Thursday, April 3, 2014

Israel cancels Palestinian prisoner release

Move prompted by Palestinian leader's attempt to join international conventions, says spokesperson for justice minister.

Israel will not release the fourth batch of Palestinian prisoners because of renewed Palestinian efforts to join international organisations.
A spokesman for Tzipi Livni, Israel's justice minister and the government's chief negotiator, said on Thursday that the Israeli government had been working to finalise an agreement to free the prisoners when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas signed letters of accession to 15 international conventions.

Abbas said it was a response to Israel's failure to release prisoners as promised, according to the Associated Press news agency.
Livni said the prisoner release was tied to the Palestinians avoiding unilateral moves, adding that the "new conditions were established and Israel cannot release the fourth batch of prisoners".
  • Israel had promised to free 104 veteran Palestinian prisoners in four tranches, and in exchange, Ramallah pledged to freeze all moves to seek membership in UN organisations until April 2014.
But a crisis erupted at the weekend when Israel refused to release the final 26 prisoners, enraging the Palestinians who on Tuesday responded by resuming their approach to international agencies.
  • Al Jazeera's Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Jerusalem, said: "It's almost like watching a game of ping-pong. Lipni said they [Israel] would apply sanctions if they [Palestinians] went to the UN.
"The Palestinians said, if you do that we will sue you for war crimes. The language is not conducive to talks. We have not had official confirmation that the talks are over, but things are not going well.
"We have seen peace talks come and go. All of these are just talks about talks, talking about a framework. No-one has sat down and discussed the future of Jerusalem. It is very difficult to see how this will ever be solved."
Lieberman's visit

The stalemate comes as Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister, prepares to fly to the US on Friday to meet with his US counterpart, John Kerry, who earlier this week rushed to the Middle East in a surprise visit to rescue the peace talks..........[]


1 comment:

  1. Israel cancela libertação de presos palestinianos...

    Israel decidiu anular a libertação do último grupo de prisioneiros palestinianos, previsto no âmbito de conversações de paz, caso não seja retirado o pedido de adesão da Autoridade Palestiniana a diversos tratados internacionais.

    A ministra israelita Tzipi Livni, responsável pelo dossier das negociações, informou o negociador palestiniano Saeb Erekat sobre a recusa de Israel em honrar a promessa de libertação de 26 detidos devido à decisão da direção palestiniana em pedir a adesão a 15 acordos e tratados internacionais, refere a edição digital do diário Yediot Aharonot.

    Na semana passada, Israel tinha já anunciado que apenas libertaria os presos caso os palestinianos dessem garantias que as conversações de prolongariam se para além de 29 de abril, o fim do prazo estipulado quando foi retomado o diálogo.

    Numa primeira reação, os Estados Unidos consideraram que a anulação desta medida "criou dificuldades" ao processo de paz.

    "A decisão pelos israelitas de atrasar a libertação do quarto grupo de prisioneiros criou dificuldades", sublinhou Jay Carney, porta-voz da Casa Branca.


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