Friday, October 30, 2015

US to deploy special forces to Syria (advisory role)

The United States will deploy special forces to northern Syria in an advisory role, US officials said today, as major powers met in Vienna to find a political solution to the conflict.

US President Barack Obama "has authorised a small complement, fewer than 50", of US Special Operations Forces to deploy to northern Syria, where they will help coordinate local ground forces and coalition efforts to counter ISIL," said a senior administration official, referring to the so-called Islamic State group.

Talks over the Syrian conflict are taking place as 40 people were killed today when rockets fired by Syrian government forces crashed into a market in a rebel-held area outside Damascus, a monitor said.

Rami Abel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said: "There were 40 people killed and at least 100 wounded in the centre of Douma," a town in the eastern Ghouta suburb of the Syrian capital.

"There is still heavy fire now, with both rockets and mortars," he said, adding that the toll was expected to rise as people were still being pulled out of damaged buildings.

The key international players in the conflict remain bitterly divided over the question of President Bashar al-Assad and are meeting in Vienna to discuss the issue.

On one side, Russia and Iran are backing President Assad's forces on the ground and say Damascus must be helped to defeat "terrorism" before a political process can take shape.

On the other side, the US and its key regional allies Turkey and Saudi Arabia are supporting groups fighting President Assad and insist he must step down in favour of a unity government...



  1. Washington envoie 50 commandos en Syrie en qualité de conseillers...

    Les commandos aideront les "forces terrestres locales" à combattre les terroristes de l'Etat islamique (EI), a annoncé un représentant de l'administration présidentielle américaine.

    Il s'agit d'une décision sans précédent des Etats-Unis dont la participation à la lutte contre l'EI en Syrie s'est jusqu'ici limitée à l'opération aérienne.

    Le président américain Barack Obama a en outre autorisé le déploiement d'avions d'attaque A-10 et de chasseurs F-15 à la base aérienne turque d'Incirlik dans le cadre de l'opération anti-EI.

    Le gouvernement turc a mis la base d'Incirlik à la disposition de l'Armée de l'air des Etats-Unis et d'autres membres de la coalition anti-EI le 2 octobre 2014. Les chasseurs F-16 américains déployés à Incirlik ont porté leurs premières frappes contre l'EI en Syrie en août 2014.

  2. The United States will deploy additional special operations forces into Syria to advise and assist in the fight against the Islamic State, according to media reports on Friday...

    The administration of US President Barack Obama will deploy up to 50 commandos who will be stationed in northern Syria, US officials were quoted as saying by The Wall street Journal.

    Two small US teams will assess the security situation on the ground and coordinate with local Syrian forces in the country, the media outlet added.

    According to some reports, the increased US ground-support presence is part of preparations for a new military campaign against the Islamic State stronghold in Raqqa.

    Officials emphasized that the US presence will remain narrow in scope and not resemble the large-scale troop deployments of past US operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  3. U.S. to deploy small number of special forces to Syria in advisory role...

    U.S. President Barack Obama plans to deploy a small number of special operations forces to Syria to advise rebels Washington deems moderate, U.S. sources said on Friday, a step he has long resisted to avoid getting dragged into another war in the Middle East.

    Obama was expected to send fewer than 60 special operations troops, said congressional sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. One U.S. official said the number was likely to be in the range of 20 to 30 but could not provide details.

    U.S. officials stressed the forces were not meant to engage in front-line combat but rather to advise and assist moderate rebels. One official said their key role would be "logistical" to ensure that weapons and other supplies are delivered to the moderate forces whom the United States supports.

    The sources said the move, expected to be announced later on Friday, reflected a wider strategy of strengthening moderate rebels in Syria even as Washington intensifies its efforts to find a diplomatic solution to end to the four-and-a-half year Syrian civil war in which at least 200,000 people have

  4. US-Präsident Obama hat der Entsendung von Elitesoldaten nach Syrien zugestimmt, die bereits in den nächsten Tagen in die kurdisch kontrollierten Gebiete verlegt werden sollen....

    Die "weniger als 50" Soldaten sollen den Kampf gegen den "Islamischen Staat" unterstützen.

    Die USA entsenden Elitesoldaten nach Syrien. Präsident Barack Obama habe die Entsendung von US-Spezialkräften in den Norden Syriens genehmigt, erklärte ein Regierungsvertreter. Es handele sich um "weniger als 50" Elitesoldaten, die örtliche Kämpfer im Kampf gegen die Terrormiliz "Islamischer Staat" (IS) koordinieren sollten.

    Die TV-Sender CNN und NBC meldeten unter Berufung auf namentlich nicht genannte Regierungsvertreter, die Spezialeinheiten würden in den kommenden Tagen in den Norden des Landes in die kurdisch kontrollierten Gebiete nahe der türkischen Grenze geschickt.

    Das Weiße Haus teilte mit, der Auftrag der Spezialkräfte werde begrenzt sein und bedeute keine Änderung der Strategie von Präsident Obama zur Bekämpfung des IS. Es wird erwartet, dass Obama sich noch heute an die Nation wendet, um die Entsendung offiziell zu verkünden.

  5. A Syrian member of parliament says the United States decision to send troops into to Syria is an aggression because it does not have the government's agreement...

    Sharif Shehadeh told The Associated Press on Saturday that the troops will have no effect on the ground, but Washington wants to say that it is present in Syria..............The Associated Press


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