Thursday, August 28, 2014

Merkel phones Putin over Ukrainian situation

German Chancellor Angela Merkel held on Wednesday telephone talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the situation in Ukraine, said German government spokesman Steffen Seibert.

Merkel called for clarification of reports on the presence of Russian troops on the Ukrainian territory in the telephone conversation.

Russia has repeatedly denied sending troops or military hardware into Ukraine and called on Kiev to stop the "civil war" raging in the east part of the country, which claimed more than 2,000 lives.

Merkel said, the contact group, consisting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), Russia and Ukraine, must intensify their efforts to achieve a ceasefire and an effective border security.

  • Merkel, who called on Russia to do its part, also stressed the great responsibility of Russia for a deescalation and for monitoring their own border.
As Seibert said, both sides agreed that the talks on the implementation of the European Union (EU) association agreement, and on the gas supplies between Russia and Ukraine with involvement of the EU should be continued.


  1. NATO Not Obliged to Protect Ukraine, Not Going to Discuss Membership at Upcoming Summit...

    MOSCOW, August 28 (RIA Novosti) - NATO allies do not intend to discuss the status of their relations with Ukraine or take the responsibility for the country's protection, but will announce consulting and financial aid to Ukrainian military, a high-ranking NATO official told journalists.

    "In Wales, there will be an announcement on the form of military consultations and financial support for Ukrainian military forces on behalf of the alliance. There will be no obligations to protect Ukraine," the diplomat said, adding that since Ukraine was not a member of the 28-party alliance, NATO had "no obligations to react to the violation of its [Ukraine's] sovereignty."

    Such relations satisfy all parties, and no change to the relations between NATO and Ukraine are on the agenda, he said.

    "NATO membership comes from a country. NATO does not address Sweden, Finland or Ukraine and say, 'What do you think?' It always comes from a country. The Ukrainians said it was not on their agenda. We are not looking for new members, new members are looking for us," the diplomat said.

    Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said Wednesday Kiev expected "practical assistance and monumental decisions from our Western partners at the summit," which will take place in Newport, Wales, on September 4-5.

    NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said in June that the alliance planned to create new trust funds, aimed at long-term aid to Ukraine, and the command and control of the national army in particular......................

  2. Ukraine: Kiev et l'Occident essayent de justifier les défaites de l'armée...

    Kiev et l'Occident parlent toujours de la prétendue intervention russe en Ukraine pour justifier les nombreuses défaites de l'armée ukrainienne dans les combats contre les insurgés, a déclaré jeudi le premier ministre de la république populaire autoproclamée de Donetsk Alexandre Zakhartchenko.

    Il a indiqué que les forces d'autodéfense comptent des volontaires russes au Donbass, dont des anciens militaires qui ne peuvent rester indifférents au sort de la population russophone.

    "Actuellement, beaucoup de personnes se demandent comment les forces d'autodéfense de la république de Donetsk, initialement composées de détachements de partisans isolés ont réussi à se transformer en une puissante organisation militaire capable non seulement de faire face à l'armée ukrainienne, mais aussi de remporter des batailles. Kiev et l'Occident ne cessent de parler "d'intervention militaire" russe pour justifier les nombreuses défaites essuyées par l'armée ukrainienne depuis plusieurs mois", a déclaré le premier ministre dans une interview accordée aux médias russes et diffusée notamment par les chaînes télévisées LifeNews et Russie-24.

    Selon lui, les insurgés "n'ont jamais caché qu'il y avait de nombreux Russes parmi eux et sans lesquels ils auraient pu se retrouver dans une situation très difficile". "Pendant tout ce temps, entre 3.000 à 4.000 volontaires russes étaient dans leurs rangs. D'aucuns sont déjà rentrés chez eux, plusieurs sont restés ici. Il y a eu, malheureusement, des morts parmi eux"................


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