Saturday, September 19, 2015

Kerry: Syrian President Must Step Down

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must step down, but the timing of his departure has to be decided through negotiation.

Speaking in London after talks with British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond, Kerry urged Russia and Iran to use their influence in Syria to convince Assad to negotiate.

"We need to get to the negotiation," Kerry said. "That's what we're looking for, and we hope Russia and Iran and any other countries with influence will help to bring about that, because that's what is preventing this crisis from ending."...
  • Syria conflict: Kerry and Hammond seek negotiations...

US Secretary of State John Kerry has called for a renewed diplomatic effort to end the conflict in Syria.

Speaking after talks in London, he said what he described as Russia's new focus on fighting Islamic State militants could be an opportunity to push towards a political settlement.

He said this was all the more urgent as violence in Syria was the "root cause" of Europe's current migrant crisis.

The EU, which is divided on the issue, is to hold emergency talks next week.
Mr Kerry is on a European tour which is expected to be dominated by the Syrian conflict. 

After talks with his UK counterpart Philip Hammond on Saturday, he said they "agreed completely on the urgency of nations coming together in order to resolve this war that has gone on for much too long"....


  1. Nouveau cessez-le-feu dans trois localités syriennes....

    (Belga) Des groupes rebelles et des combattants du régime ont conclu dimanche un nouveau cessez-le-feu temporaire dans trois villes de Syrie, ont indiqué à l'AFP une ONG et un médiateur, après plusieurs jours d'intenses combats entre les deux parties.

    La trêve qui devait commencer en milieu de journée, concerne Zabadani, bastion rebelle près de Damas, et les villages chiites de Foua et Kafraya, les deux derniers îlots du régime syrien dans la province d'Idleb majoritairement contrôlée par les rebelles. Ces localités avaient connu un bref répit en août à la suite d'un cessez-le-feu prévoyant le retrait des rebelles de Zabadani en échange de l'évacuation des civils de Foua et Kafraya. Mais la trêve n'avait duré que 48

    1. Warring sides in Syria agree local ceasefire: monitor, al-Manar...

      Warring parties in Syria have agreed local ceasefires in two Shi'ite villages in northwestern Syria and a town near the Lebanese border, a group monitoring the war and the al-Manar TV station controlled by Lebanon's Hezbollah reported.

      It will be the third time local ceasefires have been agreed in those areas since August, and follows a renewed offensive by insurgents against the two villages - al-Foua and Kefraya - since Friday. Both previous ceasefires collapsed.

      The ceasefire was due to begin at 12 noon (0900 GMT), the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and al-Manar reported.

      Al Foua and Kefraya are being defended by pro-government militia supported by the Lebanese group Hezbollah. The border town included in the ceasefire - Zabadani - has meanwhile been targeted in a weeks-long offensive by the Syrian army and Hezbollah. They are seeking to capture it from rebels.

      Rebels said the rebel held town of Madaya, next to Zabadani which is also included in the ceasefire and where thousands of civilians have taken shelter, had witnessed heavy shelling overnight by the army in apparent retaliation against the offensive on the two Shi'ite


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