Sunday, November 23, 2014

Israeli cabinet approves bill recognizing state’s exclusive ‘Jewish character’

The bill still needs to be passed in parliament to become a law, but Sunday’s vote looks to further inflame tensions with Arab Israelis and Palestinians. It could also shake up Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition government due to the fierce opposition of two of his more centrist partners.

The bill calls for recognizing Israel’s Jewish character, institutionalizing Jewish law as an inspiration for legislation, and delisting Arabic as an official language. Opponents say the bill undermines Israel’s democratic character, and rights groups have called it racist.
“If you enshrine the Jewish character of Israel into law, that automatically excludes a significant part of the population, both Arabs and Druze, many of whom serve in the Israeli military,” said FRANCE 24’s Israel correspondent Gallagher Fenwick. 

“The devil is in the details. Will the final bill talk about equality for all of Israel’s citizens? Where will the democratic nature of the state fall into this bill?”

Israeli Arabs, who make up about 20 percent of Israel’s population, strongly oppose the bill.
(FRANCE 24 with AP)

1 comment:

  1. El presidente de Israel, contrario a declarar al país Estado-nación del pueblo judío ...

    El presidente de Israel, Reuven Rivlin, se ha manifestado en contra de la ley que el primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, quiere impulsar para definir a Israel como el Estado-nación del pueblo judío.

    Rivlin ha dicho que la Declaración por la que se establece el Estado de Israel "en su gran sabiduría insiste en que los árabes en Israel no se sientan como los judíos de sentían en la diáspora".

    El fiscal general del Estado, Yehuda Weinstein, ha expresado en numerosas ocasiones su oposición al proyecto de ley presentado por diputados de la Knesset (Parlamento israelí) de derecha y ultraderecha..................


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