is now under way, officials say, contradicting earlier reports that the ministers had flown out without seeing him.

    The EU will discuss sanctions later.

    Eyewitnesses quoted by international news agencies say they have counted at least 17, and as many as 21 bodies.

    The BBC's Kevin Bishop, in Kiev, saw five dead bodies in the reception area of the Hotel Ukraine, which all foreign media in the city are using as a base..............


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