Sunday, February 22, 2015

Turkey launches rescue operation inside Syria (The Süleyman Shah Tomb)

Turkish soldiers guarding the tomb of Suleyman Shah in Syria have been successfully evacuated to Turkey in a military operation overnight, Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said.
Davutoglu said the remains of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire, would be moved to a different area of Syria which has been brought under Turkish military control.

The military said in a statement that there had been no clashes during the operation but that one soldier had been killed in an accident.

"Unfortunately we had one casualty and this was not as a result of a clash but due to an accident that happened at the beginning of the operation," Davutoglu said at a news conference in Ankara on Sunday.

The soldiers brought the remains of Suleyman Shah and some relics back to Turkey.
The new planned site for the tomb, which is closer to the border, is under control of Turkish army. The replacement of the tomb will take place later, Davutoglu said.

"These relics will temporarily be preserved in Turkey for the next couple of days and God willing, will be sent to Eshme, the area of the new tomb secured by our soldiers, as is our right by international law" the prime minister said.
The Turkish government said late last year that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters were advancing on the mausoleum, which is guarded by several dozen Turkish soldiers.

At a news conference in Ankara on Saturday, Davutoglu said the incursion into Syria involved 100 military vehicles including 39 tanks.
The tanks and armoured vehicles, supported by drones, rolled into Syria near the border town of Kobane and left Syria via the same route early on Sunday, witnesses told Al Jazeera.
Davutoglu said on Twitter that the 40 soldiers stationed at the tomb returned to Turkey safely.

The Suleyman Shah tomb was made Turkish territory under a treaty signed with France in 1921, when France ruled Syria.

Turkey regards the enclave of the tomb as sovereign territory and had repeatedly vowed to defend it from any attack by the rebels.
   Source: Al Jazeera And Agencies




  1. Hundreds of Turkish troops in armoured vehicles have entered into northern Syria and evacuated a historic Ottoman tomb and the soldiers guarding it.

    Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said the remains of Suleyman Shah would be moved elsewhere in Syria.

    He said troops had destroyed the tomb's complex, apparently to prevent it from being used by Islamic State (IS) militants.

    Turkey considers the shrine be to sovereign territory.

    Suleyman Shah was grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman empire, Osman the first.
    'Highly successful'

    "We had given the Turkish armed forces a directive to protect our spiritual values and the safety of our armed forces personnel," Mr Davutoglu said in televised remarks.

    Earlier, in a series of tweets (in Turkish), Mr Davutoglu hailed the armed forces for carrying out a "highly successful" operation amid the "inherent risks" of conflict in Syria.

    He said the remains had been moved to Turkey but would soon be rehoused in an area of Syria under Turkish military control, closer to the Turkish border.

    The Turkish flag had already been raised over the site, the PM said.

    There were no clashes with IS during the operation, but one soldier died in an accident, he added...............

  2. Opération turque en Syrie pour évacuer des soldats encerclés par l'EI...

    Des soldats turcs affectés en Syrie à la garde d'un tombeau ottoman, dans une zone contrôlée par l'EI, ont été évacués vers la Turquie lors d'une opération militaire lancée dans la nuit, a annoncé dimanche le Premier ministre Ahmet Davutoglu.

    L'armée turque a mené, dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche, une opération en Syrie pour évacuer des militaires turcs affectés à la garde du tombeau de Souleiman Shah, grand-père du fondateur de l'Empire ottoman. Ces 40 soldats turcs, postés dans une zone tenue par la coalition de l’État islamique (EI), ont été évacués avec succès, a annoncé le Premier ministre Ahmet Davutoglu dimanche.......................

  3. Turkey’s military carried out an operation in Syria overnight to evacuate soldiers guarding the tomb of Suleyman Shah, grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman Empire...

    Turkish officials say tanks and other heavy weaponry entered Syria through the border city of Kobani, which Syrian Kurdish fighters retook last month after fierce battles with the Islamic State.

    The officials say the mission was successful, with the troops brought back to Turkey. They note that one soldier was killed in an accident...................

  4. Турция провела военную операцию на территории Сирии...

    По ее информации, операция, осуществленная вооруженными силами совместно со спецслужбами, началась в субботу вечером и завершилась в воскресенье утром. В ней были задействованы 100 единиц бронетехники, боевая авиация и беспилотные летательные аппараты. В Турцию вернулись около 40 человек, защищавших святыню от боевиков группировки "Исламское государство", под контролем которых находится регион.

    Уходя, военнослужащие взорвали здание усыпальницы, чтобы предотвратить его захват экстремистами с последующим использованием в качестве своей базы. По данным газеты, в общей сложности оттуда было вывезено три ящика с экспонатами, представляющими историческую ценность. Святыню планируется воссоздать на новом месте, куда и будут доставлены спасенные артефакты...............

  5. Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Süleyman Şah Saygı Karakolu'nun tahliyesine ilişkin yazılı açıklama yaptı...

    Erdoğan yazılı açıklamasında, "Süleyman Şah Türbesi ve Saygı Karakolu'nun yeri, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin yaptığı başarılı bir operasyon neticesinde değiştirilmiş bulunmaktadır. Sevk ve idaresini bizzat takip ettiğim, Sayın Başbakanımızın ve Genel Kurmay Başkanımızın harekat merkezinden bizzat yürüttüğü bu operasyon, ecdadımızın bizlere emaneti olan Süleyman Şah Türbesi'ni, savaş şartlarının hakim olduğu Suriye'de daha güvenli bir mevkiye nakletmeyi amaçlamıştır" dedi.

  6. TSK’ya bağlı tankların ve kara unsurlarının katıldığı operasyonla türbedeki manevi emanetler ile Süleymah Şah Saygı Karakolu’nda görev yapan bordo bereli askerler ve Türkiye’ye getirildi...

    TSK'nın Süleyman Şah Türbesi'ne yönelik başarılı operasyonuyla Suriye'den Türkiye'ye getirilen manevi emanetler, yine Suriye topraklarında bulunan Eşme'de muhafaza edilecek.

    Dün gece 9.02'de başlatılan 2. operasyonla Suriye Eşmesi'ndeki bir bölge kontrol altına alındı ve Türk başrağı göndere çekildi......................

  7. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has congratulated both the government and the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) for their “successful” overnight “Şah Fırat” evacuation operation into neighboring Syria to evacuate troops guarding an Ottoman tomb and to move the crypt to a new location...

    “On behalf of myself and on behalf of my nation, I congratulate our government and our armed forces that carried out this successful operation which is beyond all kinds of appreciation,” Erdoğan said in a written statement released on Feb. 22.

    “All relics at The Tomb of Süleyman Şah and the Saygı Outpost and our soldiers who were performing their assignments there have been brought to our country safe and sound in the Şah Fırat operation which was carried out during the night,” Erdoğan said.

    “The operation has been completed successfully with our state’s decision and implementation,” the president said.....................

  8. The Turkish General Staff announced on Sunday that Turkey’s precious relics were transferred to a new location in Syria, over which theTurkish flag is flying, and that no Turkish forces, tanks or equipment were left behind...

    The Turkish General Staff press office released a statement after relocation the Tomb of Suleyman Shah to a new location and underlined that precious Turkish relics were not left behind.

    According to the statement, the Turkish armed forces secured a new area in Syria close to border, hoisted the Turkish flag and promised to protect the exclave.

    “Due to the security problems and military necessities in Syria, Turkey’s Tomb of Suleyman Shah and Turkey's exclave in Syria were relocated to a border village in Syria, Esmesi, without prejudice to our rights,” the statement said.

    “The new location where the tomb of Suleyman Shah was relocated is fully controlled by Turkish troops and our Turkish national flag was waved,” it said.

    The Turkish General Staff also confirmed that one Turkish soldier lost his life after an accident during the operation...........................


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