Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Kerry: Russian agents ‘create chaos’ in Ukraine. - He said U.S. President Obama is preparing a far-tougher set of sanctions

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry accused Russia on Tuesday of sending its agents into eastern Ukraine to “create chaos,” saying Moscow could be trying to lay the groundwork for military action like in Crimea.
“Everything that we’ve seen in the last 48 hours, from Russian provocateurs and agents operating in eastern Ukraine, tells us that they’ve been sent there determined to create chaos,” Kerry told U.S. lawmakers.
He described the efforts as “illegal, illegitimate,” and “absolutely unacceptable,” saying Moscow was seeking to further destabilize neighboring Ukraine by engaging in separatist activity.

“It is clear that Russian special forces and agents have been the catalyst behind the chaos of the last 24 hours,” Kerry told lawmakers, adding this “could potentially be a contrived pretext for military intervention just as we saw in Crimea.”
The White House on Monday warned Russia’s President Vladimir Putin against moving either “overtly or covertly” into eastern Ukraine, saying it was concerned about “several escalatory” moves over the weekend.
  • “We call on President Putin and his government to cease all efforts to destabilize Ukraine and we caution against further military intervention,” White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters, according to Reuters.
He warned that any move into eastern Ukraine by Russian forces would be regarded as “a serious escalation and would unleash new consequences from the West,” Agence France-Presse reported.
Ukraine’s acting president has said that he would treat Russian separatists who have seized buildings in the east of the country as “terrorists” who will be prosecuted with the full force of the law.........[english.alarabiya.net]
  • US: Russia is Fueling Unrest in Ukraine

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has told U.S. senators that Russia is fueling separatist unrest in Eastern Ukraine that could be what he called a "contrived crisis" to justify military intervention.

Kerry told the Senate Foreign Relations committee Tuesday that Russia's involvement in pro-Russia unrest in at least three Ukrainian cities is "clear and unmistakable." He said U.S. President Obama is preparing a far-tougher set of sanctions on Russia if Moscow continues its efforts to destabilize Ukraine.

Kerry said Russia has a choice to work with the international community in a way that allows Ukraine to become a bridge between East and West, or it could face greater isolation and pay the cost of its actions.

Earlier Tuesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov told reporters in Moscow that the southeastern parts of Ukraine should be included in talks about the country's future. He said Russia wants to see those regions, which are largely Russian-speaking, represented in multilateral talks.

Also Tuesday, Russia's foreign ministry called on Ukraine to halt what it called military preparations in the southeast that could lead to civil war.

And in Paris, NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen warned that further Russian intervention in Ukraine would be an "historic mistake" that would further isolate Russia from the world. Instead, he said, Russia should pull back its troops, fulfill its international commitments, and engage in constructive dialogue with Ukraine...................... [voanews.com]



  1. Kerry attackiert Russland...

    "Es ist klar, dass russische Spezialeinheiten und Agenten die treibende Kraft hinter dem Chaos der vergangenen 24 Stunden sind." US-Außenminister John Kerry kritisierte Russland mit scharfen Worten. Russland wolle ganz offensichtlich einen Vorwand schaffen für eine Militärintervention wie bereits auf der Krim. In diesem Fall würden die USA und ihre Partner harte Wirtschaftssanktionen verhängen, die den russischen Energie-, Bergbau- und Bankensektor treffen könnten. Der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow wies die Vorwürfe zurück und warnte seinerseits die Ukraine vor einem Bürgerkrieg.

  2. Una diputada ucraniana propone "fusilar" a los manifestantes en el sureste de Ucrania

    Esta es la opinión vertida por la diputada de la Rada Suprema, integrante del partido de ultraderecha Svoboda, Irina Faritón, que hizo notar que la operación policial que llevó al cabo en Járkov el Ministerio de Interior de Ucrania no fue lo bastante severa.

    "Yo actuaría de forma mucho más severa. Yo les fusilaría, perdónenme. Oiga, el enemigo está gobernando en nuestra tierra. ¿De qué estamos hablando? Deberíamos haberlo echado de aquí ya en 1654. Por eso la actual reacción es absolutamente adecuada. Pero las medidas deben ser mucho más severas. Nuestra gente ha sacrificado sus vidas. Por eso los que llegan aquí merecen solo una cosa: la muerte", dijo la diputada al canal Navigator.....................................Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/124683-diputada-ucrania-fusilar-manifestantes-sureste-ucrania?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=actualidad

  3. USA préparent des sanctions contre l'économie russe (Kerry)...

    Le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry a ouvertement accusé mardi la Russie d'ingérence dans les affaires intérieures de l'Ukraine, annonçant que les Etats-Unis préparaient déjà de nouvelles sanctions sévères contre des secteurs essentiels de l'économie russe.

    « Nous sommes prêts à appliquer de nouvelles sanctions sévères contre ceux qui orchestrent ces actions (dans le sud et l'est de l'Ukraine, ndlr) et contre des secteurs essentiels de l'économie russe dans l'énergie, la banque et les mines », a déclaré M.Kerry à des élus du Congrès à Washington.

    Selon le chef de la diplomatie américaine, « l'implication claire et manifeste de la Russie dans la déstabilisation et le développement d'activités séparatistes dans l'est de l'Ukraine est plus que profondément inquiétante (…) et pourrait servir de prétexte à une intervention militaire identique à ce qu'on a vu en Crimée ».........Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_04_08/USA-preparent-des-sanctions-contre-leconomie-russe-Kerry-2722/

  4. Canada has ordered a Russian diplomat to leave the country, sources have confirmed to CTV News, as Moscow stands accused of promoting further unrest in eastern Ukraine.....

    Lieut.-Col. Yury Bezler, an assistant military attaché, has been given two weeks to leave Canada, the sources confirmed.

    Bezler was spotted in Ottawa late Tuesday. Asked about the circumstances surrounding his expulsion, Bezler told CTV News: "I don't know, ask your government."......http://www.ctvnews.ca

  5. Senior officials from the EU, Russia, the US and Ukraine are to meet next week to discuss the worsening situation in Ukraine......

    It will be the first four-way meeting since the crisis erupted.

    EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton will join US Secretary of State John Kerry, his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov and Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia.

  6. Kiew droht prorussischen Demonstranten mit Gewalt...

    Die Lage in der Ostukraine eskaliert weiter: Kiews Innenminister droht den Moskau-treuen Aktivisten mit Gewalt, wenn sie nicht einlenken. Die EU erhöht den diplomatischen Druck auf Putin.

  7. EU-Energiepolitik....Abkehr von Russland hat ihren Preis

    Europa will sich mit Gasimporten aus dem Kaukasus von Russland unabhängiger machen. Doch das heißt auch: Die EU muss sich stärker um die Konflikte der Region bemühen.................http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2014-04/EU-Rusland-Krim-Gasimporte-Kaukasus-Aserbaidschan-Konflikt


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