Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Damascus rejects buffer zone on Syrian soil. (also rejects the foreign military intervention on its soil)

Syria's Foreign Ministry on Wednesday rejected foreign powers' talk about imposing a buffer zone on Syrian soil, according to the state news agency SANA.

"The Turkish attempts to establish a buffer zone on the Syrian soil is a flagrant violation to the charters of the UN and international law," the ministry said in a statement.

It added that "Syria totally rejects the establishment of a buffer zone on any part of its terrain under any pretext and also rejects the foreign military intervention on its soil."

The ministry stressed that the Syrian government would take all necessary measures to protect its national sovereignty and the unity of its territories after consulting with other countries.

The statement came as Turkey has been floating the idea setting up a buffer zone on the Syrian side of the borders under many pretexts, mainly to solve the issue of the Syrian refugees on Turkish soil. 

Xinhua -


  1. Syrien lehnt Pufferzone an Grenzen ab...

    Syrien hält den türkischen Vorschlag zur Einrichtung einer Sicherheitszone für einen Verstoß gegen internationales Recht. Die Türkei wolle Syrien schaden.

    Syriens Regierung hat die internationale Koalition gegen die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" (IS) vor der Einrichtung einer Pufferzone an der Grenze des Landes zur Türkei gewarnt. Syrien lehne eine solche Maßnahme auf seinem gesamten Staatsgebiet sowie jede Intervention ausländischer Truppen kategorisch ab, berichtete die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur Sana unter Berufung auf das Außenministerium.

    Syrien werde mit seinen Partnern notwendige Maßnahmen zum Schutz seiner Souveränität beraten, hieß es. Syriens Verbündete sind in erster Linie Russland und der Iran.........

  2. Violent street fighting in Kobane as PYD says 2,000 civilians remain...

    The Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane, which has been under assault by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) jihadists for a month, has turned into a ghost town where street clashes prevail, a Doğan News Agency journalist has reported from the city.

    According to the report, 2,000 civilians still remain in the city despite ISIL's continuous assaults, as officials are seeking ways to protect them.

    ISIL has increased its attacks on the area near the crossing gate at the Turkish-Syrian border, prompting the People’s Protection Units (YPG), the armed wing of the Democratic Union Party (PYD), to take position within the city limits.

    The YPG has deployed snipers to “almost every roof” in the city to prevent ISIL militants from trying to infiltrate the city and organize suicide attacks..................


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