Saturday, December 20, 2014

Syrian civil war causing 'catastrophic' damage to archaeological sites. (The 3rd century B.C. city of Dura-Europos as the most affected by looting)

War, looting and wanton destruction have caused "catastrophic" damage to Syria's irreplaceable archeological sites, according to a new report. The findings of the report were published by the Washington Post.

Four of the six sites examined via satellite imagery – all nominated by Syria for UNESCO World Heritage status – have suffered extensive damage, according to the report, which was released last week by the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

In particular, the report found evidence of widespread looting, described as "virtually unprecedented” in modern history by Boston University archaeologist Michael Danti.

Among the sites under threat are the remains of a Mesopotamian trading post, a 4,500-year city that housed thousands of cuneiform tablets and an ancient town with a chapel known for containing the world’s oldest depictions of Jesus.

The study, which will be followed by a report on damage done to the country’s other six proposed World Heritage sites, identifies the 3rd century B.C. city of Dura-Europos as the most affected by looting.

Located on the west bank of the Euphrates River, Dura-Europos was settled by the ancient Greeks, Romans and Persians. It houses a well-preserved synagogue and an ancient chapel with paintings of Jesus thought to be produced in 235 A.D.

“The level of destruction of archaeological sites in Syria since the uprising began has been catastrophic," said Charles E. Jones, an expert on Middle East antiquities at Pennsylvania State University. Given that so many areas of the country contain ancient artifacts, he said, it is “hardly surprising that this has happened as the chaos has deepened.”

Some of the damage, such as that in the eastern city of Raqqa, was likely due to demolitions by Islamic State militants, rather than from either fighting or looting, according to the report.

Founded in 300 B.C., Raqqa is the capital of the Islamic State's self-declared caliphate, which spans territory in Syria and Iraq. During medieval times, Raqqa briefly served as the capital of an Islamic empire that stretched from central Asia to North Africa.

All sides to the Syrian war, from Islamic State militants to government forces and desperate civilians, seem to be participating in the looting, with smuggling rings spiriting away the items to Europe and other areas. 


1 comment:

  1. La guerra, el saqueo y la destrucción sin sentido han causado daños "catastróficos" a los yacimientos arqueológicos de Siria, según un nuevo informe de la Asociación Americana para el Avance de la Ciencia cuyas conclusiones ha publicado el diario estadounidense The Washington Post...

    Cuatro de los seis lugares examinados a través de imágenes de satélite —todos designados Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO- han sufrido daños muy graves e irreparables.

    El documento presenta pruebas de saqueos generalizados que el arqueólogo de la Universidad de Boston Michael Danti describe como "sin precedentes" en la historia moderna.

    Entre los lugares que están en peligro se encuentran los restos de una zona comercial mesopotámica, una ciudad de 4.500 años que albergó miles de tablillas cuneiformes y una antigua ciudad con una capilla conocida por contener las representaciones más antiguas del mundo de Jesús.

    El estudio, al que seguirá un informe sobre los daños causados a otros seis lugares propuestos como Patrimonio Mundial del país, identifica a la ciudad de Dura-Europos, del siglo III AC como la más afectada por los saqueos.

    Situada en la orilla oeste del río Éufrates, Dura-Europos fue colonizada por los antiguos griegos, romanos y persas. Alberga una sinagoga bien conservada y una antigua capilla con pinturas de Jesús que se datan en torno al año 235 DC.................


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