Saturday, October 3, 2015

Medical workers die in Afghan city bomb attack. US forces may have been behind the attack.

An air strike on a hospital in the Afghan city of Kunduz today left three Doctors Without Borders staff dead and dozens more unaccounted for, the medical charity said.
NATO has conceded that US forces may have been behind the attack.

The MSF facility is seen as a key medical lifeline in the region and has been running "beyond capacity" in recent days of fighting that saw the Taliban seize control of the provincial capital for several days.

"At 2:10 am (20.40 GMT) local time... the MSF trauma centre in Kunduz was hit several times during sustained bombing and was very badly damaged," it said in a statement.

"Three MSF staff are confirmed dead and more than 30 are unaccounted for.

“The medical team is working around the clock to do everything possible for the safety of patients and hospital staff,” the statement said.

Kunduz has seen heavy fighting since Taliban insurgents stormed the provincial capital on Monday, the first major city to be captured by insurgents since 2001.

At the time of the bombing, 105 patients and their caregivers and more than 80 international and local MSF staff were in the hospital, the charity said.
  • "US forces conducted an air strike in Kunduz city at 2:15am (local time)... against individuals threatening the force," a NATO statement said.
  • "The strike may have resulted in collateral damage to a nearby medical facility. This incident is under investigation."

The MSF trauma centre in Kunduz is the only medical facility in the region that can deal with major injuries.

As fighting spreads in neighbouring Badakhshan, Takhar and Baghlan provinces, concerns are mounting that the seizure of Kunduz was merely the opening gambit in a new, bolder Taliban strategy to tighten the insurgency's grip across northern Afghanistan.

Afghan forces, backed by NATO special forces and US air strikes, have been going from house to house in Kunduz in a bid to flush out insurgents in the city.

The Taliban's offensive in Kunduz, their biggest tactical success since 2001, marks a major blow for Afghanistan's Western-trained forces, who have largely been fighting on their own since last December.

Civilian and military casualties caused by NATO forces have been one of the most contentious issues in the 14-year campaign against Taliban insurgents, provoking harsh public and government criticism.

In a statement, the Taliban accused "barbaric American forces" of deliberately carrying out today’s strike, which "killed and wounded tens of doctors, nurses and patients".

US-led NATO forces ended their combat mission in Afghanistan last December, though a 13,000-strong residual force remains for training and counter-terrorism operations.

But there has been an escalation in air strikes by NATO forces in recent months despite the drawdown.



  1. Une frappe aérienne américaine "pourrait avoir" touché le centre de soins de MSF dans la ville de Kunduz en Afghanistan dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi. Ce bombardement a entraîné la mort d'au moins trois membres du personnel de l'ONG...

    Le centre de soins de Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) à Kunduz, ville afghane reprise aux Taliban par l'armée, a été "fortement endommagé" dans la nuit du vendredi 2 octobre au samedi 3 octobre par un bombardement qui a tué au moins trois membres du personnel. Cet incident "pourrait" être la conséquance d'une frappe américaine, selon l'Otan.

    Plus de 30 membres du personnel sont également portés disparus à la suite de cette frappe, a précisé MSF samedi. Au moment du bombardement, 105 patients et 80 membres du personnel, des Afghans et des étrangers, étaient présents dans le centre de

  2. L'Otan a lancé une enquête sur le bombardement de l'hôpital de Médecins sans Frontières à Kunduz...

    Le centre de soins de MSF, situé à Kunduz, chef-lieu de la province homonyme dans le nord de l'Afghanistan, a été bombardé dans la nuit de vendredi à samedi 3 octobre.

    Les forces américaines ont mené une attaque aérienne sur la ville samedi, à 2h15, afin de soutenir l'armée afghane. Bien que rien n'ait été confirmé pour l'instant, on croit que les frappes US auraient touché l'hôpital de MSF. L'Otan dénombre au moins trois morts parmi le personnel du centre de soins. Plus de 30 médecins sont portés disparus......

  3. La OTAN admite que podría haber bombardeado un hospital en Kunduz...

    La Alianza del Atlántico Norte no descarta la posibilidad de que un hospital de Médicos Sin Fronteras (MSF) en la ciudad afgana de Kunduz haya podido ser atacada por aviones estadounidenses este sábado.

    "El ataque ha podido haber derivado en daños colaterales en un centro médico cercano. Este incidente está siendo investigado", señaló el portavoz de la misión de la OTAN, Brian Tribus.

    La OTAN ya había anunciado que las fuerzas aéreas estadounidenses estaban realizando un ataque a la misma hora, alrededor de las 2 de la mañana del sábado (hora local).

    "Estamos en estado de shock por el ataque, el asesinato de nuestro personal y de nuestros pacientes", dijo Bart Janssens, director de operaciones de MSF al comentar el bombardeo................


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