Tuesday, February 11, 2014

US retain right to military strike against Syria - Obama

The US retain the right to conduct a military operation in Syria, but political settlement remains the priority, stated the US President Barack Obama.

"I always say that I reserve the right for it ", Obama also said that last autumn military operation was considered to be suitable. 

However, he said, there is only political way to settle the Syrian issue.

"There is no military solution, but the situation is very unstable, it is dangerous not only for Syria but for the entire region," Obama said.

Voice of Russia, RIA

  • Obama: EE.UU. se reserva el derecho de lanzar una operación militar en Siria

El presidente estadounidense, Barack Obama, subrayó durante la rueda de prensa conjunta con su homólogo francés, François Hollande, que EE.UU. no excluye el escenario militar en el conflicto en Siria, si bien la solución diplomática es prioritaria.

"La guerra no es la solución, pero la situación es muy inestable, es peligroso no solo para Siria sino para toda la región", dijo Obama.

Asimismo, el presidente estadounidense subrayó que Rusia es responsable de la liquidación de los arsenales químicos de Siria. "Las autoridades sirias deben cumplir con sus compromisos, mientras sobre Rusia recae la responsabilidad de garantizar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de Siria en la destrucción de sus armas químicas", subrayó el mandatario norteamericano. 

Previamente las autoridades estadounidenses señalaron que el Gobierno sirio es demasiado lento en la transferencia de sus armas químicas. Sin embargo, el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores ruso dijo que la operación para la eliminación de las armas químicas en su conjunto se está realizando de forma adecuada, pese a los intentos de obstaculizar su aplicación.

Por otra parte Obama cree que "todavía están lejos" de alcanzar el objetivo final de las negociaciones en Ginebra. 

Según el plan original, las sustancias tóxicas tenían que ser evacuadas de Siria el 31 de diciembre de 2013, pero no se pudo lograr debido a la situación inestable en el país. De acuerdo con el nuevo calendario de la OPAQ, los equipos químicos prioritarios, incluyendo cerca de 20 toneladas de gas mostaza tóxica, deberán ser retirados antes del 31 de marzo, y para finales de junio de este mismo año se planea destruir completamente todas las armas químicas sirias.......Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/119646-eeuu-francia-mantener-sanciones-iran?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=actualidad

Obama: EE.UU. se reserva el derecho de lanzar una operación militar en Siria

Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/119646-eeuu-francia-mantener-sanciones-iran?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=actualidad


  1. Opposition's terrorist acts in Syria must be condemned by int'l community. – Russian Foreign Ministry....

    The actions of the irreconcilable opposition against the Syrian civilian population must be resolutely condemned by all the memers of the international community, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich has said in a commentary posted on the ministry's website.

    "We believe that the actions of the irreconcilable opposition who commit terrorist attacks and other crimes against Syrian civilians must be resolutely and unreservedly condemned by all members of the international community, as well as the participants of the intra-Syrian negotiating process in Geneva," Lukashevich said.

    Besides, the Ministry's spokesman added that Moscow is satisfied with the agreements to extend the truce in the old part of the city of Homs by three days.

    "It was with satisfaction that Moscow learnt a report about a three-day extension of the humanitarian truce in the old part of the city of Homs.Thanks to the ceasefire, over 800 people, mainly old people, women and children, have already managed to leave the area. Residents from the besieged blocks were supplied with additional food rations," he wrote.

    "Our information is that as a result of talks between representatives of the Syrian authorities, Palestinian groups and the armed opposition in the Palestinian refugee camp Yarmouk near Damascus an agreement has been reached that 'alien' militants should leave the camp over the next 24 hours," Lukashevich continued.

    "We are talking primarily about the Jabhat al-Nusra group," the commentary said.

    "The significant progress in relieving the plight of people in these populated areas clearly demonstrates the possibility of holding efficient humanitarian operations, provided all parties involved are keen and willing to search for compromises," Lukashevich said.

    "Against this background 'international terrorist' militants in Syria have been making desperate attempts to disrupt the reconciliation process locally and to provoke violence escalation through bloodshed and inhumane crimes. Several dozen residents of the village of Maan in the Hama province were killed with particular cynicism and cruelty, and the footage of their public execution was put out on the Internet. Also in the same line is a brazen demand by Jabhat al-Nusra militants to swap 12 nuns seized by them at the Ma'loula convent for 500 Jihadists jailed in Syria and Lebanon," the commentary said.

    Voice of Russia, Interfax

  2. Obama: Kein US-Angriff auf Syrien...

    Amerikas Präsident kritisiert Russland für Blockade im UN-Sicherheitsrat, hält aber Beendigung des syrischen Bürgerkriegs durch internationalen Militärschlag für derzeit nicht möglich.

    Die USA sind ungeachtet der Verschärfung der humanitären Krise und des Erstarkens radikaler islamistischer Milizen nicht bereit, militärisch in Syrien einzugreifen. "Derzeit denken wir nicht, dass es eine militärische Lösung für dieses Problem gibt", sagte US-Präsident Barack Obama am Dienstag in Washington nach einem Treffen mit Frankreichs Staatspräsident François Hollande.

    "Ich habe während meiner Präsidentschaft stets gesagt, dass ich mir das Recht auf militärisches Handeln vorbehalte. Aber es muss weise gehandhabt werden", erinnerte Obama an seine bisherige Linie. Die amerikanisch-französische Drohung eines Militärschlages habe im vergangenen Jahr dazu geführt, dass der syrische Machthaber Baschar al-Assad seine Chemiewaffen aufgegeben habe. Zwar gab Obama zu, dass sich der Abtransport des Giftgas-Arsenals aus Syrien verzögere. "Wir haben sie aber alle erfasst, und konkrete Schritte werden unternommen, um sie zu entfernen", betonte er. "Und gemeinsam mit Frankreich sind wir bereit, zu handeln, falls Syrien das nicht tut."

    Obama kritisierte dabei auch die russische Regierung, die eine stärkere Entschließung des Sicherheitsrates der Vereinten Nationen zum Schutz der syrischen Zivilbevölkerung zurückhalte........................http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/1561471/Obama_Kein-USAngriff-auf-Syrien?from=rss

  3. EE.UU. no descarta operación militar en Siria....

    El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, subrayó durante una rueda de prensa conjunta con su homólogo francés, François Hollande, que su país no excluye el escenario militar en el conflicto en Siria, si bien la solución diplomática tiene la prioridad, reseñó la agencia de noticias Russia Today (RT).

    Desde la Casa Blanca, ambos presidentes firmaron una "alianza renovada" para trabajar "hombro con hombro" por la seguridad mundial, para que Irán cumpla el acuerdo sobre su programa nuclear y para poner fin a la muerte "indiscriminada de civiles" en Siria.

    Asimismo, el presidente estadounidense subrayó que Rusia es responsable por la liquidación de los arsenales químicos de Siria.

    "Sobre Rusia recae la responsabilidad de garantizar el cumplimiento de las obligaciones de Siria en la destrucción de sus armas químicas", subrayó.

    La primera visita de un presidente francés desde 1996 ha sido celebrada por Obama, que ha subrayado que cooperación actual entre ambos países "era impensable hace una década", en alusión al distanciamiento vivido cuando Francia se opuso a la invasión estadounidense de Irak.

    Obama, consideró que la alianza bilateral "se ha transformado" y resaltó el "coraje" y "resolución" de Hollande en los conflictos en Siria y Mali y su capacidad para "cumplir sus responsabilidades como líder mundial"..........................http://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2014/02/11/eeuu-no-descarta-lanzar-una-operacion-militar-en-siria-5462.html

  4. Russia Plans Veto of Security Council Resolution on Syria ....

    A Russian official said a draft U.N. Security Council resolution on humanitarian aid for Syria has been crafted as a precursor for military intervention, and that Russia will not let it pass.

    Russian media quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov saying Wednesday that the resolution is "unacceptable" in its current form. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called the measure a one-sided effort to blame the Syrian government.

    President Barack Obama said in a joint news conference Tuesday with French President Francois Hollande that aside from Russia, there is "great unanimity" among the council on the resolution to give greater access to aid workers.

    "Secretary Kerry and others have delivered a very direct message to the Russians that they cannot say that they are concerned about the well-being of the Syrian people when there are starving civilians, and that it is not just the Syrians that are responsible; the Russians, as well, if they are blocking this kind of resolution," said Obama.

    The draft measure threatens sanctions against those who obstruct aid deliveries.

    Obama said that at this point he does not think there is a military solution to the Syrian crisis, but that the situation continues to change and he will explore "every possible avenue."...........http://www.voanews.com/content/russia-plans-veto-of-security-council-resolution-on-syria/1849606.html

  5. Russland droht mit Veto gegen Syrien-Resolution....

    Der Entwurf zu einer Resolution über humanitäre Hilfe würde die Grundlage für eine Militärintervention bieten, sagt Moskau und bleibt bei seinem "Nein".

    Russland drohte am Mittwoch mit seinem Veto gegen eine Resolution des UN-Sicherheitsrates zur humanitären Hilfe für Syrien. In der jetzigen Form würde der Entwurf nämlich die Grundlage für eine militärische Intervention liefern, hieß es aus dem Moskauer Außenministerium: "Der einzige Grund und das einzige Ziel sind es, den Boden zu bereiten für spätere Militärschläge gegen die syrische Regierung, falls irgendwelche Bedingungen nicht erfüllt werden.".............http://diepresse.com/home/politik/aussenpolitik/1561647/Russland-droht-mit-Veto-gegen-SyrienResolution?from=rss

  6. Russia says Syria aid resolution creates 'grounds for future military action'...

    Russia said on Feb. 12 it would veto a U.N. resolution on humanitarian aid access in Syria in its current form, denouncing the draft as an effort to lay a foundation for military strikes against President Bashar al-Assad's government.

    Moscow had already dismissed the Western-Arab draft debated in the Security Council on Feb. 11 as a non-starter, but a senior diplomat's unequivocal condemnation indicated Russia would seek major changes before dropping its opposition.

    "Its whole purpose and aim is to create grounds for future military action against the Syrian government if some demands it includes are not met," Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said in Geneva, according to state-run news agency RIA.

    "It is unacceptable to us in the form in which it is now being prepared, and we, of course, will not let it through."

    At the United Nations on Feb. 11, French Ambassador Gerard Araud told reporters that Russian U.N. Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told the council Moscow was prepared to work on some kind of resolution on aid access, but not the present draft..................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/russia-says-syria-aid-resolution-creates-grounds-for-future-military-action.aspx?pageID=238&nID=62363&NewsCatID=359

  7. Kerry says Obama has asked for new policy options on Syria...

    (Reuters) - Secretary of State John Kerry said on Friday that President Barack Obama has asked for possible new policy options on Syria given the worsening humanitarian situation there.

    "He has asked all of us to think about various options that may or may not exist. The answer to the question: have they been presented? No, they have not. But that evaluation, by necessity, given the circumstances, is taking place at this time," Kerry told reporters during a visit to Beijing.

    "And when these options are ripe and when the president calls for it, there will undoubtedly be some discussion about them."

    (Reporting by Arshad Mohammed; Writing by Ben Blanchard; Editing by Robert Birsel)


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