Saturday, July 4, 2015

Syrian army and Hezbollah launch major assault on border city

The Syrian army and its allied militia have launched a major assault on the rebel-held Syrian city of Zabadani, the Lebanese Shi'ite Hezbollah group's television station said on Saturday.

It said heavy artillery and aerial bombardment were being deployed to capture the city, located west of the Syrian capital near the frontier with Lebanon. 

An announcement of the start of a military campaign by the Syrian army and "resistance forces", a term used by the Lebanese group to describe Hezbollah's forces, had been expected in recent days.

The group that is fighting alongside the Syrian army in Syria against radical jihadists, has in recent months stepped up its assault on their outposts along the Qalamoun mountain region straddling the Lebanese Syrian border. by Reuters
  • Army Attacks Militants on Northeast Lebanon Border...
Lebanese Army thwarted at dawn Saturday an attempt by terrorists to infiltrate Lebanon's northeastern border, the state-run National News Agency reported.

Soldiers pounded what they believed were militant movements in the northeastern region of Wadi Rafeq, on the outskirts of al-Qaa, blocking an infiltration attempt, the NNA said.

The military also shelled the outskirts of Ras Baalbek and Arsal with heavy artillery after militants tried to infiltrate.

The Army recently deployed in some eastern border villages in a bid to repulse new possible attacks or infiltration attempts by armed groups.

1 comment:

  1. Syrie: le régime Assad perd un important centre militaire à Alep ....

    Une coalition de rebelles a réussi à prendre au régime syrien un centre militaire stratégique à Alep, un des plus importants changements intervenus sur le terrain en deux ans dans l'ancienne capitale économique de la Syrie.

    Alep est divisée depuis juillet 2012 entre secteurs aux mains des rebelles à l'est et quartiers contrôlés par le régime à l'ouest, et peu d'évolution a eu lieu depuis dans le rapport de forces.

    Mais jeudi soir, une nouvelle coalition de rebelles islamistes a lancé une offensive majeure sur le quartier de Zahra, aux mains du régime, et dès le lendemain une autre alliance, Fatah Halab (Conquête d'Alep), a fait de même dans un autre secteur loyaliste.

    Les combats qui ont suivi sont parmi les plus féroces ayant touché Alep depuis 2012, avec des centaines d'obus et roquettes tombés sur les quartiers des deux côtés de la


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