Friday, April 4, 2014

Ukraine does not pay for gas, waiting for Russian loan ...

Russia has not fulfilled its obligations under the gas contract, Ukrainian parliament-appointed energy and coal mining industry minister Yuriy Prodan says.

In Ukraine's view, Russia has not fulfilled its obligations under the gas contract, as it has not provided the promised $15 billion loan in full, Ukrainian parliament-appointed energy and coal mining industry minister Yuriy Prodan said in an interview on "Rain" television.
"There were obligations and agreements. Among the agreements of 2013 were obligations of the Russian side to provide a $15 billion loan for Ukraine.
You know, the first part,$3 billion, was given in December 2013, and Ukraine received it. The second part was to come in February 2014. Russia also assumed an obligation to give a $2 billion loan. There were agreements and obligations of the Ukrainian side that the money would be paid by Ukraine for gas," Prodan said. "There were such agreements. Now we are looking for official confirmation of the agreements."

The loan was not provided. So, it was wrong to say Ukraine did not fulfill its obligations, he added, noting the new government was formed on February 28, but there was no mutual fulfillment of the obligations.
"Proceeding from objective conditions, there is a possibility to agree on the price," he believes.
The price of $268.5 for a thousand cubic metres (bcm) would suit him. "We are ready to pay it," he said.

On April 3, Gazprom head Alexei Miller said the gas price for Ukraine was set at $485 a thousand cubic metres (bcm) from April 2014. The increase is due to the cancellation of the Kharkov agreements and consequently the $100 discount for Ukraine.
Earlier this week, Miller met with European Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger to discuss ensuring of Russian gas supplies to Europe in the context of the increased gas prices for Ukraine. Without filling the gas storage facilities, it is impossible to ensure uninterrupted transit due to technological characteristics of the Ukrainian gas transportation system.


  1. Ukraine’s stored natural gas enough for one month – minister....

    Natural gas reserves in Ukraine’s storage units will be enough to supply the country for a month only, Ukrainian parliament-appointed Energy and Coal Industry Minister Yury Prodan said on Friday.

    “As of today we have 7 bln cubic meters of stored natural gas,” Prodan said. “In other words, it will be enough for the country for about a month, considering the current pace of consumption.”

    Speaking about the possible ways of reducing the gas consumption, Prodan said that some enterprises in the country can be cut off from gas supplies as “the weather's got warmer.”

    “We also need to look and find some [manufacturing] productions that could be limited in their output and where natural gas can be replaced with coal,” Prodan said.

    The official, however, added that it was undesirable for Kiev and Moscow to deadlock the situation by reducing the volume of Russian natural gas supplies for Ukraine..............

  2. Crimée - La Russie réclame à l'Ukraine 11 milliards de dollars de "dette" gazière...

    Le président de la compagnie gazière russe Gazprom, Alexeï Miller, a affirmé samedi que l'Ukraine devrait rembourser les 11,4 milliards de dollars correspondant à la réduction sur le prix du gaz qui lui avait été accordée ces quatre dernières années. Cette réduction était prévue par l'accord de Kharkiv, signé en avril 2010, prolongeant jusqu'en 2017 l'utilisation par la Flotte de la Mer Noire russe de la base de Sébastopol, en Crimée.
    Puisque cet accord a été annulé cette semaine, a soutenu M. Miller au cours d'une interview aux télévisions russes d'Etat, l'Ukraine doit rembourser. "La Russie en fait payait pour garder sa Flotte en Ukraine, (...) pour que l'accord soit prolongé, donc on peut dire que la Russie payait en avance. Ces 11,4 milliards sont donc une dette que l'Ukraine a contractée envers la Russie", a-t-il affirmé. La Russie a annoncé cette semaine l'annulation de l'accord de Kharkiv, estimant qu'il n'avait plus lieu d'être puisque la Crimée est maintenant considérée comme russe par Moscou. L'Ukraine doit maintenant payer son gaz au tarif de 485 dollars les 1.000 mètres cubes, et Gazprom a annoncé qu'il comptait se faire payer immédiatement les 2,2 milliards correspondant aux livraisons récentes. (Belga)


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