Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Turkey shoots down Russian fighter jet: Devious strike

N. Lygeros
Translated from the Greek by Angeliki Papadopoulou

This devious strike that was made against the russian aircraft, which was countering terrorists is indicative of the ottoman approaching to the problem. Again it was made from the back, at the time when Russia didn't expect it.

Because this is at least an act of accomplice of terrorism, if it is not an terroristic act. Furthermore, it is a practical manifestation of the actual turkish regime position, which for a long time is not hostile to the terrorists, while is officially declaring that they are fighting it, but also is buying petroleum from them in order to strengthen their finances.

 So in this sector and not only the religious, the turkish authorities are playing a double game and trying to place obstacles in the overall effort, while attempting to strike the Kurds too, in the guise of the official aid that they provide. So we all comprehend that not only we can't count on the turkish authorities in dealing with terrorists, but also it would be good for our own people to have a wariness with these, even at the time that they consider that they are at least neutral. 

The issue is simple, the barbarity can't hide even behind the typical. Because the will to destroy the Kurds is bigger than hypocrisy. The russian presence is annoying and the same will happen with the french due to the activation of the nuclear aircraft carrier. 

And this applies to the whole alliance with the american leadership. The turkish authorities are crowded and their nature appears again, which are trying to hide at least from all those that have geopolitical disadvantage.

1 comment:

  1. Ex-commandant de l'Otan: "J'ai toujours eu l'impression qu'Ankara soutenait l'EI"...

    Le pétrole que vend l'Etat islamique va sans doute en Turquie, mais les Turcs ne le reconnaîtront jamais, a déclaré l'ancien commandant des forces de l'Otan en Europe Wesley Clark.

    L'ancien commandant des forces de l'Otan en Europe Wesley Clark n'a pas exclu, dans une interview de la chaîne américaine CNN, la complicité de la Turquie dans le trafic de pétrole réalisé par le groupe terroriste Etat islamique.

    "Il faut être conscient que l'EI n'est pas qu'un groupe terroriste, c'est un groupe terroriste sunnite. Ce qui veut dire qu'il attaque les chiites et sert les intérêts de la Turquie et de l'Arabie saoudite, même s'il les menace", a indiqué le militaire.

    "J'ai toujours eu l'impression qu'Ankara soutenait l'EI d'une façon ou d'une autre", a confié Wesley Clark, avant d'ajouter que le pétrole que vend l'Etat islamique va sans doute en Turquie, mais que les Turcs ne le reconnaîtront jamais.

    "Le fait est que ni la Turquie, ni l'Arabie saoudite ne veulent qu'un "pont" soit créé par l'Iran, l'Irak, la Syrie et le Liban qui isolerait la Turquie et l'Arabie saoudite. Voilà le contexte stratégique de la situation", a ajouté le général à la retraite......Lire la suite:


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