Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Putin asks government to develop countermeasures to Western sanctions. (possible responses to EU sanctions against Russian airlines)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has urged his government to come up with countermeasures to Western sanctions imposed against Russia over the Ukrainian conflict.....
Putin stressed that Moscow’s response should be “cautious.”

“Obviously we need to do it cautiously in order to support domestic manufacturers, but not hurt consumers,” he said on Tuesday.

The president expects the government to present a response to the sanctions as soon as possible.

Putin said that the political tools of pressure being used against the Russian economy are unacceptable, stressing that they go against international rules and norms.

Putin’s comments come on the same day Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that Moscow will consider possible responses to EU sanctions against Russian airlines. 

On Tuesday, Vedomosti daily reported Russia was considering limiting, or even completely blocking European flights to Asia that cross Siberia, in response to EU sanctions that caused Aeroflot subsidiary, Dobrolet, to suspend flights on Monday.




  1. Russia calls for UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting on Ukrainian crisis...

    Russia calls for UN Security Council to hold emergency meeting on Ukrainian crisis — Vitaly Churkin.....http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/743658

    1. Le Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies tiendra une nouvelle réunion d'urgence sur l’Ukraine, suite à la situation humanitaire critique qui s’est crée dans le pays, a indiqué aux journalistes ce mardi le représentant permanent de la Russie à l'ONU Vitali Tchourkine...

      Le ministre des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov a indiqué précédemment qu’il enverra des requêtes officielles à l’OSCE, au Conseil de l’Europe, à la Croix-Rouge et à l’ONU CICR avec une demande d'organiser une mission humanitaire dans le Sud-Est de l'Ukraine.
      Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/2014_08_05/Tchourkine-le-Conseil-de-Securite-des-Nations-Unies-tiendra-une-reunion-durgence-sur-lUkraine-6775/


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