Wednesday, December 10, 2014

EU says CIA torture report 'positive step'. (Federica Mogherini issued a separate statement earlier Wednesday to mark UN Human Rights Day)

The European Union on Wednesday said a US Senate report exposing brutal yet ineffective CIA torture of al-Qaida suspects was a "positive step" in recognising the programme's failings.

"The report raises important questions about the violation of human rights by the US authorities," European Commission spokeswoman Catherine Ray said, noting that US President Barack Obama had ended the programme in 2009 when he took office.

"This report is a positive step in confronting publicly and critically the Central Intelligence Agency's detention and interrogation programme."

Ray added that the EU "condemns all forms of torture and ill-treatment, under any circumstances including in counter-terrorism."

But she said she could not address earlier allegations that several EU member states were implicated in the CIA's global anti-terror network, including in the secret renditions of suspects to the US security forces for interrogation.

Asked about the role allegedly played by countries such as Poland and Romania, among others, Ray said the US report made no mention of third countries and so she could not comment.

EU foreign affairs head Federica Mogherini issued a separate statement earlier Wednesday to mark UN Human Rights Day, calling for the elimination of torture worldwide.

Without specifically mentioning the US report, Mogherini noted that while the UN Convention against Torture was adopted 30 years ago, "torture is still widely practised around the world."

"This demands our urgent attention," she said. The report by the US Senate Intelligence Committee said the CIA had misled the White House and Congress about the effectiveness of the programme which included harsh interrogation techniques such as waterboarding.

It also detailed the use of techniques including "Russian Roulette" to intimidate and humiliate detainees.


  •  Declaration by High Representative Federica Mogherini on behalf of the European Union on Human Rights Day, 10 December 2014 Today


  1. La publication du rapport du Sénat américain sur les tortures utilisées par la CIA dans le cadre de la lutte contre le terrorisme après les attentats terroristes du 11 septembre 2001 n'indique pas sur la participation au programme des tiers pays ou des Etats de l'Union européenne, a déclaré Catherine Ray, porte-parole de la chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini...

    « A l'étape actuelle nous ne pouvons pas commenter ces affirmations. Nous n'avons pas de preuves », a-t-elle noté.

    La porte-parole a souligné que l'UE condamnait toute forme de torture et de traitement inhumain des détenus dans toutes les circonstances, la lutte contre le terrorisme comprise.
    Lire la suite:

    1. Poland put the lives of ordinary Poles at risk when it agreed to host CIA prisons on its soil, Polish Sejm speaker told Sputnik Wednesday....

      "By making a decision to host CIA prisons on the territory of Poland, Leszek Miller [former Prime Minister] and Aleksander Kwaśniewski [former President] agreed to increase the terrorist threat to their own people. They risked the health and lives of millions of the Poles in the sake of friendship with the United States," Andrzej Rozenek said.

      Rozenek's comment comes after the release of the so-called CIA torture report compiled by the Senate Intelligence Committee, which included more than 500 pages of a detailed investigation into controversial interrogation techniques that were used by the CIA on alleged al-Qaeda terrorists, following the 9/11 attacks on Washington and New York...................

  2. La torture de la CIA a servi à des expérimentations "scientifiques"...

    Le rapport "torture" présenté au Sénat américain met en lumière les procédés extrêmement violents utilisés par les enquêteurs de l'agence d'information, mais également d'autres méthodes qui posent tout aussi question: des prisonniers étaient utilisés comme cobayes pour des expérimentations scientifiques.

    Cet aspect, révélé par le rapport présenté début septembre devant les sénateurs américains, a peu été mis en évidence dans les médias. Or, comme le souligne l'hebdomadaire The Nation, cela pourrait être l'un des éléments les plus choquants d'un point de vue déontologique et moral parmi les informations délivrées par la commission d'enquête sénatoriale. Un aspect intimement lié aux théories de la torture appliquées par des scientifiques engagés par la CIA. Et qui contrevient aux conventions internationales..............


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