Sunday, July 12, 2015

Final decision on Greece due at EU summit on July 12 (Malta’s finance minister)

The meeting of the Eurogroup is over and the final decision on Greece will be adopted at the European Union summit on Sunday, Malta’s Finance Minister Edward Scicluna has said.

The minister said the sides had a substantive discussion and the leaders will make a decision "already today." The discussion will continue on Sunday at the ministerial level and at the level of heads of states, he added.

The meeting of the Eurogroup has ended with no decision on Greece and the finance ministers of the eurozone will gather Sunday morning ahead of the summit, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem has said.

The talks of 19 countries of the Eurogroup on Greece are tense and the problem of confidence and the issue of financial support remain, Dijsselbloem said after the meeting.

The sides have decided to continue the effort at 0900GMT on Sunday. The Eurogroup is due to announce its decision on Greece for the EU summit by 1300GMT.


  1. The finance ministers of eurozone countries will continue to discuss the Greek bailout programme on Sunday, Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said early Sunday after the group's 13-hour meeting...

    "We have had an in-depth discussion of the Greek proposals. The issue of credibility and trust was discussed, and also of course the financial issues involved," Dijsselbloem said at the exit doorstep.

    "It is still very difficult, but work is still in progress," he added.

    After months of tough negotiations, eurozone finance ministers gathered in Brussels on Saturday afternoon with expectations to seal a deal on Greece's bailout program, but doubts on Greece's implementation of the reform measures hiked.

    The crucial meeting was widely seen as a "decisive moment" for Greece's fate: either a bailout deal or Greece's exit from the European common currency zone.

    Without a debt deal in the coming hours, Greece faces a financial collapse and a Grexit. Greek banks have been closed for the past two weeks and are running out of cash while the country's economy is suffering from capital controls.

    Besides, Greece has been in arrears to the IMF since July 1 and faces a 3.5-billion-euro debt repayment to the ECB on July 20. (1 euro = 1.11 U.S. dollars)

  2. A eurozone summit has been put on hold to enable leaders to meet Greek PM Alexis Tsipras separately to agree to a debt rescue package...

    Mr Tsipras was shown meeting the German chancellor, the French president and the EU president as part of discussions over tough new proposals put forward by eurozone finance ministers.

    Chancellor Angela Merkel has ruled out "agreement at any price".

    Greece risks exiting from the eurozone if a bailout deal is not agreed.

    The document of proposals was put together by finance ministers after two days of intense negotiations, and include new conditions for Athens.

    Finnish Finance Minister Alex Stubb said one condition in the ministers' proposal requires Greece to implement new laws by Wednesday.

    Greece will also be required to introduce tough conditions on labour reform, VAT and taxes, and tough measures on privatisation and privatisation funds, Mr Stubb told reporters.

    The head of the Eurogroup of finance ministers, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, said a "couple of big issues" remain which would be left to the heads of government to rule on, though he did not give details......BBC

  3. Les chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement des dix-neuf pays membres de la zone euro ont pris le relais de leurs ministres des finances, pour une réunion que l'on annonce, comme toujours, décisive....

    Ils devront prendre position sur les très dures positions promues par l'Eurogroupe.

    A 18 heures, les discussions étaient d'ailleurs interrompues pour une série de longues consultations, dont un conclave entre Donald Tusk, président du Conseil, François Hollande, Angela Merkel et Alexis Tsipras. Donald Tusk a demandé la suspension de la séance plénière au profit de cette consultation quadripartite. Entre ces quatre paires d'yeux se jouera l'avenir de la Grèce dans la zone euro..................

  4. Leaders and finance ministers of the 19 members of the eurozone are meeting in Brussels Sunday for a summit as they seek to strike a last-ditch deal to keep Greece in the currency union....

    The leaders of the eurozone’s 19 members have begun talks in attempt to find a solution to the Greek crisis, with Athens on the verge of bankruptcy and negotiations for a new bailout deal stalling.
    A meeting of the leaders of all 28 EU members states scheduled for this afternoon that would have dealt with the fallout of a ‘Grexit’ was cancelled at the last moment by European Council President Donald Tusk to give eurozone leaders a last chance to strike a deal.
    Eurozone finance ministers resumed talks on Sunday morning over Greece’s application for a new bailout deal – which would be its third in five years – after discussions broke down on Saturday night.
    A draft statement issued by the finance ministers called on Greece to make significant economic reforms including to pensions, the labour market and privatisation before a new bailout could be considered.
    Finnish Finance Minister Alex Stubb said the Greek government would have until Wednesday to pass the reforms.
    Greece's parliament had already backed painful austerity measures Saturday in an effort to secure a bailout but left Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras facing a rebellion by some in his own party.............

  5. Grèce: "Il y a consensus sur 90%" d'un accord...

    Les ministres des Finances de la zone euro ont bouclé leur réunion dimanche vers 16h00 avec un "consensus sur 90%" des choses, a indiqué à la sortie le ministre belge Johan Van Overtveldt. Les dix pour cent restants sont laissés à l'arbitrage des chefs d'Etat et de gouvernement de la zone euro, qui se réunissent à partir de 16h00.

    Une discussion "très longue et par moment très difficile"

    "Il y avait unanimité au sein de l'Eurogroupe pour dire que les propositions grecques étaient vraiment insuffisantes pour assurer un rétablissement de l'économie grecque", a commenté Johan Van Overtveldt. "Nous avons développé une série d'éléments complémentaires qui étaient nécessaires pour rendre possible la reprise de la croissance." La discussion, qui s'est tenue sur deux jours (samedi pendant neuf heures et dimanche de 11h00 à 16h00) a été "très longue et par moment très difficile", a souligné le ministre.

    Les 10% restants devront "être tranchés par les chefs de gouvernement"

    "Il y a maintenant consensus sur 90%" de la discussion, les 10% restants devront "être tranchés par les chefs de gouvernement". Le ministre n'a pas souhaité préciser en quoi consiste ces 10% en souffrance. Les mesures complémentaires auxquelles le gouvernement grec s'engage devront être approuvées par le Parlement grec, a souligné le ministre...............

  6. The leaked proposal also suggests Greece hands over €50bn of “valuable Greek assets” over to eurozone authorities to be sold off over time!...

    That would kick in if Greece cannot deliver “a significantly speeded up” privatisation programme.

    It would be a remarkable loss of sovereignty, even for a country used to being overseen by officials from the IMF, ECB and EU for most of the last five years.


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