Monday, February 2, 2015

Providing Arms to Ukraine Complies With Minsk Agreement, State Dept. Claims

Providing the Ukrainian army with lethal aid would not violate the Minsk agreement, however, a decision on it has not yet been made by the White House, spokesperson for the US Department of State Jen Psaki said during the press briefing on Monday...

“I don’t believe there is anything in there that would suggest that would violate, technically speaking, no,” Psaki asserted when asked whether giving lethal aid to the Ukrainian army would breach the Minsk protocols.

Psaki stressed that Washington is still assessing the situation in Ukraine and the decision on the lethal aid has not been made.

“We have not made a decision to provide lethal aid,” Psaki stated, adding that it is an ongoing discussion. “Our focus does remain on pursuing a solution through diplomatic means and we are always evaluating other options that will help to create space for a negotiated solution to the crisis.”

The report titled “Preserving Ukraine’s Independence, Resisting Russian Aggression" prepared by eight former top-ranking US government officials, was released on Sunday recommending the US government provide Ukraine with $1 billion in both lethal and non-lethal military aid.

The White House is assessing its policies regarding providing lethal and other military assistance to the government in Ukraine, a White House National Security Spokesperson told Sputnik on Monday.

The aid Washington currently supplies to Ukraine is limited to non-lethal items, such as first aid kits and body armour.

During his September 2014 visit to the United States, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko requested lethal military assistance from the Congress, but Washington so far refused to grant it.

The United States Congress and some NATO allies, including Poland, have already shown a willingness to sell military equipment to the government in Kiev to bolster the country’s defenses against alleged Russian aggression, according to recent reports.

In January, the US Congress passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act which has authorized $350 million for the provision of “defense articles” to Ukraine’s military, according to the Act.

The US Barack Obama administration has so far objected to providing Ukraine with lethal aid, though the White House has previously indicated its willingness to reassess that position.






  1. The United States is reconsidering whether to provide weapons to Ukraine in its fight against Russian-backed separatists, senior administration officials said on Monday, adding that no decision had been made...

    "It's getting a fresh look," a senior administration official said of deliberations among Obama administration officials on whether to send defensive weapons to prop up Ukrainian forces. "Where things will end up, we don't know."

    The policy rethink reflects what US officials say is a frustration with Moscow's continued support for rebels despite months of international economic sanctions, and the collapse of the latest attempt at peace talks at the weekend.

  2. Injecting more weapons is not the way to end the Ukrainian crisis, said Ben Rhodes, assistant to the US president and Deputy National Security Advisor...

    “We don't think the answer to the crisis in Ukraine is simply to inject more weapons,” Rhodes said in an interview with CNN Monday.

    Earlier on Monday, the New York Times reported that the United States is considering providing Ukraine with lethal assistance. A number of senior US officials, including NATO’s military commander Philip M. Breedlove, are reportedly in support of sending weapons to the conflict-torn country......Read more:

  3. Washington ne renonce pas à l'idée de livrer du matériel létal aux autorités ukrainiennes...

    Le gouvernement américain étudie la possibilité de livrer des lance-missiles antichars Javelin à l'Ukraine, rapporte mardi le Wall Street Journal.

    Selon le quotidien, sur fond de reprise des combats dans le Donbass, les Etats-Unis réexaminent la possibilité de fournir des armes défensives létales aux autorités de Kiev. De telles livraisons pourraient comprendre des lance-missiles antichars portables Javelin, ainsi que des armes légères et des munitions............Lire la suite:

  4. Media: US considering supplies of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine...

    The US government is considering sending Javelin anti-tank missiles, small arms and munitions to Ukraine, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

    On Sunday, the electronic edition of the New York Times said that General Phil Breedlove, Supreme Allied Commander Europe and Commander, US European Command, as well as many representatives of the Obama administration and Pentagon were looking at providing lethal military assistance to Ukraine.

    Germany’s government earlier said it had information about United States’ plans to supply arms to Ukraine.............

  5. The US arming of Ukraine and the danger of World War III...

    The World Socialist Web Site unequivocally condemns plans being worked out by the Obama administration to arm the right-wing regime in Ukraine with billions of dollars in advanced weaponry. These moves threaten to spark a direct conflict between the US and Russia, two nuclear-armed powers, and ignite a Third World War.

    Discussions over arming the Western-backed government in Kiev come amidst setbacks to the offensive against eastern Ukraine launched by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko last month. According to Monday’s New York Times, “after a series of striking reversals that Ukraine’s forces have suffered in recent weeks, the Obama administration is taking a fresh look at the question of military aid.”

    Washington has already sent military trainers to Ukraine and pledged $350 million in “nonlethal” military aid to Kiev. Now, the Times writes, top Obama administration officials are increasingly unified around “an independent report…by eight former senior American officials, who urge the United States to send $3 billion in defense arms and equipment to Ukraine.” These funds would provide the Kiev regime with “anti-armor missiles, reconnaissance drones, armored Humvees, and radars that can determine the location of enemy rocket and artillery fire.”................

  6. Volksrepublik Donezk: Westen liefert bereits letale Waffen an Kiew...

    Der Westen hat de facto damit begonnen, letale Waffen an Kiew zu liefern, und im Donezbecken werden US-amerikanische Methoden der Kriegsführung angewendet, wie der Vize-Sprecher des Parlaments der Volksrepublik Donezk, Denis Puschilin, am Dienstag äußerte.

    „Die Lieferungen sind im Gange, leider ist das so. In Gorlowka wurde Munition mit einer Markierung der Nato-Kräfte eingesetzt“, sagte Puschilin der Nachrichtenagentur RIA Novosti.

    „Solche Lieferungen werden zu einer Eskalation des Konflikts führen. Eine riesige Anzahl zufälliger Menschen werden getötet. Es wäre vernünftig, dies zu verhindern und zum Verhandlungstisch zurückzukehren, doch Kiew strebt vorerst nicht nach Frieden. Es werden verbrecherische, amerikanische Kriegsmethoden – Verwendung schwerer Artillerie aus der Ferne – eingesetzt, was zu enormen Opfern unter der Bevölkerung führt. Unseren Republiken wird ein großer Schaden zugefügt werden“, so Puschilin.

  7. Pentagon 'chief' inclined to send weapons to Ukraine ...

    The White House's pick for defence secretary has said he is "inclined" to send weapons to Ukraine to fight against Russian-backed rebels.

    Ashton Carter's remarks came as part of his confirmation hearing in front of a Senate panel, as successor to Chuck Hagel.

    The US has only provided "non-lethal" assistance to Ukraine, like night-vision goggles and radios.

    But President Barack Obama is reportedly reconsidering his position.

    Mr Carter, who previously served as deputy secretary of defence, is appearing in front of the Senate Armed Service committee to be questioned before a wider Senate vote...........

  8. Ukraine-Krise: Künftiger Pentagon-Chef ist für Waffenlieferungen...

    Wollen die USA Waffen an die Ukraine liefern? Präsident Obama hat das vorerst ausgeschlossen - doch nun sagt sein designierter Verteidigungsminister: "Wir müssen den Ukrainern helfen, sich zu verteidigen."

    Er ist Barack Obamas Kandidat für das Amt des Verteidigungsministers, aber offenbar nicht in allen Punkten der Meinung des US-Präsidenten: Ashton Carter hat sich für Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine ausgesprochen. Vor dem Senat in Washington erklärte Carter am Mittwoch, er würde im Falle seiner Bestätigung durch den Kongress einen solchen Schritt empfehlen. Die Regierung Obama indes hatte zuletzt erklärt, "in der nahen Zukunft" keine Waffen an die Ukraine zu liefern..................


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