Friday, March 21, 2014

EU extends Crimea sanctions list. -Member states would cancel regular bilateral summits.

The EU has slapped sanctions on another 12 individuals over Russia's annexation of Crimea from Ukraine.

European Council President Herman Van Rompuy said any further steps by Russia to destabilise Ukraine would have "far-reaching consequences".

It comes hours after President Barack Obama announced further US sanctions against Russia over the Crimea crisis.

Crimea is in the process of being absorbed into Russia following a disputed referendum in the peninsula...........
Following a summit of EU leaders in Brussels on Thursday evening, Mr Van Rompuy described Russia's annexation of Crimea as "a clear violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and of international law".

"We strongly condemn the unconstitutional referendum in Crimea. We will not recognise the annexation, nor will we recognise it in the future," he said.

"There is no place for the use of force and coercion to change borders on the European continent in the 21st Century."

Mr Van Rompuy said that the 28-nation bloc was also cancelling an EU-Russia summit in June and member states would cancel regular bilateral summits........(agencies)
  • José Manuel Durão Barroso.  -President of the European Commission....

Press conference

Brussels, 21 March 2014

Let me add to the very comprehensive and accurate description of the conclusions of the European Council by President Van Rompuy some of the points that are especially important in the view of the European Commission. 

First, regarding Ukraine. 

I welcome the fact that we were able to show strong and united determination. Not only supporting Ukraine but also making clear that there will be consequences for some of the kind of behaviour that we think is simply unacceptable in the 21st century.

We made very clear that we will deliver our strong and concrete support to Ukraine. It's essential that this country becomes a viable, stable prosperous and democratic country.

We have decided concretely to go on with the plans that the Commission had already put forward, namely the proposal for an additional 1 billion euros of macro financial assistance, which will bring our overall support to 1.6 billion. And also the autonomous trade measures we proposed to open unilaterally our market to Ukrainian products.

This is very important as is also the fact that tomorrow we are already going to sign, with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the political provisions of the Association Agreement to seal the strong political partnership that brings Ukraine and the EU closer together. This is the democratic choice Ukraine has made. It is our firm intention to sign the remaining parts of the agreement in due course. Europe is committed to Ukraine for the long term. We will help Ukraine to reform and consolidate its independence and sovereignty. 

At the same we also took decisions – and I will only refer to those that have a clear implication on the European Commission's work – on the consequences for the behaviour that has been in place recently. Our conclusions of the European Council make it clear when they say 'the European Council asked the Commission to evaluate the legal consequences of the annexation of Crimea and to propose economic, trade and financial restrictions regarding Crimea for rapid implementation'. This specifically on the issue of Crimea. 

And we have also decided, apart, I repeat, from all the other political measures the President of the European Council mentioned, that the Commission will prepare possible targeted measures. I quote the text: "The European Council recalls that any further steps by the Russian Federation to destabilise the situation in Ukraine would lead to additional and far reaching consequences for relations in a broad range of economic areas between the European Union and its Member States on one hand, and the Russian Federation on the other hand. In this respect, the European Council asks the Commission and the Member States to prepare possible targeted measures."

So I think these are the two main elements regarding Ukraine. First of all, the support and commitment of all Member States to support Ukraine as a democratic, sovereign and stable country, and also the decision to take strong measures, if needed, more measures, to show to Russia that some of this behaviour is simply unacceptable. 

But we also have discussed economy. And the day started very well, with very positive news of the agreement on a Single Resolution Mechanism for banks. This was the missing part of the banking union. This agreement will strengthen confidence and stability in the financial markets. And – very importantly – it should help restore lending to the economy. So it is good news for the economy, but it's also good in terms of fairness. In the future, it is banks who will pay for their own failures, not taxpayers.

This sense of fairness is also reflected in the agreement tonight to agree on the revised directive on taxation of savings. It took six long years of negotiations, but we did it. We are bringing an end to banking secrecy in Europe. And we will be in a strong position to negotiate with key international financial centres. I hope we can achieve real progress in this matter by the end of this year.

I am also especially pleased with the very good discussion we had on growth. Growth is returning. We also heard the assessment by the President of the European Central Bank regarding the improvement in the conditions in the euro area and in the European Union in general. In fact while some risks still exist, it is now clear that recovery is there, but we have to work to make sure that the recovery will last. We must keep the pace of the necessary structural reforms.

And we have to take special attention – of course – to the issue of unemployment. Not only the high level of unemployment that is unacceptable from a social point of view, but also as it has a negative impact on the growth potential of Europe. Because so far our countries have been making a huge effort, for instance, in terms of correction of external imbalances, but the growth that is available is mostly a growth based on exports – which is very good as it shows increased competitiveness of many of our economies – but we also need a growth that is more based on internal demand: consumption and also investment. And this is why employment, apart from the social drama that it represents, it is important that employment contributes to sustained growth.

It was an interesting discussion. I'm very happy that the Member States agreed on very concrete language. So I except Member States to send us their plans next month, and that they reflect in those plans this ambition for reform. Today's European Council has given a clear endorsement in that sense. The crisis, as you know, has had a serious impact on many aspects of our economic and social life, including on the Europe 2020 targets, and so reforms are a crucial tool to address this challenge.

Another key ingredient is the need to maintain a strong industrial base. I’m pleased that the conclusions strongly reflect the Commission’s ideas on how to foster what we have called an industrial renaissance in the new economy that we are building post crisis.

To conclude, I’m extremely pleased with the unity and determination around the table, not only on the general assessment of the economy and the commitment to support the recovery but also on the concrete agreements that have been taken today on banks, Single Resolution Mechanism and fair taxation.

Thank you.


  1. Sommet UE - 12 noms supplémentaires sur la liste des sanctions de l'Union européenne contre la Russie....

    L'Union européenne a ajouté 12 noms sur sa liste de personnalités sanctionnés pour le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie, ont annoncé vendredi plusieurs dirigeants européens, dont le président français François Hollande et la chancelière allemande Angela Merkel.
    "Il y aura 33 personnalités sur cette liste", a déclaré M. Hollande à l'issue de la première journée du sommet européen, dominé par la crise en Ukraine. "Il faut que la Russie comprenne qu'elle ne peut pas continuer et qu'elle doit trouver le chemin du dialogue", a-t-il ajouté. (Belga)

  2. EU targets Putin’s inner circle with growing blacklist...

    A further 12 Russians and Crimeans are to be hit with travel bans and asset freezes by the European Union, French President François Hollande announced on Friday, in the bloc’s latest move to punish Vladimir Putin for Moscow’s takeover of Crimea.

    The move brought the number of Russians and Ukrainians facing EU sanctions to 33, and Hollande said it included plenty of crossover with those targeted by the US, in what appears to be a combined effort to close in on President Putin 's inner circle.

    “We added 12 people, in concert with the Americans,” Hollande said, after six hours of talks..............

  3. Visa, Mastercard block US-sanctioned Russian bank....

    International payment systems, Visa and Mastercard, have stopped serving clients of the Rossiya bank after the US issued sanctions against it regarding Russia’s position over the Ukrainian turmoil. The blockade came without warning, the bank said.

    "The management of Rossiya understands the difficulties of clients in the current situation and will do all it can to solve them," the bank said in a statement

    The bank added that its own services relating to Visa and Mastercard cards, like withdrawing cash from the bank’s ATMs works fine.

    Apart from the payment blockade, Rossiya is operating “in stable regime” and is fulfilling all its obligations, the bank said.

    Visa and Mastercard did not immediately comment on the news.

    Rossiya is the only institution on the US sanctions list announced on Thursday in response to Russia’s moving towards accepting Crimea under its sovereignty.

    Washington’s move is meant to put pressure on people they see as members of President Vladimir Putin’s “inner circle”. The bank’s owner, Yury Kovalchuk, is on the list as well, as an individual.

    Visa and Mastercard have a record of bowing to political decisions from Washington, most notably in blocking donations to the WikiLeaks whistleblower website.

  4. Le Premier ministre ukranien appelle l'UE à sévir économiquement contre la Russie....

    Le Premier ministre ukrainien, Arseni Iatseniouk, a appelé vendredi l'UE à prendre de "réelles" sanctions économiques contre la Russie, qui menace selon lui l'ordre mondial.

    "Le meilleur moyen de contenir la Russie est de la soumettre à une réelle pression économique" a affirmé M. Iatseniouk, dans un point de presse après avoir signé avec les dirigeants européens le volet politique de l'accord d'association Ukraine-UE.

    Cet accord, qui vise à arrimer politiquement et économiquement l'Ukraine à l'UE mais sans perspective d'adhésion "répond aux aspirations de millions d'Ukrainiens qui veulent faire partie de l'UE", a-t-il affirmé.

    Pour garder la main face à la Russie, "nous devons payer le prix, nous devons tous payer le prix pour la paix, la stabilité et la sécurité", a-t-il ajouté.

    - Sanctions ciblées -

    Réunis en sommet depuis jeudi, les dirigeants européens sont convenus de préparer d'éventuelles mesures de rétorsion contre l'économie russe, mais se sont jusque là limités à des sanctions ciblées contre des responsables russes et ukrainiens de la crise en Ukraine.

    Le Premier ministre s'est affirmé convaincu que "l'UE va parler d'une voix unie et forte"...............

  5. EU, Ukraine sign association agreement...

    BRUSSELS, March 21 (Xinhua) -- EU leaders and interim Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk signed a political association agreement here on Friday.

  6. Partnerschaft mit Ukraine besiegelt ....EU beugt sich Druck aus Moskau nicht....

    Die EU und die Ukraine haben das anvisierte politische Bündnis perfekt gemacht. Auch wirtschaftlich ist eine Allianz geplant. Von Druck aus Moskau will man sich dabei nicht abschrecken lassen.

    Ungeachtet der anhaltenden Spannungen im Verhältnis zu Russland haben die EU und die Ukraine den politischen Teil ihres Assoziierungsabkommens unterzeichnet. Der ukrainische Ministerpräsident Arseni Jazenjuk und die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Europäischen Union besiegelten damit die stärkere Anbindung der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik an den Staatenbund............

  7. L'Europe craint l'impact de sanctions économiques contre la Russie ...

    Les dirigeants européens et le Premier ministre ukrainien ont signé vendredi le volet politique de l'accord d'association entre l'Union européenne et l'Ukraine. Arseni Iatseniouk a également appelé vendredi l'UE à prendre de "réelles" sanctions économiques contre la Russie, qui menace selon lui l'ordre mondial. Mais les Européens sont inquiets.

    "Le meilleur moyen de contenir la Russie est de la soumettre à une réelle pression économique" a affirmé M. Iatseniouk, dans un point de presse après avoir signé avec les dirigeants européens le volet politique de l'accord d'association Ukraine-UE.............

  8. Joschka Fischer advocates aggressive foreign policy against Russia...

    Under the title “Europe, stay strong!” in Saturday’s edition of the liberal daily Süddeutsche Zeitung, Joschka Fischer spoke out in favour of the major European powers pursuing an imperialist foreign policy. The European Union (EU) could not accept the “conflicting interests of its neighbours to the south and east,” Fischer wrote. Therefore, Europe had to intervene as a “powerful political actor.”

    To justify his warmongering, Fischer painted a picture of an aggressive Russia pushing to achieve a “dominant role in Europe.” Russian president Vladimir Putin was again pursuing “Russia’s status as a global power as his strategic goal…. Ukraine was and is at the centre of this strategy,” Fischer declared. “Putin’s next target is eastern Ukraine and, connected with that, the permanent destabilisation of the whole of Ukraine.”.............


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