Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ukraine to resume peace talks with rebels on Wednesday (FM)

A fresh round of peace talks between representatives from Kiev and the leadership of independence-seeking insurgents will take place on Wednesday in Minsk, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said Tuesday.

"We are planning that the meeting will be held tomorrow. The negotiations are underway, and we do not know whether one meeting would be enough," Klimkin told reporters during a media briefing.

Implementation of ceasefire agreements signed earlier would be the main topic of the new round of peace talks, Klimkin said.

He added that during the upcoming negotiations, the two sides are also expected to discuss issues related to delivery of humanitarian aid to the conflict-torn areas in eastern Ukraine.

The previous round of the peace talks on Ukraine's crisis was held on Sept. 20 in the Belarussian capital of Minsk. During the negotiations, representatives from Kiev and the rebel leadership agreed to stop using heavy weapons in populated areas, establish a weapon-free buffer zone and adhere to the Minsk protocol.

The two sides agreed on a cease-fire on Sept. 5, but the agreement was never fully implemented. Since then, more than 1,300 combatants and civilians have been killed in eastern Ukraine, bringing the overall death toll in the eight-month-old conflict to more than 4,700.

 Source: Xinhua -


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