Thursday, December 18, 2014

Jordan's Palestinian draft calls for peace with Israel in a year

Jordan formally submitted to the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday a draft resolution calling for peace between Israel and the Palestinians within one year that "fulfills the vision of two independent democratic and prosperous states."

The Palestinian-drafted resolution was formally submitted to the 15-member council, which means it could be put to a vote as soon as 24 hours later, but it does not guarantee it will happen. Some drafts formally submitted have never been voted.

Diplomats say negotiations on the text could take days or weeks. Jordan's UN envoy Dina Kawar said she hoped the council could reach a unanimous decision on the resolution.

Nine votes are needed to adopt a resolution, which would then force the United States, a close ally of Israel, to decide whether or not to veto it.

France, Britain and Germany are also drafting a resolution, which French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said would propose concluding peace talks in two years. Other parameters for ending the conflict would also be set, diplomats said.

 [ by Reuters]


  1. ONU : les Palestiniens demandent la fin de l'occupation israélienne d’ici 2017 ...

    Les Palestiniens ont soumis, mercredi, au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU un projet de résolution pour obtenir l’indépendance de leur État et mettre un terme à l'occupation israélienne d’ici 2017. Les États-Unis menacent d’y opposer leur véto.

    Une communauté internationale quasi-unanime dans son soutien à un État palestinien versus Israël et les États-Unis. La soumission d’une résolution au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU pour la reconnaissance d’un État palestinien, mercredi 17 décembre, a comme un air de déjà vu.

    Le texte, rédigé par les Palestiniens et présenté par la Jordanie, seul membre arabe du Conseil de sécurité, propose un accord de paix global entre Israéliens et Palestiniens dans un délai de douze mois après l'adoption de la résolution. Les paramètres proposés – retrait de l’armée israélienne des zones occupées depuis 1967, indépendance d’un État palestinien "viable et contigu", partage de souveraineté sur Jérusalem – devront s'appliquer dans "un laps de temps raisonnable, qui ne devra pas dépasser la fin de l'année 2017".........................

  2. Israel's foreign minister on Dec. 18 described as a gimmick a Palestinian-proposed U.N. Security Council draft resolution that calls for a peace deal within a year and an end to the occupation of Palestinian territories by the end of 2017....

    "Certainly this will not hasten an agreement because without Israel's consent, nothing will change," Avigdor Lieberman said in a statement.

    The draft resolution was formally submitted by Jordan to the 15-member council on Wednesday, which means it could be put to a vote as soon as 24 hours later, but it does not guarantee it will happen. Some drafts have never been voted on. [ID: nL1N0U2055]

    Lieberman said the unilateral move at the United Nations, which followed the collapse in April of U.S.-brokered talks on Palestinian statehood, would only deepen the decades-old conflict.

    "It would be better if the Security Council dealt with matters truly important to the citizens of the world, such as the murderous attacks this week in Australia and Pakistan, or discuss events in Syria and Libya, and not waste time on the Palestinian's gimmicks," he said......................

  3. Israel: UN Move Shows Palestinian Effort to Avoid Negotiations ...

    Israel says the Palestinian move to present a draft resolution at the United Nations Security Council will only delay any possible resolution to their conflict, and that the two sides must instead focus on negotiations.

    The measure presented Wednesday would set a deadline for a negotiated, two-state solution with Israel withdrawing from the Palestinian territories.

    Israeli Foreign ministry spokesman Paul Hirschson said Thursday that the Palestinian strategy amounts to avoiding talks and "pursuing conflict.".............


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