Saturday, April 26, 2014

G7 approves additional economic sanctions against Russia. - Pentagon says Russian jets violated airspace

 DONETSK, Ukraine -- The United States and other nations in the Group of Seven agreed Friday to "move swiftly" to impose additional economic sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine.

In a joint statement released Friday night by the White House, the G-7 nations said they will act urgently to intensify "targeted sanctions." The statement said the G-7 will also continue to prepare broader sanctions on key Russian economic sectors if Moscow takes more aggressive action.

  • The White House said U.S. sanctions could be levied as early as Monday.

 The announcement came as top Ukrainians spoke of imminent invasion and Moscow said that pro-Russian separatists would not lay down their arms in eastern Ukraine until activists relinquish control over key sites in Kyiv.

The G-7 nations said they were moving forward on the targeted sanctions now because of the urgency of securing plans for Ukraine to hold presidential elections next month.

The penalties are expected to target wealthy Russian individuals who are close to President Vladimir Putin, as well as entities they run. However, the U.S. will continue to hold off on targeting broad swaths of the Russian economy, though the president has said he is willing to take that step if Putin launches a military incursion in eastern Ukraine.

A senior Obama administration official said each country in the G-7 would determine their own sanctions. While the sanctions will be co-ordinated, they will not necessarily be identical, according to the official, who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and insisted on anonymity.

  • The White House released the G-7 statement hours after Obama convened a conference call with European leaders to gauge their commitment to additional sanctions.

Tensions were heightened on the ground, with Russian fighter jets reported crossing into Ukrainian airspace and a team of unarmed foreign military observers detained by pro-Russian forces in Slovyansk, the heart of the separatist movement in the east......[]



  1. El Pentágono acusa a Rusia de haber violado el espacio aéreo de Ucrania...

    Obama acuerda con Europa nuevas sanciones contra Rusia por no cumplir lo acordado en Ginebra respecto a la soberanía de Ucrania.

    El Pentágono ha informado la noche de este viernes que aviones rusos han entrado repetidamente en el espacio aéreo de Ucrania y ha pedido a Moscú que tome “los pasos necesarios para frenar la escalada” bélica que ha sido calificada por Kiev como la antesala de la Tercera Guerra Mundial.

    “Puedo confirmar que en varias ocasiones en las pasadas 24 horas, aviones rusos han entrado en el espacio aéreo ucraniano”, ha informado el coronel Steven Warren, portavoz del Pentágono. El militar no aportó más datos ni informó sobre qué tipo de aviones habían sido los utilizados o si se habían producido incidentes concretos.

    La violación del espacio aéreo de Ucrania es una gota más en el ya desbordado vaso que está llevando al límite la paciencia de Washington. Desde el jueves, el secretario de Defensa norteamericano, Chuck Hagel, está intentando en vano comunicarse con el ministro de Defensa ruso, Sergei Shoigu. Pero Moscú sigue sin contestar las llamadas de Hagel. Por su parte, el jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto, el general Martin Dempsey, hablaba este viernes con su contraparte ruso, pero hasta el momento no han transcendido detalles de la conversación..........

  2. Selon le ministère de la Défense des Etats-Unis, ces 24 dernières heures des avions de chasse russes sont à plusieurs reprises entrés dans l'espace aérien de l'Ukraine....

    Le porte-parole du Pentagone Steve Warren qui avait fait une déclaration dans la soirée du 25 avril n'a pas cependant communiqué des détails. Il a appelé Moscou à prendre sans délai des mesures pour parvenir à la désescalade en Ukraine. La Russie n'a pas encore commenté cette déclaration.

    Précédemment le secrétaire américain à la Défense Chuck Hagel avait qualifié de provocation dangereuse les déplacements des forces armées russes près de la frontière ukrainienne.
    Lire la suite:

  3. The Slavyansk self-defense forces do not intend to release foreign military observers detained in the East of Ukraine, because they are considered to be "spies," a representative of the local militia said at a press briefing in Slavyansk on Saturday.....

    The day before, "People's mayor" of Slavyansk, Vyacheslav Ponomarev, informed RIA Novosti that at one of the roadblocks, supporters of federalization had stopped a bus allegedly with representatives of the OSCE accompanied by Ukrainian officers.

    According to him, there were 12 people in the bus, and the militiamen suspect that four of them are officers of the Ukrainian General Staff. Others are allegedly former and acting officers from European countries. According to the statement of the Ukrainian side, they worked in accordance with the Vienna Agreement of 2011 on confidence-building measures and security.

    "They have military maps of Slavyansk on them with marked roadblocks, as well as ammunition and military badges," a representative of the militia said on Saturday.

    Journalists were also shown the documents of the detainees whose names are John Christensen (Denmark), Krzysztof Kobelsky (Poland), Axel Schneider (Germany), in which the military observers were called "officers." According to head of the provisional government of the Donetsk People's Republic, Denis Pushilin, who came to take part in negotiations, the militia suspects the detainees of espionage "in favor of NATO."...
    Read more:

  4. Les séparatistes ont accusé samedi les observateurs de l'OSCE retenus dans l'Est de l'Ukraine d'être des "espions de l'Otan" et affirmé qu'ils ne seraient libérés qu'en échange de "leurs propres prisonniers".....

    "Hier nous avons arrêté des espions de l'Otan", a lancé Denis Pouchiline. "Les gens de l'OSCE ne seront pas remis en liberté. Ils seront échangés contre nos propres prisonniers", a-t-il ajouté devant le siège des services spéciaux à Slaviansk, bastion des insurgés pro-russes dans l'est de l'Ukraine où ils sont retenus.

  5. Kontaktaufnahme zu OSZE-Beobachtern scheitert...

    Die von prorussischen Separatisten festgehaltenen OSZE-Beobachter sind weiter nicht erreichbar. Anrufe der Bundeswehr auf ihren Handys scheiterten. Unklar ist auch die genaue Zahl der Festgehaltenen......

  6. Senior EU diplomats have agreed to hold emergency talks in Brussels on Monday to discuss the deterioration on the ground in Ukraine and extra sanctions on Russia, EU sources said on Saturday.....

    Three sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said a meeting was expected to take place around midday on Monday.

    Leaders of the Group of Seven major economies agreed on Saturday at a meeting in South Korea to impose extra sanctions on Russia over its intervention in Ukraine, where armed pro-Moscow separatists detained a group of international observers and accused them of being NATO spies.

    Read more:
    (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

  7. Ukraine's PM Accuses Russian Military of Airspace Violations ...

    Ukraine's prime minister says Russian military aircraft have repeatedly crossed into Ukraine's airspace, in what he called Russian aggression designed to undermine global security.

    Arseniy Yatsenyuk told reporters Saturday that Russian forces had "violated" Ukrainian airspace seven times overnight.

    He commented in Rome, after announcing he was cutting short a trip to Italy that included talks with Pope Francis.........

  8. Rusia niega haber violado el espacio aéreo ucraniano, como asegura el Pentágono...

    1. 'Pedimos a los rusos que den pasos inmediatos para rebajar la escalada de la situación'
    2. El Ejército ruso ha comenzado a mover infantería, artillería y elementos de ataque aéreo
    El ministerio ruso de Defensa ha negado haber violado el espacio aéreo ucraniano, tal como le ha acusado de hacer el Pentágono, según ha informado la agencia oficial Itar-Tass. "Ninguna violación del espacio aéreo de los países vecinos de Rusia, entre ellos Ucrania, ha sido registrada por los medios de control ruso", ha indicado un representante del ministerio de Defensa a la agencia.

    "Las afirmaciones de los representantes oficiales del Pentágono sobre una supuesta violación del espacio aéreo por aviones rusos se basan en rumores y suposiciones", ha declarado esta fuente. También el ministro de Defensa de Ucrania, Mijaíl Koval, ha afirmado hoy que las Fuerzas Armadas rusas se acercaron pero violaron las fronteras terrestres ni aéreas del país.

    "Al mediodía, cuatro aviones de transporte Il-76 volaron junto a nuestra frontera, pero en ningún momento la cruzaron", dijo Koval en una rueda de prensa. Koval ha contradicho así al primer ministro ucraniano, Arseny Yatseniuk, que también ha acusado a Rusia de violar su espacio aéreo hasta en siete ocasiones con la intención de "provocar a Ucrania"...............


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