Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Germany Plans to Deport Failed Asylum Seekers Without Warning

The German government has prepared a new plan of deportation of those who are denied refugee and asylum status in Germany, local media reported Wednesday.

BERLIN (Sputnik) — Germany is among EU countries managing an escalating refugee crisis, as hundreds of thousands flee war-torn regions in the Middle East and North Africa, seeking refuge in the European Union. Many refugees head for Germany, one of the most prosperous states in the bloc.

The Federal Chancellery, responsible for dealing with refugees in Germany, held a conference call with representatives of the country's federal lands, and announced that deportations would be carried out at a faster pace than previously, and without warning, the German newspaper Bild reported.

According to the newspaper, the German government will explain the new processes with leaders of migrant countries of origin.

The newspaper specified that the government's new deportation plan will not affect refugees from Iraq and Syria.

In addition, the government plans to deport unsuccessful asylum seekers regardless of the season, a process not commonly used in Germany, previously avoiding deportations during the November-March period.

New processes come in the wake of some 9,500 daily migrant arrivals at the German border, and the inability of authorities to provide sufficient resources.

Not only civil airplanes, but military transport could be used to deport those whose asylum claims have been rejected, Bild reported.

Last month, Chancellor Angela Merkel said that migrants from countries not suffering internal conflict and crises should not attempt to seek asylum in Germany.



1 comment:

  1. L'Allemagne envisage d'expulser des migrants par avions militaires...

    Selon l'AFP, l'Allemagne envisage d'utiliser des avions militaires afin d'expulser les migrants ne répondant pas aux critères du statut de réfugié, a indiqué mercredi la ministre de la Défense, alors que le pays fait face à un afflux record.

    "L'utilisation (d'avions militaires) Transall n'est naturellement pas exclue", a déclaré Ursula von der Leyen, citée par son service de presse dans un communiqué.

    "Dans le cas où les capacités de transports civils seraient épuisées, et dans le mesure où cela ne pénalise pas les priorités d'engagement de la Bundeswehr (l'armée allemande, ndr), l'utilisation d'un appareil de transport de troupes entrerait en ligne de compte", a-t-elle ajouté.

    Avion de transport logistique et de fret, le Transall peut accueillir une soixantaine de passagers. Selon l'agence allemande DPA, la Bundeswehr dispose aussi de deux Airbus A310, configurés pour le transport de passagers et qui peuvent chacun accueillir environ 200 personnes.............Lire la suite:


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